
  • 网络current account
  1. 拥有巨额经常账赤字的国家正在减少进口商品的消费。

    Countries with large current account deficits are cutting consumption of imported goods .

  2. 由于直到危机发生的前夜,资本流入加速,经常账盈余迅速扩大。

    Current account deficits ballooned , with capital inflows accelerating up to the eve of the crisis .

  3. 蕴藏丰富的矿藏有可能让澳大利亚摆脱长期的经常账赤字,并且推动其在国际贸易中获得盈余。

    The bonanza has the potential to end Australia 's long-term current account deficit and push the country 's international trade balance into surplus .

  4. 亚洲储蓄过剩和经常账盈余给美国家庭维持过度消费和巨大的经常账赤字提供了条件。

    " Asia 's excess savings and current account surpluses allowed the United States to maintain excessive household consumption and huge current account deficit ," Lee said .