
  • 网络budget manager
  1. 预算管理、经理业绩评价与激励&对中国一家上市公司相关体系的评析

    On Budget Management and Managing Achievement Evaluation Stimulation An Analysis of a Listed Company 's Relevant System

  2. 他们必须花费预算来从资源经理那里得到资源,并要花费更多以获得更好的资源。

    They must spend this budget to get resources from the resource managers , and spend more to get the better resources .

  3. 为项目创建预算可以让项目经理指定项目的最大容量,以使用资金、执行工作或使用材料。

    Creating a budget for your project allows a project manager to specify the maximum capacity of a project to use money , perform work , or use materials .

  4. 财权预算以投资者为预算主体,作业预算以企业总经理为预算主体。

    The investors are the main budget subjects in financial rights budget , while the general manager of the enterprise is the main budget subjects in activity budget activity .