
  1. 程介明,香港大学教育学院讲座教授、校长资深顾问;

    Professor Kai-ming Cheng ( SBS , JP ) is Chair Professor of Education and Senior Advisor to the Vice-Chancellor at the University of Hong Kong .

  2. 此研讨会议由香港大学教育学院教育领导研究中心及中国上海华东师范大学教育科学学院合办。

    The conference was organized by The Centre for Educational Leadership , The University of Hong Kong , and School of Education Science , East China Normal University , Shanghai , China .

  3. 申请表内之资料皆属实,本人明白若发现任何刻意隐瞒之事实,香港浸会大学持续教育学院将保留取消此申请之权利。

    Baptist University reserves the right to cancel the application at any time if the information given in this application is found untrue .

  4. 香港浸会大学持续教育学院于1975年创立,是浸会大学七所学院之一。

    The School of Continuing Education ( SCE ) of the Hong Kong Baptist University was founded in 1975 and is one of the seven schools or faculties of the University .

  5. 香港中文大学与香港教育学院协作,共同推出一项崭新的、结合英文研究与教育的学士课程。

    A joint degree programme in English Studies and education has been launched by the Chinese University and the Hong Kong Institute of education .