
xiāng cǎo bīng qí lín
  • VANILLA;vanilla ice cream;vanilla ice-cream;Plain Vanilla
  1. 我们餐后甜点有香草冰淇淋和柠檬果子露。

    For dessert we have vanilla ice cream and lemon sherbet .

  2. 我想要一盘香草冰淇淋。

    I think I will have a dish of vanilla ice cream .

  3. 有些人喜欢巧克力冰淇淋,另外的人喜欢香草冰淇淋。

    Some like chocolate ice-cream , others prefer vanilla ice-cream .

  4. 那就来些香草冰淇淋吧。

    So , the vanilla ice cream is also okay .

  5. 你或要香草冰淇淋或是要巧克力冰淇淋。

    You may have either vanilla or chocolate ice cream .

  6. 但这有份香草冰淇淋给你。

    But there is a vanilla ice cream for you .

  7. 因此巧克力冰淇淋在太阳下比香草冰淇淋更容易快速融化。

    Hence chocolate ice cream melts in the sun faster than vanilla .

  8. 我刚刚在街角的药房买了一些香草冰淇淋。

    I just picked up some vanilla ice cream at the corner drugstore .

  9. 我们的香草冰淇淋非常不错。

    Our vanilla ice cream is very good .

  10. 那么我们都要香草冰淇淋。

    Vanilla icecream for all of us then .

  11. 香草冰淇淋的风味定量分析法

    Quantitative flavor profiling study of ice cream products

  12. 那么我就来点香草冰淇淋。

    Then I 'll have vanilla ice cream .

  13. 给我一份香草冰淇淋。

    One vanilla ice cream , please .

  14. 参与者被告知50至99分能够得到一加仑的香草冰淇淋。

    With 50-99 points , participants were told they could receive a gallon ofvanilla ice cream .

  15. 他喜欢香草冰淇淋。

    He loves vanilla ice-cream .

  16. 这是你的鸡尾酒,这儿有沙拉、炸鸡、炸薯条和甜点香草冰淇淋。

    We have your cocktail and there 's salad , fried chicken , French fries and vanilla ice cream for dessert .

  17. 多数含有轻奶油的摇和饮品,也可以香草冰淇淋代替并拌和之。

    Most shaken drinks which contain light cream can also be made as blended drinks , substituting vanilla ice cream for the light cream .

  18. 我把特别推荐的甜点放在那个胖子面前,并把一大碗带巧克力酱的香草冰淇淋放在一边。

    I put the Special in front of the fat man and a big bowl of vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup to the side .

  19. 有,我刚刚在街角的药房买了一些香草冰淇淋,我也买发一些哈蜜瓜.龙眼和葡萄。

    Yes , I just picked up some vanilla ice cream at the corner drugstore . I also got some cantaloupes , longans and grapes .

  20. “如果我记得准确,我听三菱商事锤和香草冰淇淋,我仍然无法理解,”他说。

    " If I recall accurately I was listening to MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice , and I still can 't understand that ," he said .

  21. 白木繁里建议搭配味道浓郁的甜品,在享用山核桃派和香草冰淇淋时倒上一杯,或者把它当成一种餐后酒。

    Mrs. Shiraki suggested pairing it with a particularly rich dessert , pouring it over a slice of pecan pie and vanilla ice cream , or trying it as a digestive .

  22. 我们想要份特别推荐的甜点,但我们还想要一盘香草冰淇淋,上面只放一滴巧克力酱就好,如果方便的话。

    We would like the Special , but we may have a dish of vanilla ice cream as well . With just a drop of chocolate syrup , if you please .

  23. 如果你打算去甜蜜共和国,一定要买招牌太妃巴诺菲圣代(一款香草冰淇淋,里面配有香蕉杏仁伴太妃脆,还有咸味焦糖汁)或者是用新烤饼干做成的冰淇淋三明治。

    If you 're going to Sweet Republic , splurge on the signature Toffee Banofi sundae ( vanilla ice cream , banana-almond-toffee brittle and salted-caramel sauce ) or an ice-cream sandwich made with fresh-baked cookies .

  24. 它的口味因汽水和冰淇淋口味的不同而变化无穷,其中人气最高的几款组合要数巧克力冰淇淋加苏打水,香草冰淇淋配沙士或可乐。

    Float flavors vary depending on the soda variety and the ice cream flavor , but the most popular ones are chocolate ice cream with carbonated water , and root beer or coke with vanilla ice cream .

  25. 饭后甜点,我给那个胖子推荐了今日特别推荐的绿灯侠(一种带沙司的布丁蛋糕)、芝士蛋糕、香草冰淇淋和菠萝果子露,让他任选其一。

    For dessert , I say to the fat man , there is the Green Lantern Special , which is a pudding cake with sauce , or there is cheesecake or vanilla ice cream or pineapple sherbet .

  26. 奚恺元的实验围绕着一个简单的选择:参与者可选择做6分钟的工作换取一加仑的香草冰淇淋为报酬,或是做7分钟的工作换取一加仑的开心果冰淇淋。

    Hsee 's study was based around a simple choice : participants were offered theoption of working at a 6-minute task for a gallon of vanilla ice cream reward , or a 7-minute task for a gallon of pistachio ice cream .

  27. 让你吃到草莓和香草的冰淇淋。

    That you have strawberry and vanilla ice cream .

  28. 好亲爱的我设法让你吃到草莓和香草的冰淇淋。

    OK , honey , we 'll see to it that you have strawberry and vanilla ice cream .

  29. 我打开门,站在那里的是个红头发年轻女孩,身子装在宽松的长裤里,就好像两大勺香草味冰淇淋。

    I opened it , and standing there was a young redhead who was packed into her slacks like two big scoops of vanilla ice cream .

  30. 2009年。大量水母涌入日本,一个乳业公司很爱国地生产出了香草水母冰淇淋,称它“有点嚼头”。我们不会吃的,谢谢。

    And when an influx of massive jellyfish hit Japan in 2009 , one dairy company patriotically offered vanilla-and-jellyfish ice cream , which was described as " slightly chewy . " We 'll pass , thanks .