
xiāng lú
  • censer;burner;incense burner
香炉 [xiāng lú]
  • [incense burner] 烧香用的器具,尤指用于宗教仪式中吊在链子上摆动的有盖香炉

香炉[xiāng lú]
  1. 接着我觉得空气变得稠密,被无形香炉熏香。

    Then , methought , the air grew denser , perfumed from an unseen censer .

  2. 香炉并不是由宋人创造的产物,但它却由宋人赋予了雅的品质。

    Censer is not a product first created during the Song Dynasty , but the " Ya '" quality has been endued with ever since .

  3. 条案上陈放着香炉、烛台和各色供品。

    On the long narrow table were set out an incense burner , candlesticks , and offerings of all kinds .

  4. 排水性沥青路面在香炉礁立交桥扩建工程中的应用

    Application of Drainage Asphalt Pavement in the Engineering of Reconstruction and Extension

  5. 定西地区博物馆藏长柄铜香炉&兼谈敦煌壁画的长柄香炉

    Copper Incense Burner with Long Handle Kept in Dingxi Museum

  6. 吉林省香炉碗子全矿床矿化特征及成因机理探讨

    Mineralizing characteristics and genetic mechanism of Xiang-Lu-Wan-Zi Gold Deposit , Jilin Province

  7. 你和亚伦也各拿自己的香炉。

    You and Aaron are to present your censers also .

  8. 香炉碗子金矿床地球化学特征及矿床成因讨论

    Discussion on geochemical characteristics and genesis of Xing Lu Wan Zi Gold Deposit

  9. 香炉碗子金矿床稳定同位素特征

    Characteristics of the stable isotopes of Xiang-Lu-Wan-Zi Gold Deposit

  10. 当地人叫它香炉石。

    Local people called it incense burner stone .

  11. 可拉阿,你们要这样行,你和你的一党要拿香炉来。

    This do ; Take you censers , Korah , and all his company ;

  12. 我在找一些中式香炉。

    A : I 'm after some chinese incense burner ? How 's this one ?

  13. 乌西雅就发怒,手拿香炉要烧香。

    Uzziah , who had a censer in his hand ready to burn incense , became angry .

  14. 僧人打扮的上部盖有大型的圆形笠,香炉从此处垂下。

    On the oi is a large round woven hat , from which an incense burner is hung .

  15. 研究认为,它们是一种当时家庭用以烧香供佛的小香炉。

    Researchers believe that they were domestic incense burners used to burn the joss sticks for the Buddha .

  16. 灵包前面摆一个大供台,台上放置着香炉和酥油灯。

    Before the soul repositories stands a huge altar on which are laid out censers and butter-burning lamps .

  17. 最后雕刻成香炉,花瓶,人物,鸟和动物。

    The carvings are meticulously finished in the shapes of incense burners , vases , figurines , birds and animals .

  18. 结果,这香炉没送到寺里去,就不当不正戳在这了。

    Therefore this incense burner cannot be sent to the temple , but left on the halfway of the mountain .

  19. “三用瓶状蚊香炉”构造简单,制造容易,是一件多用途的理想的家用器具。

    The utility model which has the advantages of simple structure and easy production is an ideal and multipurpose household utensil .

  20. 这对香炉据信是弘历阿哥(即后来的乾隆皇帝)送给其父的寿辰贺礼。

    They are believed to have been a birthday gift from Prince Hongli ( later Emperor Qianlong ) to his father .

  21. 有许多龟、鹤形状的铜香炉放置在石台上,象征着长寿。

    Many bronze incense burners in the shapes of tortoise and crane are placed on the terrace , which symbolized longevity .

  22. 香炉坪银金矿是独立银(金)矿床,达中型规模。

    The Xiangluping electrum deposit with a medium scale is one of individual silver ( gold ) deposits in Fujian Province .

  23. 该书还说:“香炉下有草鞋&双,供桌上有旧书一本”。

    " the book said : " incense burner under the straw sandals-pairs , for there are books on the table one .

  24. 祭司们挥着香炉,新郎和新娘互相挽着手来接受主教的祝福。

    The priests waved the censers , while the bride and bridegroom joined their hands and received the blessing of the bishop .

  25. 本实用新型“三用瓶状蚊香炉”是一种生活用品。

    The utility model relates to a three purpose bottle-shaped mosquito repelling incense stove , which is an article for daily use .

  26. 还展出了一些家居用品,有些是非常奢侈的,比如说一个巨大的狮子形状的铜香炉。

    There are household items , some extravagant , such as an enormous bronze incense burner in the shape of a lion .

  27. 正式设立于1996年。主要从事陶瓷神佛器皿之生产,如香炉、花瓶、敬神杯等;

    Founded in1996 , Golden Prince Ceramic Studio produces religious products , such as incense burners , flower vases , and adoration vessels .

  28. 在宽广的庭院两侧是供宾客留宿的房间,院中有一对很大的香炉和两座有叠檐的亭子。

    On both sides of a vast courtyard were guestrooms , two large incense burners , and a pair of pavilions with double roofs .

  29. 南阳首次发现有铭文纪年和唐王府铸造的大型铁香炉。

    It was the first time that a large steel incense burner made by Marquis Tang Government Office with inscriptions were found in Nanyang .

  30. 站在中国北京的香山之顶香炉峰,您可以将古城美景尽收眼底。

    The peak of the Fragrant Hills of Beijing , China , at where you can see the entire city on a sunny day .