
  • 网络venture capitalist;Venture Capital Providers;Venture capital
  1. 在2000年互联网热潮处于高峰之时,sort公司被出售给美国咨询集团mpower和风险投资商capitalz,戈斯则成为了英国区的董事总经理。

    Sort was sold at the height of the dotcom boom in 2000 to us Advisory Group MPOWER and venture capitalist capital Z , and Mr Goss became UK managing director .

  2. 美国高新技术业快速发展的关键所在是其拥有独立的风险投资商与活跃的股票市场。

    The key for rapid growth of the high-tech industry in the United States is that there are independent venture capitalists and active stock market .

  3. 处于早期发展阶段的其它公司未来怎样,风险投资商命运如何,都将取决于Google这次能否成功带头上市。

    The fortunes of other early-stage companies , and venture capital investors , rest on Google leading the way successfully to the stock market .

  4. 如果希望通过Web提供与桌面应用程序相似的强大功能,确实是可以实现的&但是,不像风险投资商和其他人想得是“免费获得”。

    If you really and truly want the strengths of a desktop app to be accessible over the Web , you can have that & but not " for free " as VCs and others sometimes seem to think .

  5. 而最早成为风险投资商乐土的TMT行业,却相对受到冷落;

    And make the TMT trade with Elysian business of venture capital investment the earliest , get relatively however desolate ;

  6. 本周,总部位于中国深圳的无人机制造商大疆公司(DJI)得到了风险投资商阿克塞尔合伙公司(AccelPartners)的7500万美元投资。

    This week , drone maker DJI , which is based in Shenzhen , China , said it raised $ 75 million from venture capital firm Accel Partners .

  7. 已经涌现为新兴民用无人机市场领军者之一的中国DJI公司从硅谷风险投资商阿克塞尔合伙公司(AccelPartners)筹集到7500万美元。

    DJI , the Chinese company that has emerged as one of the leaders in the burgeoning civilian market for drones , has raised $ 75 million from Accel Partners , the Silicon Valley venture capital firm .

  8. 现代农业正成为中外风险投资商的新宠。

    Modern agriculture become a new favorite of Chinese and foreign venture investors .

  9. 要是我不喜欢那个风险投资商,收到50美元也不一定

    or in some cases $ 50 if I don 't really like the VC .

  10. 有些很顺利地找到了新生,当上了私人风险投资商、全职家长或志愿者。

    Some move smoothly to new lives as private venture investors , full-time parents or volunteers .

  11. 就很多企业家一样,马云的成功开始于一个风险投资商和一个梦想。

    Like many entrepreneurs , Ma 's success story started with borrowed capital and a dream .

  12. 另一方面,风险投资商对于尚未有明确盈利模式的互联网行业开始持币观望。

    On the other hand , business of venture capital investment begins to manage money to having notting have the Internet industry that makes clear profit pattern wait-and-see .

  13. 对于许多应用程序,它们是足够好的。许多非技术人员(比如执行官或风险投资商)显然相信桌面应用程序或传统的客户机-服务器应用程序根本不需要重新部署。

    For a great many applications , they are " good enough . " There are many non-technical types executives or Venture Capitalists ( VCs ), for instance that apparently believe that desktop applications , or traditional client-server applications , need never be deployed again .

  14. 他的第一本书《四步顿悟》(TheFourStepstotheEpiphany)无意中冒犯了风险投资家和商学院学者。

    His first book , the four steps to the Epiphany , unintentionally vilified both venture capitalists and business school scholars .

  15. 但由于外部环境的复杂性和组织自身因素的不确定性,BT模式在具体实施的过程中也面临着很多风险,对投资商构成了一系列的威胁,对项目推进带来了严重的不利影响。

    However , BT mode faces many risks in particular practice process due to the complexity of the external environment and the uncertainty of the organization itself .

  16. 在财务评价中,项目具有良好的盈利能力和较好的财务抗风险能力,投资商在合适的时机,准确定位的前提下,能从该项目中获得理想的利润,具有一定的社会效益。

    In the financial evaluation , the project shows good profitability and good financial ability to resist risks . Investors can gain good profits from the project by investing at the right time and positioning accurately , which will bring some social benefits .

  17. 同时为了突出重点,在充分市场分析的基础上,论文通过周密的财务评价及财务分析和风险分析,为投资商提供参考的结论及建议。

    At the same time in order to stress the key points , on the basis of abundant market analysis , appraise and financial analysis and risk analysis through the careful financial affairs in thesis , offer the conclusion and suggestion of reference to investor .

  18. 虽然我从来没有得到风险投资资金,但我曾被很多风险投资商帮助过。

    I have never gotten VC funding , but I have had many VCs help me .

  19. 国外风险投资机构非常看好中国的风险投资市场,通过与中国风险投资商合作进行投资是未来国外风险投资在中国投资的趋势。

    Foreign venture investing institutes see many opportunities in China 's venture investing market . The tendency of foreign venture investment in China will be the joint investment with Chinese venture investing corporations .