
mǎ tài xiào yīnɡ
  • Matthew's effect
  1. 马太效应意指成功导致成功,形成累积优势,是社会上一种不可避免而又利弊俱现的偏态心理反应。

    Matthew 's effect means that success leads to success and forms cumulative dominance .

  2. 马太效应与大科技研究

    Matthew 's Effect and Great Scientific Research

  3. 在Internet运作中也普遍存在着马太效应,并对信息社会产生相当显著的正向作用和负面影响。

    On the Internet , the Matteuci effect widely exists and exerts positive and negative influence on the formation of information society .

  4. 市场的马太效应、加入WTO,使弱势的地市新闻传媒生存环境恶劣;

    Because of Matai Effect and entering into WTO , the environment of regional news media in vulnerable areas are getting worse .

  5. 因而马太效应将更加明显,WTO是富国的游戏。

    Consequently Matthew Effect should be mare apparent that the poor country will become much poorer and the rich country will become much richer .

  6. 经济发展中的马太效应现象分析

    An Analysis of the " Mathew Effect " in Local Economies

  7. 动态联盟内的马太效应分析及对策

    An Analysis of the Matthew Effect in Dynamic Alliance and Countermeasure

  8. 马太效应在教育中具有双刃作用。

    The two-edged actions of Matthew Effect in education have double functions .

  9. 国际力学科学合作中是否存在马太效应

    Is There Matthew Effect in International Collaboration of Mechanics Research

  10. 高校人力资源流动的马太效应分析

    The Matthew Effect in Flow of Human Resources in Colleges and Universities

  11. 1968年,社会学家罗伯特·金·默顿首次提出了“马太效应”。

    Sociologist Robert K. Merton first coined the Matthew Effect in 1968 .

  12. 调整农行利润计划,消除马太效应;

    Adjusting agricultural bank profit plan and eliminating " The Martin Effect ";

  13. 马太效应包含两个相互关联相互作用的机制。

    Matthew effect consists of two interconnected interaction mechanism .

  14. 全球化进程中马太效应的成因及对策

    The Matthew effect , formation and solution in the process of the globalization

  15. 网络经济的马太效应与企业对策

    The Matthew Effect and Enterprise Countermeasures of Network Economy

  16. 高职高专院校学报办刊过程中的马太效应及其对策研究

    Matthew Effect and Countermeasures in the Running of Journals in the Higher Vocational Colleges

  17. 篮球职业化中运动员流动的马太效应分析

    Analysis on Matthew Effect of Athletes ' Transfer in The Process of Basketball Professionalism

  18. 2009年,中国广告的马太效应年

    2009 , Year of " Matthew Effect " for the advertising industry of China

  19. 研究结果表明,国际力学科学合作中存在马太效应。

    The investigation indicates that there exists Matthew effect in international collaboration of mechanics research .

  20. 试论旅游目的地空间关系马太效应的成因及影响

    The Discuss of Causes and Impacts of Mathew Effects on Space Relations in Tourism Destinations

  21. 数字信息资源利用中的马太效应及消除策略

    The Matthew Effect of the Digital Information Resources Using in the Library and Its Solutions

  22. 针对复杂网络的幂率特性,提出了基于马太效应的复杂网络修复策略。

    The paper proposed matthew effect-based repair strategy according to the power-law characteristics of complex networks .

  23. 在中学体育教学中运用马太效应的实验研究

    An experimental study on the scientific use of Matthew effect in PE teaching of middle school

  24. 论大学生就业中的马太效应及其成因、对策分析

    On " Matai effect " of college students ' employment and analysis of reasons and countermeasures

  25. 但是,总体说来,国际力学科学合作中的马太效应不是太强。

    In general , the Matthew effect in international collaboration of mechanics study is not very strong .

  26. 本文的第二部分主要罗列了马太效应在我国高等教育发展中的表现。

    In the second part , I have demonstrated " Mathew Effect " phenomenon in higher education .

  27. 资源特性、组织权力在自发运作的市场中导致阶层分化的马太效应具有必然性,公共权力则具有选择性。

    The resources property and organizational power should be inevitable , while the public power should be optional .

  28. 科学人物传记的写法对理解科学史及其科学史中师承关系中的马太效应具有特殊意义。

    The structure of biography is one of the keys to understand the Matthew Effect in history of science .

  29. 马太效应:穷的越穷,富的越富,用时髦的话说就是这是一个赢家通吃的社会。

    MaTai effect : poorer the poor ; richer the rich . The last winner get all of earns .

  30. 马太效应实质上在很多领域,如社会学、心理学、教育学中得到了广泛关注,本文要探讨的是科学研究中的马太效应。

    Matthew effect substantially in many fields , such as sociology , psychology , pedagogy has been widespread concern .