
  • 网络Skeletal Point
  1. 研究了在高温下金属材料多轴蠕变的骨点应力(SkeletalPointStress)以及断裂时间与单轴蠕变的关系。

    The skeletal point stress and the relationship between the rupture time of multiaxial creep and uniaxial creep were investigated based under high temperature .

  2. 股骨整体骨三点弯曲弹性模量减小23.27%,而破坏荷载和极限强度则无明显变化(P>0.05);

    The elastic modulus of three point bending of femora decreased by 23.27 % and the others had no significant difference ( P > 0.05 ) ;

  3. 目的:强直性脊柱炎(ankylosingspondylitis,AS)是一种以中轴关节和肌腱、韧带、骨附着点的慢性炎症为主,原因不明的全身性疾病。

    Purpose : Ankylosing Spondylitis ( AS ) mainly onsets with symptoms of chronic inflammation on pivotal joint , tendon , ligament and the bone adhesive point , which is a disease with unidentified reason affecting whole body .

  4. 嵌压固定法重建交叉韧带肌腱结部分腱骨止点的组织学实验

    Histological study of press-fitted tendon-knot insertion

  5. 病变部位主要见于中轴关节的滑膜、关节囊、肌键和韧带的骨附着点。

    The inflammation is mainly found in the synovium of axial joint , joint capsule , tendon and ligaments attach to the bone .

  6. 临床表现为腰骶部酸痛、外周关节肿痛、肌踺韧带骨附着点痛、胸廓扩张度<2.5cm等,以腰骶部疼痛为首发症状29例(60%);

    The clinical symptoms were lumbosacral pain , peripheral articular pain , pain of tendon and ligamentous bone on insertion site , ecstatic degree of thorax < 2.5 cm and so on .

  7. 强直性脊柱炎(AS)是一种以中轴关节和肌腱韧带骨附着点的慢性炎症为主的全身性疾病,发病率极低,临床上极易误诊为其他疾病。

    Ankylosing Spondylitis ( AS ) is a kind of systemic disease mainly with chronic inflammation of middle axle joint and the bony attachment point of tendon and ligament , with very low incidence , easily diagnosed as other diseases by mistake in clinic .

  8. 目的:在关节镜下前交叉韧带(ACL)重建手术中,骨隧道止点定位被认为是对临床结果产生影响的关键步骤。

    Objective To compare the clinical outcome of different time of operation of reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament ( ACL ) and combined intraarticular injuries .

  9. 右下角为放大的止点照片,分别标记了ACL、AM和PL止点的纵轴长度、宽度、骨道中心点及范围。

    In right enlarged picture , the length and width of major axis , center and range of tunnel of ACL , AM and PL were indicated .

  10. 事实上,我只比皮包骨强一点而已。

    But in fact , I am only a little larger than skinny .

  11. 目的建立一套颅面部三维重建影像部分骨组织标志点的三维定位标准。

    Objective We raised a location standard of 25 skeletal Landmarks on three-dimensional Reconstructive Images in facial asymmetry .

  12. 研究背景:骨腱连接点损伤是骨科以及运动医学领域常见的损伤,多发部位包括前交叉韧带、髌腱、肩袖止点、跖肌腱和跟腱等部位。

    BACKGROUND : Bone-tendon junction injury is not uncommon in clinic of Orthopaedics and Sports medicine and many tendons and ligaments are involved , such as Anterior cruciate ligament , Patellar tendon , Rotator cuff insertion , Plantaris muscle tendon and Achilles tendon .

  13. 流体切应力调控成骨细胞周期G1/S点机制的实验研究

    Fluid Stress Uses Multiple Mechanisms to Enhance the Cell Cycle Progression of Osteoblastic Cells from G1 to S Phase

  14. 自体半腱肌腱重建兔前交叉韧带腱骨愈合和止点形成实验研究

    Experimental Study on Tendon-bone Healing and Insertion Formation in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Using Semitendinosus Tendon Autograft in a Rabbit Model

  15. 从生理角度来说,人在30岁左右,体内骨峰值达到最高点,以后骨量逐渐减少。

    From the physical point of view , in the30-year-old , the highest peak bone in the body , after a gradual reduction in bone mass .

  16. 嘿,给他们尝一口那个,那会让他们的“脊梁骨更硬一点”;不过,可能他们早饭就把脊骨吃下肚了

    Give them a taste of it , I say . It 'll put a bit of backbone in them – if they haven 't already had that for breakfast

  17. 他是个戴眼镜的男孩,黑头发,瘦得象皮包骨,表情有点痛苦,身高长得很快,虽然苗条,但有点不健康。

    He was a skinny , black-haired , bespectacled boy who had the pinched , slightly unhealthy look of someone who has grown a lot in a short space of time .

  18. 结果:1.大体观察可见石膏外固定组骨&肌腱连接点处组织水肿及粘连较轻,愈合较早。

    The results were analyzed with statistics . Results : The tissue edema and adhesion at bone-tendon junction of external plaster fixation group was better than the control group , the external fixation group healed earlier than the control group .

  19. 边界元法中对称面条件处理的场点映射法方法针对小腿残端的特点,用标准骨替代真实骨,使用校准点映射法进行骨定位和配准,采用子域分解法自动形成网格。

    Field Point Reflection Approach for Utilizing Symmetry Conditons in Boundary Element Methods Method Actual geometry of the bone was represented as a standard pretreated model of bone , which was auto located by employing an affine scaling transformation .

  20. 以病理结果为对照观察骨结核与骨肿瘤的骨显像鉴别点

    Differential diagnosis of skeletal tuberculosis and malignant skeletal disease with bone scintigraphy based on pathology

  21. 用曲线描述墙骨的变形,即可从墙顶的位移得知墙骨上每一点的变形。

    By describing the deformation with curve , the deformation of the studs from the displacement of the top of wall can be cbtaineal .

  22. 结果:0.8mm/d牵张组新骨骨密度值显著高于其余各牵张组,0.8mm/d牵张组新生骨三点弯曲实验指标均大于另2牵张组。

    The results of three point bending test showed that the biomechanical strength of the new generation bone in 0.8 mm / day group was higher than the other two experimental groups .

  23. 提出骨关节损害X线表现有11种,特别是囊性膨胀性破坏、骨内钙化点、蜂窝状破坏、恶性肿瘤样溶骨性破坏、指骨皮质不规则增厚,丰富了痛风的X线诊断学知识。

    The authors proposed 11 radiologic signs , particularly cyst likd expansion of bone , interosseous calcification , honeycomb lesion , malignant tumor like osteolysis , periosteal new bone formation of finger , which enriches the knowledge of X ray diagnosis in gout .

  24. 方法:采用22只成人尸体标本,在解剖显微镜下观察舟月骨间韧带的大体形态、长度变化、与腕囊内韧带的关系和在舟月骨上的附着点的位置及宽度。

    Methods : Morphological features and attachment location and width of the ligament were studied on 22 adult cadaveric wrists under anatomic microscope .