
  1. 论及了骨架式光缆与其它大芯数光缆在装纤密度、工程安装、机械性能等方面的优势,同时阐明骨架式光缆的发展前景。

    This paper described slotted core cable 's advantage on fiber density , engineering installation and mechanical property compared with other high-count fiber cable and its development prospect .

  2. 随着接入网中逐渐使用大芯数光缆以实现光纤到户(FTTH),由于容易中途分支,骨架式带状光缆逐步被用户接受;

    With high-count fiber cable gradually used in access network to achieve FTTH , Slotted core cable has been accepted by the customer because of easy mid-span access .

  3. 骨架式光纤带光缆用于FTTH的解决方案

    A Solution for FTTH Network with Slotted Core Fiber Ribbon Cable

  4. 1000芯骨架式光纤带光缆的研制及性能试验

    Development of 1000-fiber Slotted Core Optical Fiber Cable and Its Performance Test

  5. 骨架式光纤带光缆的研究

    Study of the Optical Fiber Ribbon Slotted Core Cable

  6. 本文介绍了骨架式光纤带光缆的阻水机理和阻水性能。

    This paper describes the water blocking mechanism and performance of slotted core fiber ribbon cable .