
  1. 结论60Co照射消毒和高压蒸汽消毒都可以使藻酸盐溶胶pH值下降,使用前应作pH值调整;

    CONCLUSION : Both sterilization methods and way of 60Co radiation can cause the decrease in the pH of alginate solution and pH regulation is necessary before usage .

  2. 高压蒸汽消毒器用调功定时器的研制

    The researching and making about regulating power timer of pressure steam disinfecting apparatus

  3. 手提式高压蒸汽消毒器

    High pressure steam sterilizer of portable type engraving tool , electric , hand-held

  4. 医疗垃圾高压蒸汽消毒器设计

    Design of autoclave for disposal of medical waste

  5. 医疗垃圾高压蒸汽消毒法是一种以饱和蒸汽或过热蒸汽为工质的二次污染物少、简便有效、投资省、运行费用低的处理方法。

    Disposal of it by autoclave is simple and effective with low investment , low run cost and little secondary pollution . The work medium used by this disposal method is saturated or superheated steam .

  6. 分析了广东省江门市医疗垃圾的产生和分布状况,从实际情况出发提出了江门市处理医疗垃圾采用集中焚烧与部分区域高压蒸汽消毒粉碎相结合的处理模式。

    Medical waste production and distribution status in Jiangmen city of Guangdong province were analyzed . Combining practical situation of Jiangmen city , the disposal model of centralized incineration and disinfection , shatter with high pressure steam in some areas were put forward .

  7. *该系列灭菌器可选配电热蒸汽发生器,靠电热管将水加热产生高压蒸汽用于消毒灭菌。

    The small sized sterilizer could adopt the electric steam generator , the water is heated by ele-ctric heating parts to steam .