
  • 网络Budget Center;CSBA
  1. AndrewKrephinvich是总部在华盛顿的战略和预算评估中心的防卫专家,他说中国军事力量的快速发展增加了大家对可能的中国扩张主义的担心:

    Defense Analyst Andrew Krephinvich at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments in Washington says China 's rapid development of its military arsenal raises concerns about possible Chinese expansionism .

  2. 非政府智库战略暨预算评估中心涉入的是一个微妙的领域。

    The nongovernment Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments is wading into delicate territory .

  3. 他与“战略与预算评估中心”的分析家们都认为,美国需要重新考虑其在太平洋地区的战略。

    He and the analysts at CSBA argue that America needs to rethink its strategy in the Pacific .

  4. 罗伯特格林斯坦是美国预算与政策选择中心(centeronbudgetandpolicypriorities)创办人兼执行董事。

    Robert Greenstein is the founder and executive director of the center on budget and policy priorities .

  5. 但预算和政策优先中心(centreonbudgetandpolicypriorities)罗卜特格林斯坦反对说(向商业保险的)出逃将会因政府(保险)覆盖更多儿童而逐渐停止。

    But Robert Greenstein , of thecentre on budget and policy priorities , argues thatcrowding out is bound to occur as the government tries to cover more children .

  6. 比如,无党派机构预算与政策重点中心(CenterforBudgetandPolicyPriorities)在2015年发表的一份报告显示,2014至2015学年,各州在每个学生身上的平均支出比2007至2008学年降低了20%。

    According to a 2015 report by the nonpartisan Center for Budget and Policy Priorities , for example , state spending per student averaged about 20 percent less in 2014-15 than in the 2007-8 school year .

  7. 据智库预算和优先政策中心统计,以威斯康辛州为例,今年每位学生的政府投入会减少10%,俄亥俄州则是9%。

    Schools in Wisconsin , for example , will see spending per pupil fall this year by10 % , and those in Ohio by9 % , according to the Centre on Budget and Policy Priorities , a think-tank .

  8. 预算和政策优先中心的格林斯坦的警告更可怕。他谈到了贫困急剧增加的可能性。格林斯坦说,美国人面临社会保障上的漏洞,而这在1970年代和1980年代发生的深度危机中并不存在。

    Among more dire warnings , Robert Greenstein , of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities , spoke of potential sharp increases in poverty , with Americans facing what he calls holes in the social safety that did not exist during previous deep recessions in the 1970 's and 1980 's :

  9. 预算会计是以预算管理为中心,核算、反映和监督中央与地方各级政府预算以及行政事业单位收支预算执行情况的会计。

    Budget accounting , whose center is the budget management accounts , reflects and supervises the implementation of financial budget of central and local governments as well as administrative institutions .

  10. 经过近几年的预算管理实践,已经形成以全面预算管理为中心的企业管理运行体系。

    After recent years of budget management practice , the enterprise management and operation system has been formed which a comprehensive budget management as the center .

  11. 提出集团预算应以销售预算为起点,以成本费用预算为中心;在财务控制上应实行财务总监委派制、成立财务结算中心、加强内部审计、健全财务信息报告制度。

    For the financial controlling system , it should carry out the Financial Controller accreditation system , establish financial settlement center , and strengthen inside audit , perfect financial message reporting system .