- 名budget surplus

Japan is in the enviable position of having a budget surplus
Norway 's budget surplus has fallen from 5.9 % in 1986 to an expected 0.1 % this year .
It accumulated a budget surplus of8.8 % of GDP last year , thanks to soaring revenues from its copper mines .
Over a four-year period , budget surpluses totalled $ 559bn and debt held by the public was reduced from 46 per cent to 33 per cent of gross domestic product .
With 10-year interest rates at , say , 1.5 per cent , Japan needs to run a primary budget surplus of 3 per cent of GDP merely to meet interest payments .
It could require Greece to achieve primary budget surpluses revenues less expenses when debt interest payments are not included of as much as 3.5 per cent of gross domestic product in the medium term .
Since 1983 , the Hong Kong government has maintained an average annual budget surplus of 1.4 per cent of GDP , deliberately accumulating in good times a fiscal reserve that can be run down in recessions .
Koji Omi , finance minister , has said Japan could beat its target of reaching a sustainable primary surplus by 2011 .
Official economic projections showed federal budget surpluses , in the words of Alan Greenspan , Federal Reserve Chairman , " as far as the eye could see " .
The IMF remains sceptical whether Greece will be able to hit the ambitious budget surplus targets and continues to seek assurances that eurozone governments would agree to restructure Greek debt if a credible reform programme is not implemented .
Starting with its " primary budget surplus " ( tax revenues exceeding total non-interest outlays ) , it can eliminate its overall budget deficit if it cuts spending by just 3 per cent of gross domestic product in a budget that equals half of GDP .
Indeed , the study says the budgets of most advanced economies , excluding interest payments , would need 20 consecutive years of surpluses exceeding 2 per cent of gross domestic product – starting now – just to bring the debt-to-GDP ratio back to its pre-crisis level .
A run of budget surpluses has wiped out its national debt .
The government has ample resources and is running a budget surplus .
Mr Clinton left office with a budget surplus .
The government budget surplus flipped back to deficits .
Repeated larger-than-anticipated surpluses have left the government with an embarrassment of riches .
For instance , Virginia recently posted a budget surplus for the second consecutive year .
Five years of double-digit economic growth are boosting tax revenues and creating budget surpluses .
Unappropriated budget surplus held in suspense
Ten years ago , we had a big budget surplus with projected surpluses far into the future .
When the surpluses still overflowed , Mr Gore said they should be used to cut national debt .
The German government has more room to manoeuvre , with a projected budget surplus for this year .
The government in Beijing , which is running a huge budget surplus , also has money to spare .
The US is borrowing at lower long-term rates than it did when it was running a budget surplus .
California now has a budget surplus and led the nation in job growth last year & far outpacing Texas .
California now has a budget surplus and led the nation in job growth last year - far outpacing Texas .
The fiscal picture could be prettier : this chronic over-spender has run five budget surpluses in the past 40 years .
They must also signal their intention credibly to return to longer-term fiscal sustainability through the generation of meaningful primary budgetary surpluses .
Should the danger become one of demand inflation , the normal instruments of higher central bank interest rates and budget surpluses would be available .