
  • 网络leadership positions;leadership posts
  1. Facebook并没有让特定的个人担任领导职位,而是根据具体情况和员工个人的才干,由不同的员工挺身而出,担当领导角色。

    Instead of specific individuals holding leadership positions , different people step forward to lead , depending on the situation and their individual talents .

  2. 如何开展有效的管理和领导职位继任计划?

    HOW do you accomplish EFFECTIVE succession planning for management and leadership positions ?

  3. 提到她的名字时,说她是领导职位的热门候选人。

    Her name has been mentioned as a favoured leadership candidate .

  4. 因为成功组织了领导职位竞选活动,他得到了这份工作。

    He was given the job as a reward for running a successful leadership bid .

  5. 这种对待冲突的不同方式可能会成为谁被晋升领导职位而谁又不被晋升的决定因素。

    This difference in handling conflict could be the deciding factor on who gets promoted to a leadership position and who does not .

  6. “玻璃悬崖”描述的是这样一种现象,在危机或衰退期,当失败的风险最高时,女性比男性更容易获得领导职位,比如当上企业高管或者在政治大选中胜出。

    The glass cliff is a term that describes the phenomenon of women in leadership roles , such as executives in the corporate1 world and female political election candidates , being likelier than men to achieve leadership roles during periods of crisis or downturn , when the chance of failure is highest .

  7. 去年,《财富》杂志采访克利尼基时曾询问他是否希望登上最高领导职位,他说道:“我的回答是,希望杰夫(伊梅尔特)能在CEO职位上获得成功。”

    When asked last year if he desired the top spot , Krenicki told fortune , " the answer to that question is I want Jeff [ Immelt ] to be successful at that job . "

  8. 也许,最重要的是,我们应该开始讨论为什么只有少数的女性,即便来自HBS,即便是你们这届毕业生,渴望坐上最高的领导职位。

    And maybe , most importantly , we need to start talking about how fewer women than men , even from places like HBS , most likely even in this class , aspire to the very top jobs .

  9. 大学时期,您担任过什么领导职位?

    Have you occupied a leading position as a university student ?

  10. 有四名候选人角逐该领导职位。

    The leadership election will be contested by four candidates .

  11. 职员:如果领导职位有空缺,我可以参与竞争吗啊?

    Worker : Can I competed for the leader if it is blank ?

  12. 但是,提摩西也说他对担任领导职位感到有些矛盾。

    And yet Timothy said he felt conflicted about taking a leadership spot .

  13. 论党政机构领导职位竞争上岗的现实意义

    New Practical significance : Entering Leadership of Party and Government Organs Through Competition

  14. 跟她一起参加这个项目她还说可能会让我担任领导职位

    She even said that she 'd give me some sort of leadership role

  15. 父亲去世后她接任了该公司的领导职位。

    She took over the lead of the corporation after her father 's death .

  16. 领导职位尚未空缺,几个竞争者早就在为向上爬而钩心斗角了。

    Several candidate have is manoeuvre for position long before the leadership become vacant .

  17. 十多位政客现在正在为谋取党的领导职位而施展纵横捭阖的手段。

    More than ten politicians are now jockeying for the leadership of the Party .

  18. 企业家们你们是否曾经指引支持女性或让女性参与至领导职位?

    Businessmen , have you mentored , supported or engaged women in leadership positions ?

  19. 还有人为了党的领导职位向他挑战吗?

    Is anyone else going to challenge him for the leadership of the party ?

  20. 你在大学的时候担当过什么领导职位吗?

    Snow : Were you in a leading position when you were a college student ?

  21. 整个政府内部,因为政府提名的人选无法获得国会确认,许多领导职位都还空着。

    Across government , leadership positions are unfilled because the administration cannot get its nominees confirmed .

  22. 渴望坐上最高的领导职位

    aspire to the very top jobs

  23. 因为代代相传的不仅是领导职位,而且还有对国家事务的管理。

    For not only leadership is passed from generation to generation , but so is stewardship .

  24. 我担任过领导职位,从而学到不同的人会受不同事物的激发。

    While working in a leadership position , I learned that different people are motivated by different things .

  25. 晋升的时候到了,你的老板一定会认为你是领导职位的最佳人选,不是吗?

    Come promotion time , your boss will see you 're the bestcandidate for a leadership position , right ?

  26. 那些监测比例公司则表示,在目前担任领导职位的人当中,女性只占20%。

    Those that do say women make up only 20 per cent of the people currently in these roles .

  27. 指南还对危重病护理医学中领导职位职业提升途径进行了描述。

    The guide also describes some of the career paths that culminate in leadership positions in critical care medicine .

  28. 让男性参加竞选领导职位削弱了女校让女性做领导者的主旨。

    Having men in elected leadership positions undermines the idea of this being a place where women are the leaders .

  29. 马沙和凯利都希望在彼此感情不受影响的情况下,自己能够当选班级的领导职位。

    Martha and Kelly both want to be elected leader of their class , and there is no love lost between them .

  30. 1973年,女性几乎不可能晋升到领导职位。

    In 1973 , it was almost impossible for a woman to work her way up the ranks to a leadership role .