
yìnɡ duì jī zhì
  • coping mechanism
  1. 我们知道死亡来到了神秘瀑布镇,据TVGuide透露,这群人会有个奇怪的应对机制:聚在图书馆。

    We know death is coming to Mystic Falls , and according to TV Guide , the gang has a strange coping mechanism : hanging in the library .

  2. 全球化语境下武术的文化困惑及其应对机制

    Cultural Confusion and Coping Mechanism of Martial Arts in Context of Globalization

  3. 她指出,这些人不是懒,而是将这些行为作为“应对机制”。

    She says that these people aren 't lazy , but are using these behaviours as " coping mechanisms6 " .

  4. 早期发现和迅速应对机制对于跟踪H5N1病毒的演变至关重要。

    Early detection and rapid response mechanisms are essential to tracking the evolution of the H5N1 virus .

  5. efsf将于2013年到期,届时将启动一种新的、更为严厉的危机应对机制。

    The EFSF will expire in 2013 , at which point a new , tougher crisis regime will kick in .

  6. 中国将继续积极参加G20峰会进程,引导G20机制加快从金融危机应对机制向国际经济治理平台转化。

    We have actively participated in the G20 process , and will continue to encourage it to move from a crisis responding mechanism to a platform for international economic governance .

  7. 我国要充分利用WTO贸易争端解决机制,通过完善应对机制,尤其是要更好地发挥我国商协会等中介机构的作用来积极应对贸易摩擦。

    We should actively settle the trade frictions by making full use of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism of WTO , perfecting the replying mechanism and exerting the functions of the agency such as chamber of commerce and industry consortium in China .

  8. 和谐社会视野下突发危机应对机制的建立

    Establishing the Mechanism to Meet Accidental Contingencies in a Harmonious Society

  9. 民航改革如何应对机制缺陷&英航改革及对中国民航的启示

    British Airways ' Reform and Its Revelations to China Airline Industry

  10. 高校毕业生的思想动态及其应对机制

    On College Graduates ' Psychological Trends and Their Solutions and Strategies

  11. 世卫组织有强大的、久经考验的疾病暴发应对机制。

    WHO has strong and well-tested mechanisms for responding to outbreaks .

  12. 应急机动卫勤分队136名队员心理应对机制的分析

    Analysis of Psychological Coping Mechanisms in 136 Mobile Medical Logistic Team Members

  13. 社会危机的高校应对机制研究

    A Research on Colleges and Universities Replying to Social Crisis

  14. 第一个应对机制是让更多的女性加入带薪工作行列。

    The first coping mechanism was moving more women into paid work .

  15. 民国时期农村恐慌的立法应对机制

    Lawmaking System the of Rural Panic in the Republican Period

  16. 论辅助生殖技术引发的伦理问题及其应对机制

    Discussion the Ethical Problems Caused by the Assisted Reproductive Technology and Response Mechanism

  17. 金融危机背景下的供应链金融业务的风险应对机制&以仓单质押贷款业务为例

    The Risk Based on Financial Crisis of Supply Chain Financial Services Coping Mechanisms

  18. 一个协调、同步、顺畅的危机应对机制还没有建立。

    A coordinated , simultaneous , smooth crisis coping mechanisms have not established .

  19. 但气温较高的地区则必须从零开始,研发新的高温应对机制。

    But hotter places will need to invent new coping mechanisms from scratch .

  20. 网络金融侵财型犯罪及应对机制研究

    Research into network financial crimes and their countermeasures

  21. 美欧贸易壁垒调查立法及应对机制的制度分析

    System Analysis on Trade Barrier Investigating Legislations and Corresponding Mechanism of US and EU

  22. 我们求助于第二个应对机制。

    We turned to a second coping mechanism .

  23. 然而,这最后一个应对机制也无法再保证我们继续前行了。

    But this final coping mechanism can no longer keep us going , either .

  24. 校园人质劫持事件应对机制

    The Mechanism to Combat Hostage-hijacking in Schools

  25. 企业必需制定高效的危机应对机制

    Enterprise Need High-Effect Brand Crisis Answers Mechanism

  26. 任何危机公关的应对机制不可能是二维的,它是四维的可控制模式。

    The mechanism to deal with any type of PR in crisis can never be two-dimensional .

  27. 夫妻支持对失业压力-应对机制的调节作用&一项日记追踪研究

    On The Moderate Effect of Spousal Support on Dealing with Unemployment & A Daily Diary Study

  28. 浅析我国公共突发事件应对机制不足及其完善

    Analysis of the Disadvantage of Our country 's Management Mechanism of the Public Accident and Its Countermeasure

  29. 但在当下,以行政权力解决纠纷应当是一个较为合理的应对机制。

    But at present , it is a relatively rational system to resolve disputes by executive power .

  30. 卫生部门严阵以待,建立了监督、警报和应对机制。

    The health sector was prepared . Surveillance , alert , and response mechanisms were in place .