- 名risk loan

Annexation loans are a kind of brand new high risk loan , whose risky nature and complexity are both higher than those of traditional loans .
Nowadays the loans for university district construction projects are limited , as they are grouped in the fifth category of high risk loan projects by the top banks of commercial banks .
The banks made too many risky loans which now can 't be repaid , and they speculated in property whose value has now dropped .
Based on this policy condition , the Dynamic Assembler invoked the Low risk credit check endpoint and the premium loan provider endpoint .
And some ETFs are now using leverage ; others are starting to purchase riskier assets such as risky loans .
Investors demand only 5.13 per cent for risk-free three month lending , with the near 0.9 percentage points gap , rising to levels that led to central bank interventions in September and December .
Sun Hung Kai Financial-the seller of the derivative-receives a previously agreed basis point spread over HIBOR , the local risk-free lending rate .
Research on Valuation of Loan Guarantees with Default Risk
started to sound the alarm bells about risky lending and dangerous market bubbles .
Financiers and structured finance professionals were aware of the negative potential of risky loans .
You slice and dice and repackage high-risk loans into securities that seem to be solid .
Too many high-risk loans were blamed for the failure of the nation 's second largest subprime lender .
According to analysis and selection of finance indicators , the paper evaluates and predicts the quality of fiduciary loan risk by clustering methods .
The safe assembly of high-risk loans into complex investment vehicles could only appear to eliminate risk if a PS state of mind was predominating .
Some economists say the sector 's rise has worsened China 's credit binge by increasing the number of risky loans and inflating real-estate prices .
The sharp pull back by Citigroup is the latest example of a global bank running into trouble with a subsidiary that makes higher-risk loans .
A few weeks ago , Citigroup had to pay $ 158 million to settle a suit that it was pushing faulty loans onto a government insurance program .
Analysts believe foreign banks are in a strong position to lend in the UK as they have healthier balance sheets and do not have back books stuffed with high-risk loans .
Credit markets were in turmoil as a crisis in subprime mortgages spread to other risky loans and bonds , sending hitherto voracious buyers such as hedge funds running for cover .
We agree that excessive leverage was a primary cause - not just in trading books but in large concentrations of high-risk lending assets , primarily related to US residential property .
The same is true for riskier US loans , for which the average price bid rose above 90 per cent of face value for the first time since June 24 , 2008 .
The prices of the most traded risky European and US loans have reached their highest levels for more than a year , in a further sign of improving conditions in credit markets .
Back then , Hong Kong dollar loan-to-deposit ratios were much higher , at over 110 per cent versus about 80 per cent today , so banks were under greater pressure to call in riskier loans rather than roll them over .
CDOs were one of the main vehicles through which risky US mortgages were repackaged and sold to investors around the world .
But unlike the risky mortgage deals that were inked during the financial crisis , clos have recently made a big comeback .
And using the magic of the Gaussian copula correlation model , and some clever off-balance-sheet architecture , high-risk mortgages were re-packaged into triple-A-rated investor gold .
The highly technical consultation announced on Friday by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision , which sets global bank safety rules , takes aim at banks that have been exploiting a regulatory loophole by buying credit protection on risky loans but spreading out the premiums for several years .
Perhaps the most surprising thing about the clo revival is this : the entities that have emerged as the biggest buyers of the packages of risky bank loans are the banks themselves .
This article investigates and researches the KMV model which puts the Modern Portfolio Management Theory into credit portfolio management and the theory and practice in which the credit derivatives are used to hedge credit risk .
Loan Pricing under Adverse Selection