
xiāng cài
  • coriander
香菜 [xiāng cài]
  • [coriander] 见芫荽

香菜[xiāng cài]
  1. 聚丙烯保鲜膜的研制及其对香菜保鲜效果的研究

    Development of PP fresh-keeping film and study on its effect on coriander

  2. 瓶装香菜心工艺质量研究病中人重建活力心

    Study on the Quality of Bottled Coriander Heart Technology

  3. 传统的小料主要由麻酱、酱豆腐、韭菜花、辣椒油、芝麻、葱花、香菜调拌而成。

    The sauce normally is a mixture of sesame sauce , chili oil , leek etc.

  4. 总之,埃里克森认为,虽然DNA的确会影响人们对香菜的好恶,但却还在可控范围内。

    Overall , Eriksson says these studies demonstrate that DNA does shape our opinion of cilantro , but probably not enough that we can 't overcome it .

  5. 冷藏处理经8h后,香菜和生菜中亚硝酸盐含量骤增而后下降,菠菜和油菜中的亚硝酸盐含量变化较小。

    Been refrigerated for8 hours , the contents of NO-in parsley and lettuce increased suddenly and then decreased , the contents of NO-in spinach and rutabaga have few changes .

  6. 当网站的基因学家研究DNA,看是否有专门控制排斥香菜的基因位点时,他们找到了一个点,而且这个位点就在嗅觉检验基因簇的旁边,将香菜的味道归入肥皂味的基因也位于这个基因簇中。

    When they searched the people 's DNA for regions that correlate with a distaste for the herb , a single spot jumped out . And , it sits right next to a cluster of odor-detecting genes , including one that is known to specifically recognize the soapy aromas in cilantro 's bouquet .

  7. 以乙醚为溶剂,采用超声波法萃取香菜,以0.284%产率获得了香菜芳香精油,用GC-MS对精油进行了成分分析,解析出70种物质,占精油93.634%。

    The compositions of essential oil from the aerial parts of coriander by the ultrasound extraction ( UE ) in ethyl ether as solvent in 0.284 % yield were analyzed by GC-MS , and 70 components were identified , which accounting for 93.634 % of total oil .

  8. 在小碗中混合茶叶和香菜叶。

    In small bowl , stir together tea leaves and cilantro .

  9. 香菜也可以帮助我们排毒。

    Cilantro can also help pull out toxins from our body .

  10. 舀一大勺茴香菜薄荷酱汁,浇在汉堡一边。

    Spoon fennel and mint dip aside of the burger .

  11. 大蒜、香菜、姜、葱作佐料。

    Garlic , parsley , ginger , and green onions for seasoning .

  12. 大蒜烤虾,青椒,香菜,面。

    Shrimp baked in garlic , pepper , cilantro and clear noodles .

  13. 上火鸡的时候加一点香菜做装饰。

    The turkey was served with a garnish of parsley .

  14. 香菜植物的芬芳的种子;普遍用作调味品。

    Aromatic seeds of the caraway plant ; used widely as seasoning .

  15. 白嫩嫩的白斩鸡,点缀上两棵香菜,看着就流口水。

    My mouth is watering looking at the sliced cold chicken with twovanillas .

  16. 冻干香菜加工工艺的探讨

    A Study on Process Technology of Freeze-Dried Coriander

  17. 香菜咖啡冰淇淋的制作

    Processing Technology of Coriander Coffee Ice - cream

  18. 把烧好的油连同葱姜蒜一起浇在蒸好的鱼片上,再洒上切碎的香菜。

    Spoon the oil mixture on top of steamed filets , garnish with cilantro .

  19. 冷冻干燥香菜在快餐面中的感观指标评价方法

    Method of Sensory Evaluation About Application of a Vacuum Freeze-dry Coriander on Instant Noodle

  20. 苏家围的紫苏不是当普通香菜种的,而有特殊的意义。

    Sujiawei of Perilla not when ordinary parsley kind , and a special meaning .

  21. 这是欧芹,西方的香菜。

    They are parsley , western cilantro .

  22. 香菜挥发油功能性研究

    Study on functionality of coriander essential oil

  23. 酸橙汁、香菜和黑胡椒搭配

    Lime juice , cilantro and black pepper

  24. 掺苏打和酪乳制成的圆面包;通常包有香菜籽和葡萄干。

    Round loaf made with soda and buttermilk ; often containing caraway seeds and raisins .

  25. 我买了一些尝试不同的蔬菜:白菜,黄瓜,香菜。

    I bought some different vegetables to try : bok choy , cucumber , parsley .

  26. 装盘,撒上切碎的香菜,做装饰。

    Serve garnished with chopped coriander leaf .

  27. 我不喜欢种香菜因为它们抽花太快了。

    I don 't like to plant cilantro because they go into flowers too quickly .

  28. 你可能会发现三明治里有很像香菜的薄荷叶,或是像生菜这样的绿色蔬菜做配菜。

    You might also find herbs like cilantro or greens like lettuce garnishing the sandwich .

  29. 柠檬膏和香菜提取物能好似一个天然的吸油纸,能够深深地清洁肌肤。

    Lemon Balm and Parsley Extracts deeply cleanse and act as a natural oil blotter .

  30. (犹太烹制法)黑麦面粉做成的面包;常含有香菜籽。

    ( Jewish cookery ) bread made with rye flour ; usually contains caraway seeds .