
  • 网络risk management information system;RMIS;Risk MIS
  1. 本文分析了金融风险管理信息系统的基本要求,探讨了金融风险管理系统的高性能计算解决方案,给出了用蒙特卡罗模拟法计算风险价值(ValueAtRisk,VaR)的分布式并行算法。

    This paper analyzes the basic demand of financial risk management information system , discusses solution for the high performance computing in financial risk management information system , and provides the distributed parallel algorithm to compute the value at risk ( VaR ) with the simulation of Monte Carlo .

  2. 空管安全风险管理信息系统分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Air Traffic Safety Risk Management Information System

  3. 基于多层分布式体系结构的可复用建筑工程风险管理信息系统设计

    A Reusable Construction Engineering Risk Management Information System Based on Multilayer Distributed Architecture

  4. 指出风险管理信息系统建立和使用应注意的问题。

    It points out how to establish and use the information management system .

  5. 最后,通过建立风险管理信息系统,架构风险管理超文本组织为企业有效进行风险管理提供理论依据和指导。

    Then risk management system and risk management hyper-text organization are founded to instruct risk management .

  6. 工程项目集成风险管理信息系统包括风险管理系统、风险管理数据库和风险管理外部支持系统。

    The project integrated risk management information system includes the risk management system , risk management database and the exterior support system .

  7. 提出工程项目集成风险管理信息系统框架,建立了基于数据网格技术的工程项目全寿命周期动态信息的发现和共享流程。

    It is established that the flow chart of dynamic information discovery and share based on the data grid in project total lifecycle .

  8. 因此,本文对营销环境风险管理信息系统进行了理论上的研究。

    Therefore , the aim of this paper is to take an initial step on theoretical study toward risk management information system of marketing environment .

  9. 同时文章还对国内外商业银行的风险管理信息系统进行了对比,阐述了国内外商业银行风险管理信息系统的差异。

    Meanwhile , the article also compares the risk management information system used in commercial banks both domestic and foreign , and explains the differences .

  10. 因此,建立一个混合机组风险管理信息系统,为风险管理员提供一个管理平台,具有重要意义。

    Therefore , it is important to establish an information system of mixing unit risk management , and provide a management platform for risk managers .

  11. 接着,采用模糊综合评价方法对空管安全风险管理信息系统进行综合评价。

    Finally , a comprehensive evaluation of the ATC safety risk management information system is made by Multi-level Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation , and satisfactory evaluation results are obtained .

  12. 金融风险管理信息系统是建立在数据大集中基础上的全面统一的集中风险监控体系,是我国金融行业提高核心竞争力、应对国际竞争的必要工具。

    The financial risk management information system is a monitor of financial risks based on the data centralization . It is the necessary tool of improving the kernel of competition power and tackling international competition for finance industry .

  13. 本文将可视化技术运用在洪水淹没区避难路径的选择上,以科学有效、简便直观的洪水风险图管理信息系统的方式来实现洪水风险图的管理,同时提高了人机交互能力。

    In this paper , visualization technology was used in expressing the flood risk information of evacuation road choice . The flood risk map of management information system is scientific , effective , and simple intuitive , while it improves human-computer interaction .

  14. Web快速开发框架不仅能够缩短软件系统的开发时间,而且可以降低项目开发的成本和风险,实现管理信息系统软件的快速开发。

    Be able to shorten the development cycle of the software system , to reduce development costs and risks , the rapid development of software systems .

  15. 从战略方面考虑,信息系统安全战略的建立必须以风险管理为基础,信息系统安全风险评估是风险管理的关键步骤之一。

    Information system security should strategically be based on risk management in which risk evaluation is a crucial step .

  16. 因此,在利率市场化进程中,我国商业银行应逐步建立包含政策框架、价格审批、定价模型以及风险评价系统、管理信息系统在内的贷款定价体系。

    In the course of interest rate liberalization , Chinese commercial banks shall establish an optimal loan pricing mechanism , including the policy frame , price examination , risk evaluation system , MIS and the pricing patterns .

  17. 主要包括基于项目的企业风险管理目标、文化、组织、方法、风险管理信息系统等。

    The framework includes five major factors that are project-based enterprise risk management objectives , risk management culture , risk management organization , risk management methods , and risk management information systems .

  18. 最后,针对我国基础设施的项目融资风险管理的现状,从法律的完善、融资方式多样化、风险管理信息系统的建立等方面提出了建设性意见。

    Finally , the paper put forward the constructive suggestion that from the perfection of law , the diversification of financing way the building of the risk information management system building , etc. which is directed against the current situation in the Project Financing risk management in our country .

  19. 管理方法分四个要点进行论述:风险识别的方法、风险估计的方法、风险的监控措施、风险管理信息系统的建立;

    These means are divided into four points : means of risk identification , means of risk estimation , means of risk monitoring , risk management information system establishment .

  20. 最后,本文提出了鄞州农村合作银行信贷风险防范体系:构建信贷风险管理的组织架构;创建全员的风险控制氛围;健全信贷风险管理的信息系统以及完善信贷风险的控制体系。

    Finally , this paper presents the credit risk prevention system : to construct structure of credit risk management organization ; to create the atmosphere of whole risk control ; to sound credit risk management information system and improve the credit risk controlling system .

  21. 目前,国外银行业已经建立起了比较完善的银行全面风险管理机制,由风险管理战略、风险管理组织结构、风险的衡量报告和控制、风险管理操作和风险管理信息系统等要素构成。

    At present , foreign banks have already set up relatively perfect mechanism of ERM , which includes risk management strategy , risk administrative system , the measurement , report and control of risk , operation of risk management and information system of risk management .