- 名diehards;bigot;back number

Shallowly Discussed The Debate About Abolishing The Eight-part Essay Examination Between Bourgeois Reformers and Diehards
The theory and practice of " Westernization group " suffered the opposition of " the diehards " of traditional force in the same camp .
Never mind about him . He 's a back number .
In short , die-hards do change eventually .
Similarly with china 's present-day die-hards .
The military attacks of the die-hards must be smashed-resolutely , thoroughly , wholly and completely .
With his radiant and outgoing personality , Mulally has won over all but the most deeply cynical .
As for the few thousand people who insisted on staying behind , he called them " hard-headed " .
For the latter are opposed to the growth of the progressive forces , while the middle section is sceptical .
This is the reason why the bourgeois die-hards are so loudly demanding that communism be " folded up " .
Objectively , the thoughts of the group have its significance in developping Chinese modern culture from surface to depth .
Similarly with China 's present-day die-hards . The tenacious work of the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups around the country .
However , there are several principles which we must observe in our struggle against the die-hards in the period of the Anti-Japanese United front .
Such is our revolutionary dual policy to meet the dual policy of the die-hards , and such is our policy of seeking unity through struggle .
We should then take the initiative in seeking unity with the die-hards and , if they concur , we should make a peace agreement with them .
But the die-hards among the Chinese bourgeoisie ( I am referring solely to the die-hards ) seem to have learned nothing in the past twenty years .
They do not support the die-hards and they , too , want to exploit the contradictions between us and the die-hards for their own political ends .
The middle forces carry considerable weight in China and may often be the decisive factor in our struggle against the die-hards ; we must therefore be prudent in dealing with them .
All this is being used by the big bourgeois capitulators and die-hards to prepare the way for capitulating to Japanese imperialism , breaking up the united front and dragging China backwards .
The movement for constitutional government will never follow the course decided on by the die-hards , but will run counter to their intentions , and it will inevitably take the course decided on by the people .
We must know how to exploit the contradictions among the die-hards and must not take on too many of them at a single time , but must direct our blows at the most reactionary of them first .
In the present war , it differs not only from the capitulationists of the big landlord class and big bourgeoisie but also from the big bourgeois die-hards , and so far has been a fairly good ally of ours .
Nevertheless , his thought was obviously different from the radical Reform Faction and the stubborn Conservative Faction , it needs to differentiate carefully .
Diehard optimists might insist not .
When Mark Antony explains that Vorenus is a " stone wall Catonian " who believes they are committing a sacrilege , Caesar concedes that he may be right .
Despite one incident in January when police opened fire on a mob in Falluja , an ever-restive Sunni city , killing five , security forces have for the most part avoided confronting protesters .
A stalwart proponent of tax reform ; Never mind about him . He 's a back number .