
chéng zhī
  • orange juice;orangeade
橙汁[chéng zhī]
  1. 好的,一个汉堡包,一块炸鸡,一份炸薯条和一杯橙汁。

    All right . A Hamburger , a piece of fried chicken , a portion of potato chips and an orangeade .

  2. 橙汁将作为运动员饮料进行推销。

    Orange juice is to be pitched as an athlete 's drink .

  3. 有一家公司实际上垄断了整个州所有的橙汁销售。

    One company had a virtual lock on all orange juice sales in the state .

  4. 请来一份橙汁伏特加酒。

    A vodka and orange , please .

  5. 请来两杯橙汁。

    Two orange squashes , please .

  6. 请来两杯橙汁饮料。

    Two orange squashes , please .

  7. 您想喝点橙汁吗?

    Would you like some orange ?

  8. 请来两份橙汁。

    Two orange juices , please .

  9. 家里到处是泼洒的橙汁留下的黏糊糊的痕迹。

    Everywhere in the house was a sticky trail of orange juice

  10. 她的杯口上粘有些许橙汁。

    Her glass had bits of orange clinging to the rim .

  11. 柠檬汁和酸橙汁暂时都缺货。

    Lemon and lime juice were both temporarily out of stock .

  12. 一名旅游者在喝了一杯被动了手脚的橙汁饮料后遭到了抢劫。

    A tourist was robbed after being given a drugged orange .

  13. 橙汁似乎不适合某些婴儿饮用。

    Orange juice seems to disagree with some babies .

  14. 橙汁会让他恶心,别让他喝橙汁。

    Orange juice makes him sick so don 't give it to him .

  15. 来杯橙汁怎么样?

    Would you care for some orange juice ?

  16. 加几滴酸橙汁。

    Add a few drops of lime juice .

  17. 我一边无所事事地翻着报纸,一边等着我点的橙汁和咖啡。

    I was flicking idly through a newspaper while awaiting the arrival of orange juice and coffee

  18. 柠檬酸可以从橙汁、柠檬汁、酸橙汁或者柚子汁中提取。

    Citric acid can be extracted from the juice of oranges , lemons , limes or grapefruit .

  19. 两个人在国家电视台节目上小口喝着橙汁的时候,弗罗斯特施展了他一贯的亲和魅力。

    Frost had displayed his usual matey charm as the pair sipped orange juice on national TV .

  20. 这种橙汁饮品不含人造甜味剂。

    This orange drink contains no artificial sweetener .

  21. 他用水把橙汁冲淡。

    He diluted the orange juice with water .

  22. 然后是一瓶冷橙汁,一袋薯条和一包泰德威廉姆斯棒球卡。

    Then a bottle of cold orange juice , a bag of chips and a pack of Ted Williams baseball cards .

  23. 在那里,我坐在树荫下,靠着它结实的树干看书、吃糖、喝橙汁。

    There , sitting in the shade against its strong trunk , I read my books , ate my candy and drank my orange juice .

  24. 咱们是科技家,尝试牛奶、橙汁和漱口水的混合物

    We bearrived scientists and tested concoctions of milk , orange juice , and mouthwash .

  25. 问:如果不能喝橙汁,早上应该喝什么?

    If I can 't have orange juice , what am I supposed to drink in the morning ?

  26. 答:尽管橙汁是一种天然食品,但榨汁过程会消除很多纤维,并浓缩糖分,因此这不是一个好的选择。

    Even though orange juice is a natural food , the juicing process eliminates much of the fiber and concentrates the sugar , making it a poor choice .

  27. 问:我一直不明白,为什么“添加糖”比“天然糖”更不利于健康。很多水果中都含有“天然糖”,从早上的天然橙汁开始。

    I have never understood why " added sugar " is more unfriendly to health than " natural sugar , " which can be found in abundance in so many fruits , starting with morning natural orange juice .

  28. 橙汁维生素C对眼睛健康有很多好处。

    Orange Juice Vitamin C has many benefits for eye health .

  29. 橙汁中含有大量维生素C,有助于血管扩张降低血压。

    Orange juice contains large amounts of vitamin C , which helps dilate blood vessels and reduce hypertension .

  30. PET瓶装橙汁饮料沉淀机理与预防

    Causation and prevention of sedimentation in orange juice in PET bottles