
The result shows : It is a feasible plan to refer to loan risk degree to determine Credit Risk model of individual probability in breach .
And then , several credit risk treatment methods such as Credit Risk + model , credit derivatives , loan risk measurement are mainly analyzed and compared , suitable credit risk management method for risk assurance organizations of our country is concluded .
Several credit risk treatment methods used in commercial banks such as Credit Risk + model , credit derivatives , and loan risk measurement are used for reference and the characteristics of credit assurance organizations are integrated , furthermore , quantitative analysis is creatively introduced to credit assurance risk management .
Credit risk degree method also has some defaults .
A comparative analysis is made in detail between two credit risk models-CreditRisk + + and Risk Rate of Loans .
Credit Grading and Loan Risk Degree are the main evaluation systems used in our commercial banks , which is dominated by qualitative analysis .
China commercial banks still adopt methods based mainly on qualitative analysis and experiences which have many shortcomings in terms of risk and capital quantification .
Secondly , this paper construct commercial bank credit risk measure modal through advanced evaluating method of foreign countries . And from the reality of our country , this paper design feasible method to measure the loan risk degree .
The risk distribution function on the basis of enterprise age has been given . Using loan risk degree , distribution parameter is estimated . The enterprise risks and the loan wag have been joined to reflect the loan actual risk state .
Optimization Model of Incremental Asset Portfolio based on Integrated Risk Weight Control of Total Loan Portfolio
Bring forward the method of credit risk measurement through introducing enterprise credit degree , enterprise trade , loan term and loan manner to loan risk degree for the first time .
In the early of 1980s , commercial bank gradually set up an evaluation system and designed some assessment indexes based on loan risk degree pursuant to General Rules on Loan .