
  1. 高新区发展的阶段划分及其发展对策研究&以河南省高新区为例

    Study on Division of Stages of High-tech Zone and Developing Countermeasures

  2. 铁路运输装备高新技术发展的政策建设

    Suggestions on the Development Policy for High-tech of Railway Transportation Equipment

  3. 国家高新区发展实证研究与比较分析

    Empirical Research on the State - Class high - Tech Industrial Zone

  4. 高新区发展理论探析

    An analysis on development theory of high and new technology industrial zone

  5. 河南省高新区发展问题及其对策研究

    Study on the Problems and Countermeasures of High-tech Zones in Henan Province

  6. 建设传感器基地加快高新产业发展

    Build the Sensor Base and Accelerate the Development of New High-tech Industry

  7. 军事仓储高新技术发展战略思考

    The development strategies of new technology of military material storage

  8. 风险投资是推动高新产业发展的主要力量。

    Venture capital is the main power to pull the high-technology industry going .

  9. 高新技术发展中政府管理功能强化的思考

    Reflection on Strengthen Governmental Function in Administrating High-tech Industry

  10. 河南省高新区发展的区域分析

    Region Analysis of the Development of the High-tech Industrial Zones of Henan Province

  11. 论在国家级高新区发展循环经济的重要性

    Probe into the Importance of Developing Circulation Economy in National High-Tech Industrial Development Zones

  12. 用高新技术发展传统工业&第五届亚洲铸造会议

    Developing Traditional Industry by High and New Technology

  13. 采用专家调查法,研究了河北省农业高新技术发展的优先领域和优先项目。

    Priority areas and projects for agriculture high technology development in Hebei Province were studied .

  14. 高新技术发展的速度、规模和水平将主导着社会经济形态的变化进程。

    The high-tech development speed , the scale and the level will dominate the process of social-economic formation .

  15. 生态化高科技园区将是高新区发展的第三代工业园区的主要发展模式。

    Ecologization oriented high tech zones will be the main development mode of third generation high tech development zones .

  16. 从现代化工和高新技术发展的需求出发,论述了化工分离技术的重要性、多样性和复杂性。

    The importance , complexity and recent advances of separation technology are reviewed according to the demand of modern chemical engineering and Hi Tech.

  17. 体制创新和高新区发展是目的和手段的关系,两者存在辩证的互动机制,体制创新能够给高新区发展提供制度上的保障;

    Institutional innovation and high-tech zones development have a kind of purpose and means relationship : institutional innovation is able to provide high-tech development zone system security ;

  18. 虽然高新技术发展日新月异,但是目前基本检查(视诊、触诊、叩诊、听诊、嗅诊)仍很重要。

    Although the high-new technology development is very quickly , the basic examination ( inspection , palpation 、 percussion , auscultation , olfactory examination ) itself remains important .

  19. 在此基础上提出了高新区发展的五元互动理论,进一步发展了该理论体系,以期为我国高科技园区进一步发展提供理论帮助。

    To prompt the system and give a help for advanced development of high and new technology industrial zone , it puts forward a interaction theory of five factors creatively .

  20. 我国西部地区由于自然条件较差,工业和高新技术发展缓慢,支柱产业主要以农业为主,这些客观因素一直制约着西部省区的经济发展。

    In terms of industry and high-tech , China 's western region is underdeveloped with agriculture as its pillar industry due to the poor natural conditions and scarce mineral resources .

  21. 综述了现代国内外电梯控制系统的发展趋势与控制对策,指出这种趋势代表了自动化高新技术发展的重要标志。

    This paper summarizes tendencies and control strategies of modern elevator control system at home and abroad , and indicates that the tendencies mark a new high technology development on automation .

  22. 中关村对硅谷模式这种先进的高新产业发展模式的模仿与探索、创新经验,对后发国家选择适合自身国情的高新技术产业发展路径具有一定的启发意义。

    The experiences of Zhongguancun to promote high-tech industry according to the " Silicon Valley model " have inspired meanings to other developing countries to choose their paths of high-tech industrial development .

  23. 鉴于国际经济发展趋势,本文从高新技术发展概况着手,具体地分析了我国高新技术产业在发展中存在的问题。

    In view of the international economic developing trend , the article gives a concrete analysis of the problems in the development of our high and new tech industry from its general conditions .

  24. 根据美国高新技术发展情况,论文对纳斯达克市场指数与风险投资金额、风险企业交易数量、风险企业融资金额的关系进行了实证研究。

    According to the Hi-tech development in USA , the relations between NASDAQ market index and venture investment amount , the deals amount and financing amount of venture corporation are demonstrated in the paper .

  25. 但因起步条件、区域经济基础以及国家整体政策等因素的影响,我国的高新区发展存在着区域的不平衡性。

    However , due to the effects of initial conditions , regional economic base and the overall national policy , the development of High-tech Industrial Development Zone in China has the feature of regional imbalance .

  26. 以各国风险投资的发展与高新技术发展的相关关系为例,指出风险投资的特点较好地促进了高新技术发展及产业化过程。

    Taking the correlation relationship between the development of risky investment and the advancement of high technology in different countries as example , risky investment has promoted the development and industrialization of high technology largely .

  27. 第七部分对全文内容进行总结,对建设创新型科技园区进行了深入思考,提出了佛山高新区发展建设的具体路径选择。

    The seventh part is the conclusion to the overall contents , conducting a deep thinking for the establishment of innovative science and technology parks , proposing detailed path choices for developing and establishing Foshan Hi-tech Zone .

  28. 无论是在风险资本的退出,还是在中小企业融资以及高新技术发展等方面,创业板市场都将发挥传统主板证券市场无法起到的作用。

    The growth enterprise market will exert positive influence on the quit of risk market , financing of medium and small businesses , and development of high new technology , which can 't be achieved by traditional main board market .

  29. 先进燃气轮机技术是21世纪能源与动力系统的核心关键技术,对于我国相关领域中的高新技术发展和移植有着极其重大的作用。

    Advanced gas turbine technology will become the kernel and key technology of energy resources and power system in 21 century . Energy technology will also enormously promote the development and translation of high and new technologies in correlative field .

  30. 要发挥地方本科院校在区域高职教育发展中的作用,就必须发挥人才和条件优势,实现资源充分共享,使之成为区域经济和高新技术发展的人才库和孵化器;

    To make full use of local universities to develop regional vocational education , we should take advantage of numerous talents and favorable conditions to realize share of resources , making them the talent banks and hatchibators of the development of regional economy and new high technology .