
  • 网络Project Objective Control;object control for construction project
  1. 辽阳电信3G网络工程建设项目目标控制

    The Target Control for Liaoyang Telecom 3G Network Construction Project

  2. 工程质量控制是建设项目目标控制的核心。

    Project quality control is the core of the construction project object control .

  3. 建设工程项目目标控制系统的协调与优化

    Coordination and Optimization of Construction Project Objective Control System

  4. 建筑施工项目目标控制研究

    Research on Target Control of Construction Project

  5. 如何提高总监理工程师对项目目标控制的预见性

    How to Improve The Foresight of The General Supervision Engineer for The Control of Project Object

  6. 使其在新的项目目标控制中具有更强的指导和借鉴作用。

    All these enable it to play a more important role in new project target control process .

  7. 质量、进度、投资是工程建设项目目标控制系统的三大目标。

    Quality , rate of progress and investment are the three goals of the goal control system of construction project .

  8. 本文具体阐述三大目标之间的辩证关系,并指出掌握这种关系对工程项目目标控制的重要作用。

    The article concretely expatiates the polemic relation between the three goals , and emphasizes that grasping the relation is important to construction project goal control .

  9. 工程项目目标控制人员,不仅要理解它们各自的含义,掌握各自的控制方法,而且还要认识及掌握它们之间的辩证关系。

    The personnel working for construction project goals should not only apprehend their meanings respectively , and grasp the control methods respectively , but also realize and grasp the polemic relation between them .

  10. 工期与成本作为工程项目目标控制的主要方面,是工程项目在各阶段的主要工作内容,也是工程建设各方主体的中心任务。

    As the major aspects of engineering project targets control , schedule and cost are very important content on each progress of project , also are the core tasks of each unit in the project construction .

  11. 输变电工程建设项目的目标控制研究

    Research on the Target Control of Substation Construction Project Management

  12. 析房地产项目目标成本控制

    Analyses on Object Cost Control of Real Estate Project

  13. 上海世博会石油馆建设项目质量目标控制研究

    Study on Quality Target Control of Oil Pavilion for 2010 Shanghai World Expo

  14. 第4部分是住宅开发项目目标成本控制体系研究。

    Chapter 4 is research on the system of target cost control of residential development project .

  15. 第3部分是对于现阶段我国住宅开发项目目标成本控制的现状和问题的研究。

    Chapter 3 is research on the status and problems of target cost control for residence development projects at this stage .

  16. 首先以我国住宅开发项目目标成本控制的现状作为切入点,探析了住宅开发项目目标成本控制中存在的问题以及原因。

    First based on the the situation in the target cost control of residential development project , analysised the problems and the reasons of the target cost control .

  17. 这种模式的技术关键,一是如何进行招标以及进行投标、评标,二是如何进行项目的目标控制即投资控制、进度控制和质量控制。

    The keys of Design - build lie in how to bid and how to evaluate the bids and how to control the project , e.g. time control , cost control , and especially quality control .

  18. 最后,本文从理念、组织、信息三个角度构建了建设项目目标集成控制的支撑体系,为目标集成控制方法更好地运用在项目管理实践中铺平了道路。

    At last , from the angle of concept , organization , information , this paper builds the supporting system for the aim integrated control and pave the way for the better use for aim integrated control in project management .

  19. 建设项目的目标成本控制是工程项目管理重要组成部分之一,它对工程项目的效益起到了至关重要的作用。

    Target cost control of construction projects is an important part of project management , and it plays a crucial role on the benefit of construction projects .

  20. 这样,业主、承包商和监理在施工阶段进行项目管理和目标控制时所需采集、处理和分析的信息量相当宏大,工程管理工作量大而复杂。

    In this way , the information need to be collected , managed and analyzed is quite grandiose and the project management workload is colossal and complicated when the owner , the contractor and the supervisor participate in the project management and object controlling in the construction phase .

  21. EPC公司对工程项目七项目标的控制与管理

    The Control and Management for the Seven Targets of Project by EPC Corporation

  22. 简单介绍工程公司对EPC型项目七项目标进行控制与管理的基本方法。

    The basic methods of control and management for the seven targets of EPC type project were briefly introduced by engineering contract corporation .

  23. 论文首先分析我国项目管理的现状和存在的问题以及项目目标控制的基本方法和存在的问题。

    First of all , this thesis analyzes current situations of Chinese project management and problems in existence , along with basic methods and problems of the project objective control .

  24. 阐述直接还原铁工程特点、项目部的建立、施工规划部署、项目目标的控制实施以及施工生产要素的管理。

    The text expounds the project characteristics , setup of project divisions , construction programme and planning , control of project target and management of construction and production key elements .

  25. 最后通过广州某住宅项目建设的实际案例,具体探讨了该房地产项目目标成本控制的经验和存在的不足以及可改进之处。

    Finally , with a case study , the construction of the real estate project in Guangzhou , Guangdong province , the experiences , weakness and improvement about cost control of the project were discussed in the paper .

  26. 项目的成功取决于对项目的成本、工期、质量等项目目标的控制效果。

    The success of the project depends on the effective control of the project targets , for example , cost , schedule and quality .

  27. 在现代项目管理中,项目管理人员引入风险管理技术,强调对项目目标的主动控制,以对项目实现过程中遭受的风险和干扰因素起预防作用,从而减少损失。

    In the project management , staff involves the risk management skills and emphasizes the active control goal to prevent project from risking , and finally reduce losses .

  28. 为了发展项目管理部门,经理必须有自己的一套,就是能清楚的定义项目目标及改变控制体系。

    In order to develop the project management side the manager should have an approach , which provides the capability of defining the project goals clears and change control system .

  29. 通过LG国际时装城这一具体项目的操作实践,利用数学工具、图形、图表等手段定量与定性相结合对该项目目标控制进行分析研究与评价;

    Through practical management of LG International Garment Mart , it carried out analysis and estimation by resorting to mathematical tools , figures and tables , taking both the quantity and character into consideration ;

  30. 随着中国加入WTO和建筑市场的越加规范,项目总监理工程师已成为项目管理的核心,为保证项目目标的实现,总监理工程师对项目目标控制的预见能力尤为重要。

    Along with china entered the WTO and the building market grown up , the major engineer has became the very important person . In order to ensure the project object completing , the control capacity of the major engineer for the project object is very important ?