
The letter was a mishmash of ill-fitting proposals taken from two different reform plans .
I don 't see it has anything to do with what we 're talking about .
A question about arithmetic is irrelevant in a music lesson .
Their ideas are quite alien to our way of thinking .
The instinct has nothing to do with the walk in life .
They have absolutely nothing to do with each other .
Necessity , Possibility , Contingency , Thorough Contingency
It might seem impossible to say anything coherent about such an eclectic mix of places .
If creativity was beyond the human mind and had nothing to do with the joy of living ;
On Implicature of Uncooperative Phenomenon in Dialogues : " No Relation among Wind , Horse , Cow and Donkey "
Therefore , this two seemingly " irrelevant " to work with a comparative study of the possibility and necessity .
Society is still ready to explain a woman 's success by reasons that have nothing to do with her intelligence .
Critics are mystified about the connection between J.Lo and the Italian brand and have called have called irrelevant and pointless .
On top of which , the whole idea of writing a blog is to get away from what I do all day .
It seems a bizarre irony that most of the clothes we buy have nothing to do with what we see on the catwalk .
Judging from appearances , these two personalities are irrelevant , but they can be united in one who loves freedom and who is romantic .
More people were trampled to death than were actually killed by the fire . Dear men hear no tales , posthumous fame is an irish bull .
We only become aware how totally irrelevant television is to real living when we spend a holiday by the sea or in the mountains , far away from civilisation .
She 's doesn 't spring to mind as a typical Avon Lady , but pop star Fergie has signed on to the brand to release her first ever fragrance .
I resized photos to make them smaller or larger and cropped a couple shots such as an image of a black leather bag with an unrelated text description below it .
Example : You can 't compare who works harder , me or you ; I am a teacher and you are a fisherman , and that is like comparing apples and oranges .
The word " feng " in " feng ma niu bu xiang ji " has two explanations , one is the seduce of the male and the female , the other something went astray .
College , he tells us , is a time to learn to make connections among seemingly disparate phenomena , to see things from anothers point of view and to develop a sense of ethical responsibility .
This tendency to group things together despite their differences mean lists with a nominal subject matter can include things that wander off topic quite bizarrely , like a list of scientific facts about the human body including a discussion of atomic structure .