
  • 网络venture capital funds
  1. 加大扶持力度,建立政府主导的文化产业风险投资基金;

    The second measure is to establish government-oriented venture capital of culture industry .

  2. 本周一,前NBA超级巨星科比·布莱恩特在纽约证券交易所启动了一个1亿美元的风险投资基金,名字为布莱恩特·斯蒂贝尔。

    Kobe Bryant , the former US National Basketball Association league star , launches a US $ 100 million venture capital fund known as Bryant Stibel at the New York Stock Exchange on Monday .

  3. 今年1月,BetterPlace获得了3.5亿美元的风投融资,这是风险投资基金对清洁技术公司的历来最大投入之一。

    In January , Better Place raised $ 350m in one of the biggest venture capital financings ever for a clean tech company .

  4. 我正在以实习生的身份,供职于全球社会风险投资基金acumenfund。

    I am working as an intern with acumen fund , a global social venture fund .

  5. 精英级收购基金认为,自己就像是benchmarkcapital或红杉资本(sequoiacapital)等硅谷风险投资基金。

    The elite buy-out funds view themselves as akin to Silicon Valley venture capital funds such as benchmark capital and Sequoia Capital .

  6. AccelPartners的成功验证了一个定理:最成功的风险投资基金往往是小型风投。

    It also could help support an argument that the most successful VC funds are small VC funds .

  7. 我们在2009年建立了一个联合办公场所,然后开始融资,最终于2011年3月份启动价值6000万美元的风险投资基金PassionCapital。

    We started by establishing a co-working space in 2009 and then we were able to raise , close , and launch our $ 60 million fund , Passion Capital , in April 2011 .

  8. 根据投资方向的不同,私募基金可以分为私募证券投资基金、私募股权投资基金(PE)、风险投资基金(VC)等等。

    Depending on the investment direction , private placement fund can be divided into private securities investment fund , private equity fund ( PE ) . venture capital fund ( VC ) .

  9. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)获悉,美国著名科技博客TechCrunch创始人兼联合主编迈克尔•阿灵顿正在募集一只风险投资基金,主要投资于初创科技公司。

    Michael Arrington , founder and co-editor of techcrunch , is raising a venture capital fund to invest in early-stage technology companies , fortune has learned .

  10. 媒体投资是通过IDG集团而不是风险投资基金来运作的。

    IDG 's investment in media is made by the Group , not through any venture capital .

  11. LendInvest的首席执行官克里斯蒂安•费斯(ChristianFaes)表示,他花了大量时间接洽风险投资基金,试图找到合适的合作伙伴。

    Christian Faes , chief executive , said he had spent a lot of time talking to venture capital funds trying to find the right partner .

  12. 第二种设想是鼓励一些企业(比如谷歌(Google)和Facebook,它们在点燃革命上发挥了非常重要的作用)提供风险投资基金、创新奖项等等,帮助创建新的中小企业。

    A second is enlisting corporations ( such as Google and Facebook , which played such an important role in sparking the revolution ) to provide venture capital funds , innovation prizes , etc to help create new SMEs .

  13. 自从20世纪50年代以来,Draper一家一直对企业进行投资,当时他们将风险投资基金带到了硅谷。

    The Draper family had invested in entrepreneurs since the1950s , when they brought venture capital to Silicon Valley .

  14. 英特尔已经设立了一个价值3亿美元的风险投资基金,用于支持相关的技术公司。外界预期英特尔将加强对PC制造商在广告和促销方面的支持,拉动市场对Ultrabook的需求。

    It has set up a $ 300 million venture-capital fund to support related technology companies , and is expected to boost its advertising and promotional support to PC makers to drive demand for Ultrabooks .

  15. 根据cambridgeassociates的最新数据,过去10年里,新兴市场私募股权和风险投资基金的年净收益率为6.6%,落后于西欧和美国。

    Over the past 10 years emerging market private equity and venture capital funds have returned a net 6.6 per cent a year , lagging the returns from Western Europe and the US , according to the most recent data from Cambridge associates .

  16. 迄今为止,这些精英企业的创始人难以抗拒风险投资基金的意愿,但米尔纳开创的交易ElevationPartners最近向Yelp提供投资时已模仿了这一套路给了这些企业更大的话语权。

    Until now , the founders of such elite enterprises have struggled to resist the wishes of venture funds , but the deals pioneered by Mr Milner – and already mimicked by Elevation Partners in a recent financing of Yelp – give them greater power .

  17. 到2010年9月,Hector已经募集到了第一笔外部资金:从Infosys创始人NR•纳拉亚纳•穆尔蒂(NRNarayanaMurthy)创立的风险投资基金CatamaranVentures,和FootprintVentures募得了300万美元——这两家机构和HectorBeverages现在的总部都设在班加罗尔。

    By September 2010 , Hector had rais ­ ed its first outside funds : $ 3m from Catamaran Ventures , the venture capital fund of Infosys founder NR Narayana Murthy , and from Footprint Ventures - both in Bangalore where Hector Beverages is now based .

  18. 传统的风险投资基金以投资换股权,Unshackled却与之不同,它既接受股权,又将企业创始人聘请为员工,让他们在创办公司时得以保留工作签证。

    Unlike traditional venture funds , which invest capital in exchange for equity , Unshackled will take equity but also hire founders as employees , allowing them to keep their work visas while building their companies .

  19. 与此同时,总部位于华盛顿的美洲开发银行(IDB)批准了对一个风险投资基金的500万美元股权投资。该基金由墨西哥政府资助,为墨西哥中小企业提供种子资本和战略咨询。

    Separately , but at the same time , the Washington-based Inter-American Development Bank ( IDB ) approved a $ 5m equity investment in a Mexican government sponsored venture capital fund that will provide seed capital and strategic advice to small - and medium-size Mexican companies .

  20. 我强烈感到,大部分增长将由小型股板块贡献而Origo聚焦于清洁技术公司,加上旗下以人民币计价的风险投资基金不断增多,它应该能够在很大程度上抓住这波增长机遇。

    I have a strong sense that most growth will come through the small cap sector and Origo 's focus on clean tech companies , plus its growing stable of yuan-denominated venture capital funds , should be able to capture much of that upside .

  21. 湖南科技风险投资基金的建立模式研究

    A Research on the Model of Hunan Technology Venture Investment Fund

  22. 促进广西创业风险投资基金市场发展的配套政策研究

    The Countermeasures to Promote Business Venture Capital Fund Market of Guangxi

  23. 风险投资基金的监督博弈分析

    The Analysis of Venture Capital Funds Based in Game Theory

  24. 第二章:有限合伙型风险投资基金;第三章:有限合伙型风险投资基金在我国的实现。

    Chapter two : venture capital fund in limited partnership .

  25. 股权激励的博弈分析风险投资基金组建的激励博弈

    Game Analysis on the Incentive Mechanism during the Setup of Venture Fund

  26. 风险投资基金&中国高新技术产业的资金依托

    Risky Investment Fund Support of High tech Industry 's development in china

  27. 风险投资基金分段投资优化模型

    The Optimization Model for Stage Investment of Venture Capital Fund

  28. 风险投资基金的融投资效率分析

    An Analysis of the Financing and Investing Efficiency of Venture Investment Funds

  29. 信托机构主营业务转向风险投资基金初探

    Developing a New Trust Business & Risk Investment Fund Business

  30. 人民币风险投资基金运作状态评价研究

    The Analyze of RMB Private Equity Fund Operation State