
  • 网络hong kong high court;high court;High Court of Hong Kong
  1. 他入禀香港高等法院的诉状周四被公诸于众。

    The writ of summons filed in the Hong Kong High Court was made public on Thursday .

  2. 在司法领域,领事须将领事口岸的重大案件或对其裁决不服的案件交由香港高等法院审理。

    In the field of judicial administration , consuls should refer important cases or appeals occurring in the ports under their administration to Hong Kong High Court .

  3. 向香港高等法院申请司法覆核,推翻引渡令,被拒。

    Applies to the high court for a judicial review of the extradition order but is rejected .

  4. 破产管理署负责管理个别破产人的财产,以及由香港高等法院原讼法庭颁令强制清盘的公司的资产。

    A trustee in bankruptcy The Official Receiver 's Office administers the estates of individual bankrupts and companies ordered to be compulsorily wound up by the Court of First Instance of the High Court .

  5. 此案拖延多年未决,但上周在香港高等法院发生戏剧性逆转。当时保华宣称,安永提供的80多份雅佳案相关文件是窜改过或伪造的。

    The case has dragged on for years but took a dramatic turn last week in Hong Kong 's High Court , when Borrelli Walsh claimed that more than 80 Akai-related files produced by EY had been doctored or faked .

  6. 同时,香港特别行政区高等法院颁布了临时禁止令,禁止抗议者继续占领该地区的特定区域。

    The High Court of Hong Kong at the meantime has granted an interim injunction to bar protesters from continuing to occupy a certain section of the area .

  7. 随着香港经济中心地位逐渐被上海替代,香港高等法院也丧失其远东司法中心的地位。

    As Shanghai replaced Hong Kong as the economic center in the Far East , Hong Kong High Court lost its status as the judicial center there .

  8. 这家在香港上市的玩具及娱乐产品公司上周五发表了一份声明,称香港特别行政区高等法院已经委派临时清盘人对该公司及其附属公司进行清算。

    The Hong Kong-listed company issued a statement Friday that the Hong Kong High Court has appointed provisional liquidators to wind up the toy and recreational products company and its subsidiaries .