
  • 网络RISK;Risk Coefficient;risk factor;beta;rpn
  1. 目的为了降低在论证实施PACS过程中的风险系数,同时为了保证投标时的公平性以及能在今后建设较高档次的PACS。

    Objective To reduce the risk coefficient in the process of the demonstration and implementation of Picture Archiving and Communication System ( PACS ), and ensure fair bidding and construction of PACS at higher level .

  2. 结论每月计算调整平均Ridit值作为临床科室风险系数并分类,比较客观准确地动态反映了临床科室收治病人和临床风险情况。

    Conclusion The adjusted average Ridit value of each month , used as the risk coefficient of clinical sections , can reflect dynamically the admitting inpatients and the clinical risk more exactly and more objectively .

  3. 该文运用经验研究方法探讨系统风险系数(Beta)、规模与未来股票收益之间的关系。

    This paper analyzes the relationships between the Beta , size and future stock returns in different portfolios by empirical approach .

  4. property属性还应包括为开发中的这个项目所应保护的每个资产的风险系数级别&Low、Medium、High、PendingEvaluation或NotApplicable。

    The property properties should also include the level of risk factors Low , Medium , High , Pending Evaluation , or Not Applicable for each asset to be protected for the project under development .

  5. 有效性评价一结果评价:用利用/需要比、MFA抗疾病经济风险系数K等指标评价MFA的有效性。

    Use / need ratio and the coefficient of share economic risk of illness were used to assess the effectiveness of MFA .

  6. 在一项生存分析中,通过COX回归分析校正了两组的基线特征,计算出患癌症的风险系数。

    In a survival analysis we calculated hazard ratios for diagnosis of cancer , adjusted for baseline characteristics of the two groups using Cox regression .

  7. 并采用超网络绩效测度的N-Q方法测度了供应链网络绩效在不同风险系数下的变化情况。

    The N-Q measures method of supernetwork performance measurement was used to measure the changes in the supply chain network performance .

  8. 临床科室风险系数确定方法及其应用

    Application on the Calculating Method for Risk Coefficient of Clinical Sections

  9. 什么测试具有最好的风险系数和所需时间比?

    Which tests will have the best high-risk-coverage to time-required ratio ?

  10. 随着网络安全风险系数不断提高,曾经作为最主要的安全防范手段的防火墙,已经不能满足人们对网络安全的需求。

    Along with the increasing of the network security risk coefficient .

  11. 基于风险系数的海底隧道纵断面确定方法

    Method for determining longitudinal section of subsea tunnel based on risk coefficient

  12. 技术转让价格模型中的风险系数确定

    The Determination of Risk Coefficient in the Technology-Transfer Price Model

  13. 风险系数法在海底隧道平面线位确定中的应用

    Application of Risk Coefficient Method to Planar Line Determination of Subsea Tunnel

  14. 高速公路匝道行车风险系数计算模型

    The calculation model of vehicle travelling risk on freeway ramp

  15. 证券组合投资的风险系数及其应用

    The risk coefficient of portfolio investment and its application

  16. 确定矿产资源勘查风险系数的方法的方法&改进的费用效益法

    Determination of prospecting risk coefficient of mineral resources : a proved cost-effect method

  17. 目的探讨计算临床科室风险系数的方法。

    Objective To study the method on calculating the risk coefficient of clinical sections .

  18. 论文最后还探讨了各项风险系数的推导原理。

    The rationale of the risk factors are discussed in the last part of this article .

  19. 传统的鱼排养殖存在风险系数高,工作方式原始等特点。

    The traditional fish farming there is a risk factor , the original work and so on .

  20. 未经校正的癌症风险系数(95%CI)为0.46(0.40–0.53)。

    The unadjusted hazard ratio ( 95 % CI ) for cancer was0.46 ( 0.40 – 0.53 ) .

  21. 利用期望效用理论,分析了风险系数对回购契约的影响。

    By using expectation effect theory , the risk coefficient for the impact of buy-back contract was studied .

  22. 给出了房地产投资组合进行房地产项目选择的判断公式和收益率风险系数。

    Gives the real estate portfolio real estate project selection formulas and rates of return to determine risk factor .

  23. 实证结论大多倾向于,β风险系数对股票的平均收益的解释能力已经走向死亡。

    The empirical results largely hold for the facts that 8 has no explanatory power for the average stock returns .

  24. 很多糖尿病风险系数包含以下内容:年龄增长,肥胖,高血压,高血脂和种族因素。

    Many diabetes risk scores included : increasing age , obesity , high blood pressure , high cholesterol and ethnicity .

  25. 我的数据表明我已经达到平均风险系数对于黄斑病变,一种失明病。

    My data indicates that I 've got about average risk for developing macular degeneration , a kind of blindness .

  26. 股票,证券投资基金,货币市场投资三项资产风险系数较大。

    The empirical evidences indicate that coefficients of fixed income investment are less than stock , fund and monetary market investment .

  27. 结论有效地降低了风险系数,为临床提供高质量的消毒灭菌物品。

    Conclusions The most high quality sterilized goods were offered to our clinical practice due to the decreasing of risk quality .

  28. 内部评级法允许银行利用自己内部的历史数据来计算贷款和投资的风险系数。

    The IRB allows a bank to use its own internal historic data to calculate the riskiness of its loans and investments .

  29. 随着对其他国家和地区石油依赖的不断加深,中国的石油安全风险系数日益增大。

    With the increasing dependence on oil from other countries and regions , the risk coefficient of China 's oil safety is increasing too .

  30. 采取合作创新路径的企业,应建立公平的扩散收益分配机制以保证技术创新扩散机制的正常运作,本文利用模糊数学的方法确定各创新主体的投资额/风险系数。

    Enterprises which take cooperation innovation path should establish equitable diffusion income distribution mechanism , to ensure that technical innovation diffusion mechanism operate normally .