
  1. 我国西北高原盆地全新世沉积与环境变迁

    The Deposits and Environmental Changes of Holocene in the Plateaus and Basins of Northwest China

  2. 某高原盆地的油气资源量较为丰富,可找到大型油气田。

    The quantity of oil and gas resources in a certain plateau is abundant and it is likely that large oil and gas fields may be found in the plateau basin .

  3. 研究证明使用GIS空间分析技术可以很好的揭示出西北高原典型盆地地貌型城市大气污染物空间扩散与分布的特征。

    The study proved that spatial analyzing technology can be nice to display dispersed and distributed characteristic of pollutants in the city located in plateau of typical basin landform .

  4. 蒙新高原盐湖盆地环境的变迁形式

    Changes Shape of The Salt Lakes Basin Environment in Neimenggu-Xinjiang Plateau

  5. 中国的这一部分有许多山脉,一座又一座绵亘千里,由西向东伸展,把土地分隔成一个个山峦环抱的高原和盆地,其中河流一向不通大海。

    This other China has many mountain ranges , thousand kilometre long chains stretching from west to east dividing the land into enclosed plateaus and basins whose rivers never reach any sea .

  6. 玛雅地处美洲中部的热带雨林气候区,火山、高原、盆地、峡谷、平原、茂密植被覆盖下的喀斯特瘠薄土层,构成了该地区人类生存的贵州师范大学硕士学位论文环境本底;

    Maya lies in the center of America , which is typical tropics rainy forest climate , the background of human living environment is composed of poor soil covered by volcano , plateau , basin , canyon , plain , and thick vegetation .

  7. 青藏高原三叠纪沉积盆地与古生物特征

    Triassic sedimentary basins and paleontological features on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

  8. 青藏高原通天河盆地的多年冻土分布特征及其融区的发展趋势

    The Distribution Characteristic of Permafrost of Tongtian River Basin on Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and Its Growth Tendency in Melting Area

  9. 均处断陷盆地或高原山间沉积盆地,有深大断裂发育控制;

    Locate in fault basin or sediment basin among plateaus , have deep and great rupture developing and controlling ;

  10. 高原东侧川渝盆地降水与水资源特征及变化

    The Characteristics and Variation of Precipitation and Water Resource of Sichuan and Chongqing Basin on the Eastern Side of the Plateau

  11. 泸定县地处川西高原与四川盆地过渡地带,属于高山峡谷地貌,生态环境脆弱,一旦破坏将很难恢复。

    LuDing County , which is located in the transition zone between western Sichuan plateau and Sichuan Basin , belongs to high canyon landscape .

  12. 目的比较青南高原与柴达木盆地两地细粒棘球绦虫成虫形态学特征,为虫株研究提供依据。

    Objective To compare morphological characteristics of Echinococcus granulosus from Southern Qinghai Plateau and Chaidamu Basin , and to provide basic data for strains research .

  13. 对陕北高原、关中盆地、陕南山地三大地区1986-2002年的生态足迹动态变化进行了计算。

    The paper selected Shaanxi Province for research , calculating ecological footprints from 1986 to 2002 of north of Shaanxi Province , Guan zhong , south of Shaanxi Province .

  14. 鄂尔多斯沙漠高原位于鄂尔多斯盆地北部,幅员辽阔,资源丰富,是21世纪我国实施西部大开发的能源化工基地。

    Ardos desert plateau , with vast territory and abundant resource , lies in the northern of Ardos basin , which is energy and chemical industry base of West Development of 21st century .

  15. 湘西西接云贵、东连洞庭、北靠长江,南通沅水,是中原地区通往云贵高原以及四川盆地的重要过境通道。

    Xiangxi , bordered on the west by Yunnan and Guizhou , east by Dongting Lake , north by Yangtze River , and south by Yuanjiang River , is an important cross-border link between the Central China to Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and Sichuan Basin .

  16. 贵州高原分散小型红色盆地堆积物的划分与对比

    Stratigraphical division and correlation of the red beds in small basins dispersed on the Guizhou Plateau

  17. 中国的不少山地、高原、丘陵和盆地是不适宜人居住的。

    Many of the mountain , plateau , hilly and basin areas are unsuited for living .

  18. 鉴于目前对位于青藏高原上的沱沱河盆地研究不多,作者试用碳氧同位素比值的方法研究该地区新生代的始新世到中中新世这一时段内的气候环境变化情况。

    In fact , the Tuotuo River basin has been researched little , so the authors try to study its climate change from Eocene to Miocene by carbon and oxygen isotopes .

  19. 窑洞主要分布于中国西北部、黄河中上游黄土高原以及山间黄土盆地两大地貌区,地跨甘肃、陕西、山西、河南、河北等省。

    Mainly distributed in caves , the Yellow River in northwestern loess plateau and upper-middle loess basin area , ground across gansu , shaanxi , shanxi , henan , hebei province .

  20. 自然界最个性的山峰、高原、沙漠、盆地、绿洲和内陆河不约而同地汇集在一起,像是一个别出心裁精心设计的美好组合。

    It is a coincidence that the characteristic peak , plateau , desert , basin , oasis and inland river in nature gather together , which is like a pleasant combination that is original and well-designed .