
lǎo mài
  • senile;aged;in one's dotage
老迈 [lǎo mài]
  • [aged;senile] 年老体弱(常含衰老意)

  1. 旧金山——苹果(Apple)的iTunes越来越老迈。

    SAN FRANCISCO - Apple 's iTunes has grown stale .

  2. AO加压接骨板治疗肱骨干骨折不愈合她朝那个对她大声说话的嗓门低下老迈低头,他是她的接骨师和药师;

    AO COMPRESSION SETTING PLATE TREATING NONUNION OF HUMOR SHAFT FRACTURE She bows her old head to a voice that speaks to her loudly , her bonesetter , her medicineman ;

  3. 老迈的动作明星施瓦辛格(ArnoldSchwarzenegger)和史泰龙(SylvesterStallone)首次联合出演一部影片,但显然已经太迟,无法让观众兴奋起来。

    Aging action stars Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone co-starred in a movie for the first time , but it was apparently too late to get audiences excited .

  4. 将总结我的账,宽恕我的老迈。

    Shall sum my count , and make my old excuse .

  5. 这样,约伯年纪老迈,日子满足而死。

    So Job died , being old and full of days .

  6. 在“老迈”的24岁找个男人嫁了

    and I got married at the nearly decrepit age of 24

  7. 这些大亨们老迈的年龄可能也正成为对他们不利的因素。

    Their own advanced ages may also be working against them .

  8. 由于忽必烈逐渐老迈,他们担心自己的安危。

    As Kublai Khan grew older , they feared for their safety .

  9. 虽然我已老迈高龄,却漂泊在荒郊野岭

    Though I am old with wandering through hollow lands and hilly lands

  10. 那天我还告诉她我感到自己如此老迈无用。

    I told her I was feeling pretty old and useless that day .

  11. 他一把把地拉着,两条老迈的腿儿和肩膀跟着转动。

    His old legs and shoulders pivoted with the swinging of the pulling .

  12. 他渐渐愈发老迈,打不动网球了。

    He is getting too old to play tennis .

  13. 如同她那老迈而枯萎的血脉,

    As if her veins were sapless and old ,

  14. 他饰演一个男人年轻到老迈的生命过程。

    He portrayed the life of a man from youth through old age .

  15. 他渐渐在远离白昼,如老迈之人,

    Like feeble age he reeleth from the day ,

  16. 撒母耳年纪老迈、就立他儿子作以色列的士师。

    When Samuel grew old , he appointed his sons as judges for israel .

  17. 她太老迈无用了。

    She is too old to be effective .

  18. 我已经老了,我的妻子也年纪老迈了。

    I am an old man and my wife is well along in years .

  19. 尽管太阳王已经日显老迈,波旁王朝的根基仍然坚固。

    The French Bourbon dynasty is strong , even though Louis XIV is aging .

  20. 由于老迈,她的嘴唇往下挂了。

    Her lip grew pendulous as she aged .

  21. 二姑姑多年不见,显见得老迈了。

    I hadn 't seen Second Aunt for many years and found her much aged .

  22. 我看到我死时的样子我老迈摔跤而死

    I saw how I was gonna die . I was old and I fell .

  23. 当女人年纪老迈而至对男人失去魅力之时,她就会转而求助于上帝。

    When a woman gets too old to be attractive to man she turns to God .

  24. 一对老迈的夫妇离开他们居住的小镇尾道去探望他们的儿孙。

    An elderly couple leave the tiny town of Onomichi to visit their children and grandchildren .

  25. 我们这里有白发的、年纪老迈的、你父亲还老。

    The gray-haired and the aged are on our side , men even older than your father .

  26. 他觉得自己非常老迈了&比这批无忧无虑逍遥自在的往日的游伴老了许多个世纪。

    He felt very old-centuries older than those careless , care-free young companions of his others days .

  27. 亚希雅因年纪老迈,眼目发直,不能看见。

    But Ahijah could not see ; for his eyes were set by reason of his age .

  28. 那些老迈的政客们积习难改,无法了解这些新观念的重要性。

    The older politicians are too set in their ways to understand the importance of these new ideas .

  29. 当时已年纪老迈的保罗,只渴望提摩太这位年轻人陪伴他走完人生的路程。

    The older man was longing for the company of his young friend as the end drew near .

  30. 老迈的医生苦苦地挣扎着,想把孩子带回家,可他已经精疲力尽了。

    The old doctor in secret struggled to bring back his son , yet he himself was exhausted .