
gāo shòu
  • longevity;long life;May I ask your venerable age
高寿 [gāo shòu]
  • (1) [long life;longevity]∶长寿,年纪很大

  • 然自古人君起自外藩,入继大统,而能尽宫庭之孝,未有若帝;其间父子怡愉,同享高寿,亦无有及之者。--《宋史.孝宗纪赞》

  • (2) [May I ask your venerable age]∶敬辞,用于问老人的年纪

  • 老大爷高寿啦?

高寿[gāo shòu]
  1. 它反映了金人追崇欧阳修和企盼长命高寿文化心理的广为流行。

    It embodies the popularity of cultural psychology of veneration for Ouyang Xiu , anticipation for longevity in the Kin Dynasty as well .

  2. 道自恒古以来就存在,他也不自认为高寿。

    It has been existed eternally but it doesn 't think itself long life .

  3. 玛蒂尔达1046年出生在意大利北部,据信享有高寿。

    Matilda was born in northern Italy in 1046 and apparently lived to a ripe old age

  4. 我们敬贺他高寿。

    We congratulated him upon his attainment to so great an age .

  5. 我们祝贺她高寿。

    We congratulated her upon her attainment to so great an age .

  6. 现款的本田雅阁(Accord)是2008年中期投放市场的,以轿车的年龄来算,它现在也算高寿了。

    The current Accord has been on the market since mid-2008 , making it pretty old in car years .

  7. 高寿命弥散型透气砖的研制及应用

    Development and application of dispersive gas-permeable brick with long working life

  8. 他刚满高寿95岁。

    He 's just reached the grand old age of95 .

  9. 90岁以上高寿老人的手术麻醉方法与管理

    Study of anesthesia for the elderly patients aged 90 years or older

  10. 高精度高寿命锥齿轮锻件切边模

    The Trimming Die for High - Precision and Long-Life Bevel Gear Forgings

  11. 英国最高寿的男子在他110岁的时候于昨天第一次来到了伦敦。

    Britain 's oldest man made his first visit to London yesterday at the age of110 .

  12. 高寿命水雾化喷头的制作

    Water Atomizing Nozzles Manufacturing

  13. 再过两个月,他们俩都将迎来90岁高寿,而且还兼着职。

    They are both going to be ninety in the next two months , and still work part time .

  14. 吉尼斯世界纪录宣布,这只玳瑁色的宠物猫自从1990年2月出生以来,现今已达24岁猫龄,这相当于人类114岁高寿。

    Guinness World Records announced that the tortoiseshell pet has clocked up 114 cat years since her birth in February 1990 .

  15. 由于液体静压导轨具有高精度、高刚度、高寿命等优点,因此广泛应用于数控机床领域。

    With advantages of high accuracy and large rigidity as well as low attrition , the hydrostatic slider is widely used in the field of CNC machine tools .

  16. 它是全世界最高寿的猫,以猫的年龄换算他已经121岁了,然而它却证明了一件事:想要掌握社交网络,永远都不晚。

    He might be almost 121 in cat years , but the world 's oldest moggy has proved its never too late to get to grips with social media .

  17. 接着,争强好胜的念头突然闪过,正是这种竞争精神,使索罗斯热衷于滑雪、打网球、下国际象棋。索罗斯问道:“你高寿?”

    Then , in a flash of the competitive spirit that makes Soros an avid skier and player of tennis and chess , Soros asked : " and how old are you ? "

  18. 多丽丝·莱辛,素有文坛老祖母之称,是一位具有世界声望的当代杰出女作家,继伍尔夫之后英国最重要的女作家,也是史上诺贝尔文学奖最高寿的获奖者。

    Doris Lessing , who was granted as the forerunner of literature , is the most important contemporary English women writer after Woolf , and also the oldest winner of Nobel Prize for Literature .

  19. 粉丝们每天都查看@oldestlivingcat这个账号的更新信息,追踪这只高寿猫咪的最新动态,它已经被载入世界最长寿猫的世界纪录,并且仍保持着非常好的健康状态。

    Fans log on daily to @ oldestlivingcat to keep up-to-date with the elderly animal , who holds the Guinness World Records title for the oldest living cat and is still in remarkable good health .

  20. 应照上主你的天主吩咐你的,孝敬你的父母,好使你能享高寿,并在上主你的天主赐给你的土地内,获享幸福。

    Honour thy father and mother , as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee , that thou mayst live a long time , and it may be well with thee in the land , which the Lord thy God will give thee .

  21. 1929年,在他五十寿辰的时候,人们在柏林举行大的庆祝会。这辆车久历风尘,该庆古稀高寿,可是抗战时期,未便退休。

    In 1929 a great celebration was held on his fiftieth birthday in Berlin . After a long , hard life on the road , this bus should have been celebrating its golden anniversary , but it obviously could not retire during the War of Resistance .

  22. 究其原因,是半导体激光二极管技艺的成熟,它具有高稳性、高效率、高寿命等一系列优良品质,同时成本的大大降低也促进了其市场蓬勃发展。

    The reason was that the technology of the laser diode become more reliable , and LD has many good properties such as high stability , high efficiency and high life . In the meantime , the reduction of cost gives an impetus to markets to develop vigorously .