
  1. 可持续发展与现代领导思维

    Sustainable Development and Mode of Leader 's Thinking

  2. 牵引式思维:领导思维新范式语篇思维模式与英文写作

    Attractive Thinking Model : The New Paradigm of Leader Thinking On Thinking , Writing

  3. 论文写作的思维过程和干部领导思维过程有着诸多共同的规律。

    The thought process of thesis writing has the same regular pattern with the leader 's thinking course .

  4. 领导思维的创新过程,是发现规律、认识规律、掌握规律的过程;

    The course of intellectual innovation for leading is a process of detecting , recognize and grasp the regularity ;

  5. 肩负着社会主义现代化建设历史重任的领导者,要适应社会化大生产要求,领导思维方式必须进行革命性变革,努力使思维科学化。

    Leaders who shoulder the important historical task of socialist modernization construction must carry out revolutionary reforms and strive for scientific thinking in order to meet the requirements of socialized production .

  6. 理论根基的深浅,不仅在一定程度上决定了干部的领导思维水平和管理水平的高低,而且也决定了其发展后劲与潜力。

    A cadre 's theoretical level can have a very decisive impact on his or her leadership skills and administrative behavior , as well as on his or her momentum and potential for further development .

  7. 第四,树立科学发展的新思维,构建以发展性思维、人本性思维、过程性思维和全局性思维为基本内容的基于科学发展观的四维领导思维体系模型。

    Fourth , set the scientific development of the new thought , construct the " four-dimensions " leaders ' thought system base on Scientific Outlook on Development , which is basic content on the development 、 process of thoughts the human nature of thought and global thought .

  8. 大学之治:道德领导的思维向度

    How universities work : the way of thinking of moral leadership

  9. 知识经济时代领导管理思维的更新

    The Innovation of Management Thought of Leadership in Intellectual Economic Times

  10. 领导决策思维要处理好四个关系

    Four Relationship to Be Handled Properly in Leader Decision Thinking

  11. 简论现代领导战略思维方法与艺术

    Way and art of modern leading strategic thinking

  12. 县级领导干部思维活动特点探析略论提高县级领导干部领导能力和执政水平

    Briefly on Enhancing the Art of Leadership and Abilities of Administration of County-level Leader Leading Reformation

  13. 大平衡:领导大战略思维的基点

    Grand Equilibrium : The Foundation of Grand Strategic Thinking on Leadership

  14. 高盛对领导层的思维方式已经改变。

    The firm changed the way it thought about leadership .

  15. 领导与模糊思维方式

    On Leadership and Fuzzy Thinking Mode

  16. 领导要善于逆向思维

    Leaders Should Know Hew to Do Converse Thinking

  17. 领导干部的现代思维方式

    Leading Cadres ' Modern Mode of Thinking

  18. 论领导干部的战略思维

    Strategic Thinking of Leading Cadres

  19. 洞察时代特征凝聚时代精华&党的第三代领导的哲学新思维初探

    Perceiving Features and Embodying Prime of the Times & Probing the New Philosophy of CPC 's Third Leadership

  20. 同时也使得医院领导层的管理思维由整体的医疗行为管理发展为对临床科室医生的个体医疗质量管理,将医疗质量量化指标量化到医生个体,从而实现真正意义上的全医疗过程跟踪。

    And the governor requires the management to clinician 's medical quality , he wants to put the medical quality target on the clinician and realize scout of wholesale medical action .

  21. 提高领导干部运用法治思维和法治方式深化改革、推动发展、化解矛盾、维护稳定能力。

    We should ensure that leading officials are guided by law in both thinking and action in their effort to deepen reform , promote development , solve problems , and maintain stability .

  22. 传统的领导理论中将男性思维与经验当成是普遍的规范与常模,这无形中是对性别差异的一种忽视。

    In traditional leadership theory , the ideation and experience of male is considered as the pervasive standardization and norm , which virtually is a kind of neglecting to the difference of gender .

  23. 针对上述情况,本文从分析战略思维的深刻内涵入手,阐述了各级领导干部提高战略思维能力的必要性、重要性和现实途径。

    In view of the above mentioned situation , this article elaborates the necessity , essentiality and practical means of improving the strategic thinking ability of leading cadres at all levels through an analysis of the profound connotation of the thinking .

  24. 本文第三章,讨论了实现向新型校长领导转变的基本思路:转变领导思维,建立学校的共同愿景;

    The final chapter discusses new principals leading to the realization of the fundamental changes in thinking and made four constructive comments : change leadership thinking and establish a common vision of schools ;

  25. 思维创新是领导活动发展和变革的先导,实践是领导思维创新的源泉。

    Intellectual innovation is a requisite of leading activity development and reform , and practice is the springhead of it .

  26. 柔性领导作为一种理论体系它是建立在以人为本的柔性领导理念下,秉持着一种中庸的领导思想,运用非定式的领导思维,在个性魅力的基础上,通权达变的运用领导艺术。

    Flexible leadership as a theoretical system that is built on people-oriented leadership under the concept of flexible , uphold the leadership of a kind of ideological moderation , the use of non-fixed type of leadership thinking , charismatic personality , based on the use of leadership changes his mind .