
fēi jī pǎo dào
  • airstrip;runway
  1. 这段广告是在西班牙雷阿尔城的一条飞机跑道上拍摄的。

    It was filmed on a airstrip in Spain called Ciudad Real .

  2. 今天游览到这个庄园,起点就在旧飞机跑道所在位置附近。

    Today a visit to the estate begins near the site of the old airstrip .

  3. 他们在飞机跑道上炸了一个大坑。

    They blasted a huge crater in the runway .

  4. 这是世界上第二大空难,是1977年飞机跑道相撞事件的可怕重演。

    It was the world 's second worst air disaster , a horrific re-run of the runway collision in 1977

  5. 但要实现所有这些概念花销巨大,需要陆上和空中的安全认证标准,需要双重控制,需要复杂的折叠机翼和螺旋桨,还得从飞机跑道起飞。

    But all these concepts are massively expensive , require safety certification standards for road and air , need dual controls , involve complex folding wings and propellers , and have to be flown from air-strips .

  6. 伦敦机场里有一条皇家专用飞机跑道。

    There is a purple airway in London Airport .

  7. 一种基于OpenCV的飞机跑道及地平线检测算法

    Algorithm of Runway and Horizon Recognition Based on OpenCV

  8. 在《卡萨布兰卡》(Casablanca)的最后一幕中,汉弗莱·博加特(HumphreyBogart)站在飞机跑道上;

    or Humphrey Bogart on a tarmac in the final scenes of " Casablanca " ;

  9. 周一毛女士看着电脑屏幕上的一堆照片说,这个是他,背着古驰(Gucci)包包。她通过背包认出了与其他幸存者一同走在飞机跑道上的儿子。

    ' It 's him , with the Gucci bag , ' Ms. Mao said Monday , pointing to a computer screen of photos , identifying her son by his backpack as he walked along the tarmac with other survivors .

  10. 或者换句话说,即使qe3没有通过常规货币传导渠道发挥效力,它仍能通过其他方式“起作用”,即充当飞机跑道上的泡沫,为经济的颠簸着陆提供缓冲。

    Or , to put it another way , even if qe3 is not working via conventional monetary transmission channels , it can still " work " in other ways , by acting as foam on the runway to soften bumpy economic landings .

  11. 我们相信他们将会在飞机跑道上出现。

    We believe that they will show up at this airstrip .

  12. 飞机跑道外线能引导飞行员降落的有灯的跑道。

    An airstrip outline with lights to guide an airplane pilot in landing .

  13. 我们需要整条飞机跑道起飞。

    We needed the whole runway to get airborne .

  14. 飞行器上的较高的一层甲板;可用作飞机跑道。

    The upper deck of an aircraft carrier ; used as a runway .

  15. 公路飞机跑道改建各基本要素研究

    A Summary of the Research into Various Factors in Rebuilding Highways into Airfield Runways

  16. 冰面上的飞机跑道可能也破裂了

    that the ice airstrip might break apart ,

  17. 大多数飞机跑道都很短

    Most of the airstrips are so short .

  18. 研究开发了用于测量飞机跑道摩擦系数的测试车。

    A vehicle used to measure the friction coefficients of airstrip is researched and developed .

  19. 周四,机场关闭了好几个小时,工作人员一直在清扫飞机跑道。

    Airports were shut down for hours while crew s worked to clear runways Thursday .

  20. 几个孩子迷了路,闯到机场的飞机跑道上,结果全被一架喷气式飞机撞死了。

    Several children had strayed onto an airport runway and been mown down by a jet .

  21. 战术地地导弹打击复杂飞机跑道的火力运用

    Research on the Firing Operation in Attacking the Complex Runways with the Tactical Surface to Surface Missiles

  22. 我驾驶着摩托车在飞机跑道上来回跑,这些雏雁紧随其后,能很好地配合我的速度。

    I drove my motorcycle up and down the airstrip , and the young birds matched my speed perfectly .

  23. 影片摄制于西班牙马德里南部雷阿尔城机场的一个封闭的飞机跑道上,尼尔森导演负责该片的拍摄。

    It was filmed by Nilsson on a closed-off airstrip in Spain called Ciudad Real , located just south of Madrid .

  24. 未经证实的报告谈到了至少九拉纳卡方向上在开罗国际机场等待起飞许可被困飞机跑道。

    Unconfirmed reports spoke of at least nine Larnaca-bound aircraft marooned on the runway at Cairo international airport awaiting takeoff clearance .

  25. 菲律宾表示中国在一岛屿进行疏通作业,可能计划建设飞机跑道。

    And the Philippines says China has used a dredge to build on an island where it plans to construct an runway .

  26. 7月18日,一航班由于天气恶劣延误七小时起飞,30多名愤怒的乘客冲破保安阻拦,闯入飞机跑道上抗议。

    More than 30 passengers stormed security and ran onto the runway on July 18 after bad weather caused seven hours of delays .

  27. 因为岛上多岩石,建设飞机跑道是不可能的事,所以前往该岛的唯一办法就是乘船。

    The island 's rocky geography makes building an airstrip impossible , so the only way to travel to it is by boat .

  28. 据说我在冰上看到的那条位于帐篷和飞机跑道之间的小裂缝

    And the news is that a little crack , which I 'd seen in the ice between our tent and the airstrip ,

  29. 运河会吸引大量游客来观光,就像在巴拿马运河上一样,他补充说道——特别是奥梅特佩岛新建了一个飞机跑道。

    The canal could attract moretourists to see the spectacle , like in Panama , he added - especiallynow that Ometepe has a new airstrip .

  30. 去那里要乘卡车,道路紧邻飞机跑道,四面环海。

    Accessible by truck , the road to the pile runs adjacent to the town airstrip , which is surrounded on either side by water .