
  • 网络Risk Assets Management
  1. 在信贷风险资产管理理论、信贷风险负债管理理论和资产负债综合理论的框架下,从资本充足率要求的角度重点分析了我国商业银行信贷风险的识别和估测。

    Under the theory of asset management , debt management , asset and debt management , from the view of capital adequacy requirements , this thesis analyzes the credit risk reorganization and measure of our commercial bank .

  2. 第一章说明了《巴塞尔协议》产生的背景、内容及发展过程。《巴塞尔协议》对我国国有商业银行风险资产管理、资本结构以及调整资产结构降低风险资产的借鉴作用。

    The first part discusses the background , context and the development of the Basle Accord , the part also narrate many useful advices to national commercial bank about risk assets administration , capital structure , the reduction of the risk assets in banks .

  3. 在风险和资产管理硕士,也是终审法院正式方案合作伙伴

    The MSc in Risk and Asset Management is also an official CFA programme partner

  4. 关注国际形势防范金融风险提高保险资产管理水平

    Paying Attention to International Situations , Guarding against Financial Risks , and Improving Asset Management Level

  5. 第二十一条汽车金融公司应实行资本总额与风险资产比例控制管理。

    Article 21 An auto financing company shall meet the requirement on the capital to risk assets ratio , and the capital adequacy ratio shall not be less than ten percent .

  6. 信贷客户信用评价,是商业银行控制信用风险和资产风险管理的主要手段。

    It is also proved that this work is very important . The credit assessment of borrower is the major measure for commercial bank to control credit risk and manage risky asset .

  7. 上海市金融服务办公室向官方媒体表示,上海将派一个代表团去纽约、芝加哥和伦敦招募风险管理、资产管理、产品研发、宏观经济以及政策分析方面的专家。

    The Shanghai financial service office has told state media the city is sending a delegation to New York , Chicago and London to recruit specialists in risk management , asset management , product research and development , macro-economics and policy analysis .

  8. 指出我国债转股政策设计存在着选择和决定债转股目标企业的风险、金融资产管理公司面临的与地方政府和产业主管部门、各类企业的债转股博弈风险。

    When designing the policies for transfer from debts to shares of stock , we are facing the risks to choose and decide the target enterprises and the competing risks between the financial asset management companies and the Local authorities , the industrial management departments , and kinds of enterprises .

  9. 财政风险的资产负债表管理是将财政风险和政府会计联系在一起的纽带。

    Balance sheet approach of fiscal risk is the link of fiscal risk management to the government accounting .

  10. 因此及时更换资产,保持其工作在最佳的电能传输状态,防止资源的浪费,从而规避管制风险,是电网资产管理中的重要工作。

    Thus , timely replacement of the asset , to assure the best power-transporting condition , to avoid the waste of resource and finally to avert regulatory risks , is essential in the power grid asset regulation .

  11. 该模式对风险控制、不良资产管理等集中到总行或区域管理中心进行集中控制,将极大提高业务管理效率,降低风险并减少运营成本。

    The pattern of risk control , and asset management focus to the head office or regional management center for centralized control , will greatly enhance the business management efficiency , reduce risk and reduce operating costs .

  12. 主要包括会计系统财务风险和非会计系统财务风险,从固定资产管理、筹资、投资及营运资金、内控、成本核算和预算等方面形成的财务风险问题进行系统阐述。

    Mainly including the accounting systems of financial risks and non-accounting system financial risk , fixed asset management , financing , investment and working capital , internal control , costing and budget aspects of the formation of the financial risk issues systematically explained .

  13. 债转股运行中应着力解决企业的信用风险、企业的经营风险、银行的金融风险、金融资产管理公司的投资风险。

    In the operation of changing credit into stock , efforts must be made to cope with the risk of the credit of the enterprises , the risk in operation of the enterprises , the financial risk of the banks and the investment risk of the financial assets management companies .

  14. 依照证券公司经营范围及业务特点,我国证券公司风险可分为经纪业务风险、自营业务风险、承销业务风险和资产管理业务风险等。

    According to the business scope and business characteristics , the risks can be divided into the risk of brokerage business , underwriting business , asset management business and own business .

  15. 但是,资产管理公司的介入可能带来新的风险,其中最突出的是道德风险,因此,如何防范多重道德风险是资产管理公司成功运作的重要因素。

    But the intervention of capital management company may bring about new risks the most conspicuous of which is the moral risk . Therefore it is an important factor in the successful operation of capital management company to prevent multiple moral risks .

  16. 在此背景下,本文从住房抵押贷款业务的经营风险着手,阐述了住房抵押贷款证券化这种金融创新工具对贷款机构的风险和资产负债管理的卓越贡献。

    Starting with an introduction to the operation risks in housing mortgage loans , the thesis illustrates the significance of mortgage securitization to the risk and asset-debt management .