
ɡǔ huī hé
  • cinerary casket
骨灰盒 [gǔ huī hé]
  • [cinerary casket] 存放尸体火化后骨灰的盒子

  1. 本实用新型涉及一种镶板式骨灰盒,属骨灰盒制造领域。

    The utility model relates to a paneling cinerary casket , which belongs to the manufacturing field of cinerary casket .

  2. 本实用新型涉及一种立体花饰块或饰块的外贴式骨灰盒,属骨灰盒制造领域。

    The utility model relates to an outer adhering type cinerary casket with a tridimensional flower block or a decorative block , which belongs to the field of the manufacture of cinerary caskets .

  3. 将FLASH音响和MP4用的零部。电源进行固定将液晶屏和控制结构置于骨灰盒的表面,并增加USB接口,供相关资料的更新。

    The data update is completed by fixing parts and power supply for the FLASH player and MP4 player , arranging the LCD and controller on the surface of funerary urn , and using USB interfaces .

  4. 我,不需要,你来为我拿骨灰盒。

    I do not need you to take away with me .

  5. 这骨灰盒啊,我一直以为是首饰盒了。

    This casket ah , I always thought it was a jewelry box .

  6. 我们可能是把爷爷的骨灰盒放在那里了。

    We 're supposed to put grandpa 's urn up there with those .

  7. 她和维克多尽管长期疏远,但还留着他的骨灰盒。

    Though long estranged from Victor , she had kept his ashes in a box .

  8. 愿阴影下不见精雕的骨灰盒

    may my shade behold no sculptured urns

  9. 大厅另一端的房间里陈列着棺材和骨灰盒;

    It didn 't bother them that a room down the hall showcased caskets and urns .

  10. 但是赛德尔不介意没有一个专属的墓碑或骨灰盒。

    But Seidel doesn 't mind the ideaof being without a single , specific tombstone or urn .

  11. 阿肯色州政府甚至会保存假牙,以及骨灰盒。

    The state has even been known to hold onto false teeth and urns of cremated human remains .

  12. 下葬的那一天,我把她留给我的那支笔放进了骨灰盒。

    On the day of her being buried , I put the pen that she left to me into her urn .

  13. 遗体火化几天后,管理员把一个形似鞋盒的小骨灰盒放在了存放区。

    Several days after the cremation , the superintendent stacked an urn shaped like a small shoe box inside the storage area .

  14. 那个骨灰盒也在大火中付之一炬,维克多遗下的东西似乎只有骨灰和那些磁带了。

    It was incinerated in the blaze , and only the ashes , and the tapes , seemed to remain of Victor .

  15. 一个暗红色的骨灰盒,装着你的一切回到了祖国,回到了苦恋着你的未婚夫身边。

    A dark red urn , which held everything of you , was taken back to me , your fianc é who loved you so deeply .

  16. 二是可通过多形状的透明窗观看到盒内被贮存的文字、图像、图画、物品(包括骨灰盒)等物。

    Various images and scripts could be made on the walls of the outer box body and the outer box top so as to form the multi-shaped transparent window .

  17. 本实用新型涉及一种骨灰盒防水套盒,套盒整体呈矩形体,其特征在于由注塑而成的盒体与盒盖组成;

    The utility model relates to a waterproof sheath for cremation urn , which has a rectangular structure and is constituted from a box body and a cover by jet molding .

  18. 本实用新型涉及一种香木内胆骨灰盒,盒体由外壳和镶嵌在壳体内壁的天然香味木料层内胆构成。

    The utility model relates to an incienso liner cinerary casket which comprises a crust and a liner with a layer of natural perfumed timbers embedded in the inner wall of the cinerary body .

  19. 这个话题也在今年召开的全国人大会议上被提及,有代表抱怨骨灰盒比电视机贵、墓地比住房贵的疯狂现象。

    The subject was taken up at the National People 's Congress , China 's annual parliament , at which delegates complained of urns costing more than television sets and tombs more than houses .

  20. 优点:一是具有防滑的功能,避免了石制罐状骨灰盒易从手中滑脱损伤、损坏的不足;

    The utility model has advantages of that : firstly , the product is skidproof which prevents the stone jar-shape box of cremains from slipping from hands which could cause a damage to the box ;

  21. 国家将在今年开设首批“福利”公墓,其中骨灰盒和墓碑的价格将不超过4238元,一家上海陵园推出价值一千多元的“生态墓穴”。

    The state will open subsidized cemeteries this year that will sell urns and plaques for a maximum of4,238 yuan ( $ 620 ) . A Shanghai garden of rest will offer " eco-tombs " for $ 205 .

  22. 在海洋的深处、无数的坟墓、地下陵寝、教堂地下墓室、骨灰盒或者其他放置死人的地方之外,还有其他大众化的旅途(或道路)可去上帝的宝座那里吗?

    Will there be some sort of mass journey to the throne of God , out of the depths of the sea , out of the innumerable graves , catacombs , crypts , urns and other places of disposal ?

  23. 本骨灰盒具有美观、实用的特点,并可用绘画、雕刻、摆放纪念物品等多种方式来表达对死者的哀思。

    The ash bone box has the advantages of good show and practical using , and can also be used in drawing , carving and putting memorial , etc , to show the mournful thought to the deceased person .

  24. 你可以将我的尸骨冲进马桶,只要我的遗孀不需要决定是为了表示足够爱我而另外花10.000块去买所谓“永远珍爱”的骨灰盒。

    You can flush me down the toilet for all I care , just as long as my widow doesn 't need to decide whether or not she loved me enough to spend another $ 10,000 on the " Cherished Forever " casket .

  25. 一是结构新颖、独特、简单、实用,从根本解决了石制骨灰盒盖与盒体的锁定问题;

    The noble , unique , simple and practical utility model is characterized in that first , it basically solves the problem of the lock of the cover and the body of a stone cinerary casket ;

  26. 饲主把装有弗瑞斯基骨灰的黄铜名牌木制骨灰盒拿出来拍卖,结果成交价是最初估计的四倍多。

    His ashes , sealed in a wooden box with a brass plaque , were put up for auction by the cat 's owner and sold for more than four times the initial estimate .

  27. 对许多宠物主人而言,看见宠物的骨灰被倒入垃圾堆是极其残忍的,所以他们需要专门的宠物骨灰盒来保存这些宠物的骨灰。

    For many owners , a pet is more than just an animal , with the thought of little Fido 's ashes being thrown into a landfill too much to bear and fuelling a surge in demand for pet urns .