
Mǎ Guān Tiáo Yuē
  • Treaty of Shimonoseki
  1. 不平等条约体系发端于1840年的鸦片战争,形成于《天津条约》和《北京条约》,滥觞于《马关条约》和《辛丑条约》。

    Unequal Treaty System started from Opium War , formed from Tianjin Treaty and Beijing Treaty , and decayed with Maguan treaty .

  2. 而日本仅通过《马关条约》勒索的赔款2.3亿两白银,就相当于当时日本国家财政四年半的收入。

    The Treaty of Shimonoseki alone earned Japan 230 million taels of silver in extortion money , about four and a half times its annual national revenue .

  3. 翌年,清政府战败,在日本威迫下签订了《马关条约》,割让台湾。

    In the ensuing year , as a result of defeat the Qing government was forced to sign the Treaty of Shimonoseki , ceding Taiwan to Japan .

  4. 日本声明无条件废止中日两国不平等条约,所以上述《马关条约》也随即废止。

    England , France and other confederates and declared to unconditionally null and void all the unequal treaties with China . So , the Treaty of Maguan was immediately abolished .

  5. 日本通过不平等的《马关条约》迫使清朝割让包括钓鱼岛在内的台湾全岛及所有附属各岛屿。

    Through the unequal Treaty of Shimonoseki , Japan forced the Qing court to cede to it " the island of Taiwan , together with all islands appertaining or belonging to it ", including Diaoyu Dao .

  6. 当电影传人中国的时候,正值日本对华发动甲午战争,并迫使清政府签订《马关条约》割让台湾的时候。在台湾,最早期的电影放映只是专供日本人观看的。

    Films were introduced to China when Japan launched the Jiawu War of aggression against China and forced Qing Government to sign the Treaty of Shimonoseki , ceding Taiwan to Japan.In Taiwan , the earliest film show was just for Japanese .

  7. 而此时的山西,其丰厚的煤炭资源被英国觊觎已久,在《马关条约》签订后的几年时间里,英国逐步通过一系列不平等条约掠夺矿权,导致山西丧失了开采矿山的权利。

    Shanxi , with its abundant coal resources , which are coveted by British , after a few years , the signing of the " Treaty of Shimonoseki ", the British gradually through a series of unequal treaties plunder mine rights , Shanxi lost the exploitation of mine rights .