
cuì lǜ
  • emerald green;jade green;bluish green;viridity
翠绿 [cuì lǜ]
  • [jade green] 像翡翠那样的绿色;青绿色

翠绿[cuì lǜ]
  1. 康奈利?吉穿着细条纹斗篷、罗兰礼帽、翠绿裤子等等。

    Cornelius Fudge wears a pinstriped cloak , a violet top hat , emerald green trousers , etc.

  2. 此外,爱好养花的老人,可在室内摆上几盆鲜花和翠绿的观叶植物或盆景等;

    But besides , enjoy supporting the multicolored old people , the several pot of fresh flower mixes interior pendulum into the emerald green foliage plant or potted landscape etc.

  3. 稻田像一片片翠绿的地毯。

    The paddy fields looked like carpets of fresh green .

  4. 环境大臣伊恩皮尔森(ianpearson)表示,英国人必须准备同他们的草坪说再见了,因为全球变暖正将翠绿的草地变成干燥的尘球。

    Ian Pearson , an environment minister , said Britons must prepare to bid farewell to their lawns , as global warming is turning verdant swards into dried-up dust-bowls .

  5. 与此同时,它也呈现出庄严肃穆之美,迈克尔·吉亚奇诺(MichaelGiacchino)充满野性而又微妙的配乐,以及迈克尔·赛瑞辛(MichaelSeresin)镜头中浓郁翠绿的阴影都为之增色。

    It also has a grave , brooding beauty , intensified by Michael Giacchino 's wild and subtle score and by the deep , verdant shadows of Michael Seresin 's cinematography .

  6. 方法:对7只黑毛狗用翠绿宝石激光脱毛,术后0.5h,2、3、5、10及30d分别取材,在光镜和透射电镜下观察皮肤标本。

    Methods : Seven healthy dogs with dark hair were treated for hair removal with the Alexandrite laser and skin biopsies were taken after 0.5 h , 2,3,5,10 , and 30 days . Specimens were examined with light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy .

  7. 方法使用翠绿宝石长脉冲激光(波长755nm,脉宽20ms,光斑直径10mm)对2240例患者进行脱毛治疗,治疗能量15~25J/cm2,两次治疗间隔1~4个月。

    Methods A total of 2 240 patients with unwanted hair were treated by long-pulsed Alexandrite laser ( wavelength : 755 nm , 20 msec pulsewidth , 10 mm spot size ) . Results We found that there was different percentage of depilation in different part .

  8. 研究结果表明,鲜毛豆在92~100℃的热水中烫漂80~100s,荚、粒色泽翠绿,脂肪氧化酶失活,口感好、无豆腥味。

    The results showed as follows : After the fresh vegetable soybean was heating in 92 ~ 100 ℃ water for 80 ~ 100 seconds , it kept pod and grain emerald green , lost fat oxidase activity , and tasted nicely with no bean smell .

  9. 翠绿亚胺碱的超快光克尔和光致吸收效应

    Ultrafast optical Kerr effect and optical induced absorption of emeraldine base

  10. 粉墙灰瓦,一个个四合院,掩映在翠绿之中。

    Courtyards with pink walls and gray bricks are among green .

  11. 树篱上长了了翠绿的新叶子。

    The first bright green leaves were unfolding in the hedge .

  12. 春天里树上的叶子是翠绿的。

    The leaves on the trees are bright green in spring .

  13. 草是翠绿的,花是芳香的。

    The grass is green and the flowers are sweet .

  14. 十堰市76:夏天的稻田看上去像一片翠绿的地毯。

    The rice fields look like carpets of fresh green in summer .

  15. 那座红色的小屋在翠绿的森林衬托下显得很美。

    The little red house looks so beautiful against the green woods .

  16. 装饰华丽的皇家陵墓散落在翠绿的山坡各处;

    the ornate royal tombs scattered across the verdant hills ;

  17. 他们降落的地方一片翠绿,十分诱人。

    The place where they landed was green and inviting .

  18. 她住在翠绿山丘上的老旧红磨坊里。

    She lived at the old red mill on the green hill .

  19. 尽是些美丽的枫树…形成一条条翠绿金黄的幽道。

    full of fine maples-long avenues of green and gold .

  20. 太阳暖呼呼,草地又无比的翠绿。

    The sun was shining , and the grass was very green .

  21. 青山不老翠绿着我们相知相伴的距离。

    Ever green mountains verdure the accompanying distance between us .

  22. 雨后草地更加翠绿。

    The grass is greener on the other side .

  23. 路两边都种上了翠绿的芒果树。

    Both sides of the road were planted with fresh green mango trees .

  24. 雪白的房屋舒适地筑在一片翠绿的草木中。

    Its snow-white houses nestle cosily in a sea of fresh green vegetation .

  25. 那翠绿的、艳红的、嫩黄色的羽毛闪闪发光。

    The , the ruby , and the topaz gleam upon its dress .

  26. 这就是蒙大拿地区典型的夏日景色,层峦叠嶂,一片翠绿。

    This view is typical of a Montana Summer , green and mountainous .

  27. 翠绿的湿地在烈日下曝晒干缩成锯齿般干土景观。

    The lush wetland shrivels to a jig-saw landscape of dried sun-baked mud .

  28. 而他的身体就像翠绿平原上的小树。

    And his body was like a young tree in a green field .

  29. 翠绿宝石长脉冲激光脱毛118例疗效的初步观察

    Preliminary report on 118 cases of hair removal by long pulsed Alexandrite laser

  30. 几棵翠绿的枝条无规律地长在周围。

    A few green branches reached down a little disorderly at the side .