
  1. 饮服行业人群HBsAg携带者的HBVdna检测

    Detection of HBV DNA in diet service staff with HBsAg positive and its significance

  2. 检测HBVdna评价在岗饮服人员HBV感染者的传染性

    Application of HBV DNA Detection to Evaluate the Infectivity of Employees in Food And Public Services with HBV Infection

  3. HBV-DNA检测在饮服从业人员筛查中的意义

    Significance of HBV-DNA detection to evaluating the infectivity of employees in food and public services with HBV infection

  4. 结论:血清学检验结果同时表现为HBsAg<1∶512、ALT<40、HBeAg阴性、HBV-DNA阳性的在岗饮服人员是HBV的危险传染源。

    Conclusion : HBV-DNA positive employees with HBsAg < 1 ∶ 512 , ALT < 40 , and HBeAg negative were still potential spreading sources of HBV .

  5. 对鸡的防治试验,按毎只鸡每日0.5g~3g剂量,混饲喂服或水煎剂毎只鸡每日1-3mL剂量,混入水中饮服。

    In the experiment , each chicken has taken 0.5g ~ 3g such medicine mixed with feed or 1mL ~ 3mL decoction mixed with drinking water per day .

  6. 结果表明,给鸡饮服多黏菌素后,低剂量组鸡于8d后血浆SOD活性明显升高(P<0.05),MDA含量显著降低(P<0.05),且保持较低的水平;

    SOD activity increased significantly and MDA decreased significantly in the low dose group on day 8 after chickens being taken orally polymyxin B in comparison with that in the control group , then MDA kept the low level in the group .

  7. 30只成年雌性SD大鼠,等分为5组,至组灌胃饮服分别含0、0.2、1.0、2.0mg镉(Cd)的氯化镉溶液1mL/只,每日1次,持续10d;

    Thirty adult female SD rats were allocated into five groups of six each . Four groups ( from ⅰ to ⅳ) were intubated orally with 1 mL of solutions contained Cd 0,0.2,1.0,2.0 mg as cadmium chloride , respectively once daily for 10 d.

  8. 像个温顺的病人,我甘心饮服

    Whilst , like a willing patient , I will drink

  9. 向小企业和饮服业征收排污费的几个问题

    Problems in Levying Small Enterprise Restaurant and Other Catering Business 's Effluent Charge

  10. 雏鸡饮服鸡源芽孢杆菌对其生长性能的影响

    The Effect of Bacillus on Growth Traits in Chickens

  11. 饮服行业人群乙型肝炎病毒感染状况及其传染性研究

    Study on the diet service staff with HBV infections and its infectious situation Trade Trend

  12. 加强饮服业环境污染防治与管理的探讨

    Approach Strengthening Prevention and Control and Management of Environmental Pollution of Catering and Serving Trade

  13. 饮服从业人员沙门菌耐药性及质粒特征分析

    Analysis on determination of resistance to antibiotics and plasmid profiles for 186 Salmonella strains from staffs of service trades of food and beverage

  14. 方法小鼠以0.5%醋酸铅自由饮服8周,测定血铅和睾丸铅含量。

    Methods Mice were exposed to 0 5 % acetate lead for 8 weeks . The lead concentrations of blood and contents of testis were determined .

  15. 通过对乡镇工业污染源和饮服业的调查,开展了对小企业和饮服业征收排污费工作。

    Investigating the pollution source of town and township enterprise restaurant and other catering business , Yongan city carries out the job of levying effluent discharge .

  16. 饮服本药防治雏白痢的保护率达100%,治愈率为96%。

    When administration by drinking water , the protection rate against pullorum disease was up to 100 percent , and the cure rate was up to 96 percent .

  17. 本文论述了牡丹江市噪声污染现状、污染因素,并针对牡丹江市城市中心区道路狭窄、车辆过多、机关单位和商业饮服网点过于集中等原因造成市区噪声居高不下的状况,提出了控制对策。

    This paper discussed environment noise pollution statues of Mudanjiang city , analyzed pollution reasons of industry noise , construction spot noise and life noise , and provided practical countermeasures .

  18. 目的观察清肺消痤饮加减煎服联合阿达帕林凝胶外涂治疗肺经风热型痤疮的疗效。

    Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of Xiaocuo decoction and ear acupoint bloodletting on acne vulgaris .