
  • 网络Driving method;Driving way;drive system;drive type;DRIVE
  1. 系统分析了涉及OLED的面板结构、驱动方式、有机材料等技术的发展状况。

    The paper also analyzes the OLED panel structure , driving method and organic material .

  2. 提出了一种新的适合于低精度直流调速的H型PWM变换器功率晶体管基极驱动方式,采用PWM方式成功实现了对机器人行走电机的速度控制。

    We bring forward a new base-poll driving method for gigantic transistors in H-type PWM converter and by adopting PWM method , successfully complete rotate speed controlling for the walking electromotor .

  3. LED照明的特点与传统照明不同,这些不同要求设计不同于传统照明的驱动方式。

    These differences of LED lighting and traditional lighting , require to designing different lighting driver .

  4. 而R轴采用与Y轴相同的驱动方式,同时其前端安装了真空吸盘,用于抓取工件。

    The driven mode of the axis of R is same to that of Y - Axis .

  5. 利用PWM驱动方式控制电机的转动,并设计出了直流伺服控制系统硬件电路图。

    Using PWM to drive motor , and we design a circuit in DC serve control system .

  6. 采用彩色面阵CCD视频驱动方式,实现了医用电子内窥镜的自动亮度控制。

    On the basis of video-servo control method , the system achieves automatic brightness control of electronic endoscope .

  7. 对基于PZT压电薄膜的变形镜致动器的结构进行了分析,优化了结构参数和驱动方式。

    PZT thin film based deformable mirror actuators are analyzed .

  8. 对LED数码管的译码驱动方式及显示方式进行了详尽的分析,同时根据目前LED显示技术的特点,提出了实用的应用方案。

    The mode of coding driving and showing of LED was delved and several applied projects basing on characteristic of LED now were suggested .

  9. 近年来国际上出现的一些新型MEMS光开关,包括其结构、驱动方式、规模等。

    Some new MEMS optical switches are introduced in detail in this paper include structures , drives and scales .

  10. 这个五联动世CNC系统是含有步进与交流两种伺服驱动方式,含有开环、半闭环、全闭环三种控制方式组合的系统。

    Three methods of control , including open cycle control , half closed loop control and closed loop control , are all applied in this system .

  11. 该机制利用HTTP重定向技术实现透明的WEB认证,采用事件驱动方式、BitMap和Hash表算法等保证系统具有良好的性能。

    It uses HTTP redirection to achieve transparent WEB-based authentication , and adopts an event-driven architecture , Bitmap and hash table algorithms to achieve good performance .

  12. 通过三种不同速度和分辨率的驱动方式(AC模式,GATE模式和DC模式)兼顾大行程与高分辨率的驱动。

    Three driving modes of different velocity and resolution ( AC mode , GATE mode and DC mode ) are used to realize both long stroke length and high resolution .

  13. 动力滚筒线有:链条式、PU带式、摩擦式、“O”形带式、电动式等多种驱动方式;

    Power roller lines are : chain-type , PU belt , friction-type ," O " - shaped belt , electric and other drive mode ;

  14. 分析了MEMS光开关的驱动方式,并针对静电驱动、二维MEMS光开关,研究了MEMS光开关控制系统。

    The MEMS optical switch drive method was analyzed and the MEMS optical switch control system was researched according to electrostatic drive 2D MEMS optical switch .

  15. 针对电子膨胀阀步进电机驱动方式和本文的仿真结果,应用增量式PID和模糊控制方法进行实验分析。

    PID and Fuzzy controllers are using in the experimentation based on the simulation results of the PID , fuzzy and fuzzy self-tuning PID controllers and the driven method for EEV .

  16. 设计了两种驱动方式的硬件电路,并对生成的驱动时序进行比较。再次,本文完成了CCD视频信号预处理电路与电源设计。

    Then the two driving hardware circuits are designed and their output driving pulses are contrasted in the paper . Thirdly , CCD video signal processing circuit and power supply design are accomplished .

  17. 然后,利用基于PC的系统对参数进行配置,通过RS-232接口,以自定义的通讯协议将参数传递到控制器端,从而使电子纸屏幕按照参数所对应的驱动方式进行显示。

    We use PC system to configure the parameters , and then transfer them to the controller side using RS-232.Then the screen will be displayed according to the control parameters .

  18. 介绍了正交动磁式模拟表芯的结构和工作原理,分析了模拟驱动方式存在的缺陷,建立了基于PWM方式数字化驱动的数学模型。

    Described the structure and the working principle of the simulated dial pith , analyzed the shortcoming of the simulated driving method , and created the mathematical model basing on PWM with digital drive .

  19. 在对没有使用测试驱动方式编写的代码进行额外检查时,Jester尤为有用。

    Jester would be extremely useful as an extra counter-check on code not written in a test-driven manner .

  20. 将目前OLED无源驱动方式(PM-OLED)与有源驱动方式(AM-OLED)进行了比较,提出本文的研究内容与主要工作。

    Research content and principal work have been proposed by comparing PM-OLED and AM-OLED driving method .

  21. 该电路主电路采用sepic拓扑,脉冲恒流的驱动方式,具有脉冲频率调制(PFM)和脉冲宽度调制(PWM)调光等功能,适合驱动大功率LED灯串。

    The main circuit used SEPIC topology and pulse constant current drive mode . It has PWM dimming function and is suitable for driving high power LED lamp string .

  22. 本设计的a-SiTFT中的驱动方式采用动态驱动的高压驱动,完成对TFT的快速充电,较理想的提高响应速度,响应速度可以达到12~16ms。

    In the designed a-Si TFT construct , it took high voltage driving circuit of dynamic driving to charge a-Si TFT quickly to reduce response time .

  23. 以悬梁类型的RFMEMS开关为例,介绍了RFMEMS器件的各种驱动方式,给出了其原理结构图;求解非线性悬梁方程行波解的变分算法&MountainPass算法


  24. LED的驱动方式有交流驱动和直流驱动两种,首先分析了交流驱动的可行性,并且设计了一款交流驱动的LED台灯,对其进行了测试,总结了交流驱动LED的优缺点。

    The driving methods of LED included AC driving and DC driving . At first we analyzed the feasibility of AC driving , then we designed a AC driving LED desk lamp , tested it and summarized both advantages and defects of AC driving .

  25. OLED的有源驱动方式不仅分辨率高而且易于实现大面积显示,OLED显示技术要进一步的发展,必须结合有源驱动技术。

    AM-OLED not only high-resolution and easy to achieving large area displays , in order to further develop the OLED technology , we can only resort to Active Matrix Driving .

  26. 并且对七管驱动方式下的换相转矩脉动提出了一种双级调制策略,同时采用电流预测控制技术有效抑制了电路的LC谐振现象。

    Then , it proposes a two-stage modulation strategy to eliminate torque ripple during motor commutation process of seven switching drive topology . Simultaneously , it uses the current predictive control to suppress LC resonance phenomenon .

  27. 依据模型,以不完全微分PID控制算法来消除结构谐振的不稳定影响,采用线性功率放大驱动方式,可使控制带宽超过其结构谐振频率,实现高带宽控制。

    Relying on the model , the unstable influence of the structure resonance is eliminated with an incomplete differential PID control algorithm . The control bandwidth can surpass its structure resonance frequency and wide bandwidth control can be realized through applying linear power amplifier .

  28. 在优化的ADS驱动方式基础上开发的14吋彩色等离子体原型样机表明优化的ADS驱动方式在视觉闪烁感和运动图像质量方面都有了很大的提高。

    Based on the optimized ADS driving method , a 14 inch prototype of color plasma display panel was developed . The perceived image quality on 14 inch prototype indicates that both the flicking and the motion artifact are reduced .

  29. SNNEOS采用的事件驱动方式响应外界请求,避免处理器轮循,节省能源消耗。

    As an event-driven , SNNEOS can avoid CPU round-robin and save power .

  30. 实际上,您可以使用Grester来突破使用非测试驱动方式编写代码的限制。

    In fact , you can use Grester to expose the limitations of writing code in a nontest-driven manner .