
  • 网络montmartre;Monmartre;Montmartre artists
  1. 步入Saint-Germain,仿佛置身于巴黎左岸一个优雅的咖啡馆,而西营盘高街地区的Metropolitain则焕发出一种蒙马特艺术气息。

    Step into Saint-Germain and you could be in an elegant caf é on Paris 's Left Bank , while Metropolitain in the upcoming Sai Ying Pun neighbourhood evokes an artsy Montmartre atmosphere .

  2. 文森特在蒙马特找到了一个房间。

    Vincent had found a room up here in Montmartre .

  3. 这座宏伟的教堂巍然屹立在蒙马特高地的顶端。

    The church Stands majestically on the top of the Montmatre hill .

  4. 目前,巴黎正在考虑在蒙马特等多山地区引进电动自行车。

    The city is now considering introducingelectric bikes for hillier parts like Montmartre .

  5. 蒙马特意味着烈士之山,而他现在绝对认为自己是位烈士。

    Montmartre means the hill of martyrs , and a martyr is definitely what he now fancied himself to be .

  6. 勒皮克大街向北蜿蜒穿过蒙马特,经过一些老风车,最终抵达圣心圣殿。

    The Rue Lepic arcs upward through Montmartre , passing the old windmills , and ultimately arrives at the Sacr é - Coeur .

  7. 在271英尺蒙马特山顶的殿宇上赏识到的景色是绝美的,圣心殿是排在埃菲尔铁塔之后第二高的不雅鉴赏点。

    The view at the top of the dome is excellent 271 feet above Montmartre Hill and is the second-highest viewpoint after the Eiffel Tower .

  8. 我走进公墓看守的房间,我问他在二月二十二日那天,是不是有一个名叫玛格丽特・戈蒂埃的女人葬在蒙马特公墓里。

    I entered the keeper 's lodge and asked him if , on the22nd of the month of February , a woman named Marguerite Gautier had not been buried in Montmartre cemetery .

  9. 沿着塞纳河散散步,看蒙马特附近的街头艺术家画画,或者在埃菲尔铁塔下野餐——在这里你永远也不会找不到事干。

    Take a stroll along the Seine , watch the street painters near Montmartre , or picnic under the Eiffel Tower - you 'll never run out of thing to do here .

  10. 书中不乏有用的建议,例如:“对于根据蒙马特高地(《玫瑰色人生》和《红磨坊》等电影的取材背景——译者注)和裸体歌舞表演形成的对法国女人的看法,不如将其抛诸脑后。”

    Many of its recommendations remain useful , such as : " It is as well to drop any ideas about French women based on stories of Montmartre and nude cabaret shows . "

  11. 当你走到蒙马特的小型环行交叉口,想去银行取点现金买杯咖啡时,在银行的门口便能看见他们的身影。

    On the mini roundabout as you walk to Montmartre , on the floor in front of the bank where you want to withdraw some cash to have a coffee . They 'll be there too .

  12. 在蒙马特没有一个有形的场所可以让你走进去探索并感受梵高当时的生活,但是有些博物馆收藏了他的作品,比如奥赛博物馆。

    There are no physical landmarks one can enter and explore in Montmartre to get a sense of how he lived , though there are museums , like the Mus é e d'Orsay , that now contain his work .

  13. 此后,我来到了他一些知名画作的诞生地,巴黎的蒙马特、普罗旺斯的圣雷米和阿尔勒,最后是见证梵高匆匆走完37年人生的瓦兹河畔欧韦。

    From there , I traveled to his renowned painting locations , Montmartre in Paris and Arles and St. R é my in Provence , and ultimately to the Parisian suburb of Auvers-sur-Oise , where his life was cut short in his 37th year .

  14. 我发现直接去保罗伯特大街易如反掌。这是圣图安市场的主路之一,从左岸北到右岸的蒙马特,可乘坐85路公交车顺利抵达。

    I discovered that it 's as easy as pie to get straight to Rue Paul Bert , one of the main streets of St. - Ouen , from the Left Bank north through Montmartre on the Right Bank via the No. 85 bus .