
  • 网络xiangshan culture
  1. 香山文化于近代横空出世,引领了岭南文化的方向,影响着中国的命运走向和社会转型。

    Xiangshan culture , which emerged in modern history , led the direction of Lingnan culture and influenced the direction and social transformation of China .

  2. 作为一个特定的文化地域,香山文化不仅是岭南文化的缩影,也是中国近现代化的重要源头,而孙中山是香山文化的集大成者。

    As a special cultural field , Xiangshan culture is not only the epitome of Lingnan culture , but also an important origins of Chinese modernization . Sun Zhongshan is the exemplar of Xiangshan culture .

  3. 作为历史名园的香山公园,已经成为北京香山地区的经济文化生态中心,它是距离京城最近的一座天然山林风景名胜区。

    As a traditionally famous garden , Xiangshan Park has become the economic , cultural and ecological center of the Xiangshan Park area in Beijing . It is a natural forest scenic area standing nearest to downtown Beijing .