
Ma Yongqiang is a mild and introverted artist , but his works possess a strong and surging power .
From strict engraving training to experimental exploration of today , Ma Yongqiang has created two series of comparatively mature works .
In this point of view to say , Ma Yongqiang 's art is undoubtedly a way of his self-librating to relieve life contradictions and difficulties .
Compared with the watercolor landscapes and lithographs Ma Yongqiang created previously , the " Cockscomb Flowers " series which was started to created in2006 are much more expressive .
From the conclusion Ma Yongqiang wrote in this text , we can find that his study on the organic form , the main concerning is this art form style and its language .
Perspective used in Ma Yongqiang 's works reminds me of the surrealist artist Dali , who , in some works , used the means by unique perspective point of view to present objects .
The research method of Ma Yongqiang reminds me to think of Aristotle 's famous work " Poetics ," that was talking about art forms , instead of discussing the content of the works .