
Study on Division of Stages of High-tech Zone and Developing Countermeasures
Suggestions on the Development Policy for High-tech of Railway Transportation Equipment
Empirical Research on the State - Class high - Tech Industrial Zone
An analysis on development theory of high and new technology industrial zone
Study on the Problems and Countermeasures of High-tech Zones in Henan Province
Build the Sensor Base and Accelerate the Development of New High-tech Industry
The development strategies of new technology of military material storage
Venture capital is the main power to pull the high-technology industry going .
Reflection on Strengthen Governmental Function in Administrating High-tech Industry
Region Analysis of the Development of the High-tech Industrial Zones of Henan Province
Probe into the Importance of Developing Circulation Economy in National High-Tech Industrial Development Zones
Developing Traditional Industry by High and New Technology
Priority areas and projects for agriculture high technology development in Hebei Province were studied .
The high-tech development speed , the scale and the level will dominate the process of social-economic formation .
Ecologization oriented high tech zones will be the main development mode of third generation high tech development zones .
The importance , complexity and recent advances of separation technology are reviewed according to the demand of modern chemical engineering and Hi Tech.
Institutional innovation and high-tech zones development have a kind of purpose and means relationship : institutional innovation is able to provide high-tech development zone system security ;
Although the high-new technology development is very quickly , the basic examination ( inspection , palpation 、 percussion , auscultation , olfactory examination ) itself remains important .
To prompt the system and give a help for advanced development of high and new technology industrial zone , it puts forward a interaction theory of five factors creatively .
In terms of industry and high-tech , China 's western region is underdeveloped with agriculture as its pillar industry due to the poor natural conditions and scarce mineral resources .
This paper summarizes tendencies and control strategies of modern elevator control system at home and abroad , and indicates that the tendencies mark a new high technology development on automation .
The experiences of Zhongguancun to promote high-tech industry according to the " Silicon Valley model " have inspired meanings to other developing countries to choose their paths of high-tech industrial development .
In view of the international economic developing trend , the article gives a concrete analysis of the problems in the development of our high and new tech industry from its general conditions .
According to the Hi-tech development in USA , the relations between NASDAQ market index and venture investment amount , the deals amount and financing amount of venture corporation are demonstrated in the paper .
However , due to the effects of initial conditions , regional economic base and the overall national policy , the development of High-tech Industrial Development Zone in China has the feature of regional imbalance .
Taking the correlation relationship between the development of risky investment and the advancement of high technology in different countries as example , risky investment has promoted the development and industrialization of high technology largely .
The seventh part is the conclusion to the overall contents , conducting a deep thinking for the establishment of innovative science and technology parks , proposing detailed path choices for developing and establishing Foshan Hi-tech Zone .
The growth enterprise market will exert positive influence on the quit of risk market , financing of medium and small businesses , and development of high new technology , which can 't be achieved by traditional main board market .
Advanced gas turbine technology will become the kernel and key technology of energy resources and power system in 21 century . Energy technology will also enormously promote the development and translation of high and new technologies in correlative field .
To make full use of local universities to develop regional vocational education , we should take advantage of numerous talents and favorable conditions to realize share of resources , making them the talent banks and hatchibators of the development of regional economy and new high technology .