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  • 网络spicy
  1. 四川菜系以其香辣而闻名,味道多变,着重使用红辣椒,搭配使用青椒和pricklyash,产生出经典的刺激的味道。

    Characterized by its spicy and pungent flavor , Sichuan cuisine , prolific of tastes , emphasizes on the use of chili . Pepper and prickly ash also never fail to accompany , producing typical exciting tastes .

  2. 那些坐着波音公司(Boeing)的客机飞往中国的游客们,不久后可能就会发现,在中国街头用来烹制各种香辣美食的油料,已变成为他们回家提供动力的燃料。

    Visitors who fly to China on a Boeing jet may soon find that the oil used to cook the spicy street food they sample is the same fuel that powers their journey home .

  3. 试过了也试了纸杯蛋糕香辣汤还有Daniel的女人

    I already did and " cupcake " and " menudo " and " Daniel 's lady .

  4. 真空包装香辣牛筋生产工艺

    Manufacturing technique of the piquancy cattle tendon with vacuum packaging

  5. 龙虾?情愿是香辣小龙虾!

    Lobster ? the joss-stick hot crayfish is better !

  6. 乳酸发酵香辣牛肉干的研制

    Study on Savoury Beef Jerky Fermented by Lactic Acid

  7. 香辣鸡翅让大部分的人吮指回味乐无穷、欲罢不能。

    Buffalo wings leave most people licking their fingers and begging for more .

  8. 湖南风味,口味香辣。

    It offers food of Hunan flavor , which is hot and spicy .

  9. 芝麻凉面沙拉、香辣泰国牛肉卷、汤,还有意式宽面!

    Sesame noodle salad . Spicy Thai beef wrap . Soup . Lasagne !

  10. 这是麦当劳的香辣苹果派

    It was a McDonald 's hot apple pie .

  11. 那是我打算用来做开胃菜的水牛翅(香辣鸡翅)。

    That 's the Buffalo wings I plan to serve as an hors d'oeuvre .

  12. 用小虾肉制作香辣脆片的加工工艺研究

    The Craft Research of Manufacturing the Fragrant Spicy Crisp Piece with the Small Shrimp

  13. 那儿也有很多香辣的川菜。

    Lots of spicy Sichuan food as well .

  14. 香辣牛肉酱的生产工艺

    The processing technique of savoury beef paste

  15. 巴基斯坦早餐&你会在巴基斯坦的早餐中吃到香辣土豆馅饼。

    Breakfast in Pakistan & in Pakistan you 'll get Aloo Paratha for your breakfast .

  16. 本文介绍了香辣牛肉方便面汤料包、酱包的制作工艺。

    The technics of producing powder and sauce for spicy beef instant noodle is introduced .

  17. 大家大口吃着带有许多土豆和香辣调料的热热乎乎的盛宴。

    People devour hot , hearty meals , with lots of potatoes and savory sauces .

  18. 肉桂在中东肉桂也用于香辣鸡和羊肉菜。

    Cinnamon is also used in savory chicken and lamb dishes from the Middle East .

  19. 从孩提时起,她就偏好香辣的食物。

    Ever since she was a child , she has had a predilection for spicy food .

  20. 这个香辣面条汤是娇虎的,你想再来点酱汁吗?

    Oh , the spicy noodle soup for Tigress . Did you want extra sauce with that ?

  21. 本来她应该跳得老少咸宜结果她跳成了香辣艳舞

    She was forced to dance it dry , but she ended up doing a flash dance instead

  22. 你们俩使出群虫黄色尾巴刺,小黄蜂……香辣……金枪鱼。

    You two , to ... swarming insect bite with yellow tail , yellow jacket ... Spicy ... tuna .

  23. 烹饪方式在全球的殖民式推广,或许让我们现在全都吃着一样的传统玛格丽特比萨和香辣番茄意大利面。

    The culinary colonisation of the globe may now have us all eating the same old margherita pizzas and arrabiata pastas .

  24. 而在返航航班上,他们选择了鸡肉凯撒沙拉,而不是香辣鸡肉沙拉和牛排卷饼。

    Buffalo chicken salad and steak fajita wraps , the options for the return flight , lost out to chicken Caesar salads .

  25. 如果你是联盟,就到奥蕾莉亚要塞的旅店老板贝莉比(泰罗卡森林)那里买“食谱:香辣小龙虾”。

    If your Alliance , go see Innkeeper Biribi in Allerian Stronghold ( Terokkar Forest ) and buy Recipe : Spicy Crawdad .

  26. 吴迪彭透露,泰国北部城市清迈的名菜香辣草药肠和东北部城市孔敬的烤鸡也在可送美食之列。

    Dishes would include northern Chiang Mai 's famous spicy herb sausages and northeastern Khon Kaen 's grilled chicken , Woodtipong said .

  27. 香辣鸡翅与蓝乳酪调味酱和芹菜茎作最佳的搭配,让大部分的人吮指回味乐无穷、欲罢不能。

    Best served with blue cheese dressing and celery sticks , Buffalo wings leave most people licking their fingers and begging for more .

  28. 我喜欢香辣的食物,不过我在墨西哥有次吃了坏肉,食物中毒了。

    A.I love spicy food so that wasn 't an issue , but I had some bad meat and got food poisoning in Mexico .

  29. 我在一家餐厅点了他们的招牌鸭,里面用了多种香辣佐料,花椒的一丝橘香和辛麻隐藏其中,几乎难以察觉。

    One restaurant served its signature duck with a fragrant chili mixture that contained just a hint of the spice 's citrusy brightness and numbing edge .

  30. 本店以炝锅鱼,香辣鱿鱼虾为特色菜,以其独特的口味深得广大消费者朋友的喜爱。

    OUR to Qiang pan fish , spicy shrimp to squid with vegetables , for its unique taste won the majority of consumers friend 's favorite .