
  • 网络Producer;Music producer;record producer
  1. GiovanniQuattrochi希望成为音乐制作人。

    Giovanni Quattrochi hopes for a career as a music producer .

  2. 苹果(Apple)已接近以32亿美元的价格收购BeatsElectronics,这将成为该公司历史上规模最大的收购。BeatsElectronics是由音乐制作人吉米•艾欧文(JimmyIovine)和嘻哈歌手DrDre创办的耳机制造商及音乐流媒体运营商。

    Apple is closing in on its largest ever acquisition with the planned $ 3.2bn purchase of Beats Electronics , the headphone maker and music streaming operator founded by music producer Jimmy Iovine and the hip-hop star Dr Dre .

  3. 音乐制作人乐于是用这个站点,因为他们想要的是简短的MV,他们来自全国各地,旨在制作简明扼要的MV。

    Music video directors come and join the site , because they want to see music video brief , they want to make music vedio brief and they can come from anywhere in the world .

  4. 现在,Diplo已经是最为炙手可热的音乐制作人,为小甜甜布兰妮、贾斯汀?比伯等众多流行歌手供曲。

    Today he 's one of the most in-demand producers in the game , furnishing beats for everyone from Britney Spears to Justin Bieber .

  5. 英国DJ、词曲作者和音乐制作人卡尔文·哈里斯(CalvinHarris)的收入为4600万美元,位居榜单第四位。流行歌手蕾哈娜以4300万美元的收入跻身第五位。

    DJ , songwriter and producer Calvin Harris , who played more than 150 shows from June 2012-June 2013 and earned $ 46 million , was fourth on the list , and Barbados-born pop star Rihanna rounded out the top five with earnings of $ 43 million .

  6. 这位27岁的音乐制作人、歌手、歌曲作家兼演员在中国广州出生,10月份成为唯一一位在美国iTunes排行榜上获得第一名的中国艺人。

    The 27-year-old music producer , singer song-writer and actor was born in Guangzhou , China , and in October became the only Chinese artist to reach No. 1 on the U.S. iTunes Chart with the success of the single " Deserve , " featuring Travis Scott ;

  7. 如今,你会称这种人为“音乐制作人”

    Today , you 'd call that a " music producer . "

  8. 我是李阳疯狂英语的音乐制作人。

    I 'm the audio producer here at Li Yang Crazy English .

  9. 2005年,成为上海后现代舞团&“组合嬲”的音乐制作人。

    He started to make music and sound design for Zuhe Niao In2005 .

  10. 大明星、作曲者、音乐制作人、多乐器演奏家、演员、艺术家。

    Pop star . Songwriter . Record producer . Multi-instrumentalist . Actor . Artist ...

  11. 我是个音乐制作人因为我不弹贝斯

    I 'm a producer ' cause I don 't play bass , baby .

  12. 你恰好也是帮音乐制作人工作。

    You work for a music producer .

  13. 这个节目叫做《真英雄真故事》,是由世界知名的音乐制作人索尔‧盖所主持。

    It is called4Real , and it is hosted by the world-famous music producer Sol Guy .

  14. 艾文柯许纳1923年出生于费城,开始制作纪录片前他是音乐制作人,之后又开始制作专题节目。

    Born in Philadelphia in1923 , Kershner trained as a musician before making documentaries and then features .

  15. 据报道说,美国一流音乐制作人威廉姆斯向本次活动的组织者推荐了靓颖天参与录音工作。

    It was reported that A-list American producer Craig Williams recommended Zhang to the organizer of the activity .

  16. 高晓松是中国最有影响力的音乐制作人之一。

    Gao is one of the show 's judges and one of most influential music producers in China .

  17. 选秀的评委之一高晓松对他评论道。高晓松是中国最有影响力的音乐制作人之一。

    Gao is one of the show ` s judges and one of most influential music producers in China .

  18. 从一个摇滚乐手到电子音乐制作人,王睿经历了漫长的路程。

    Geezer has experienced a lot of music in his journey from playing rock songs to becoming an electronic musician .

  19. 资深音乐制作人、乐论人王磊提醒道,电视选秀蕴含风险。

    Wang Lei , a veteran music producer and critic , warns of the risks entailed in TV music talent shows .

  20. 在这些西方国家,音乐制作人和网络监管机构携手合作,以确保下载的歌曲是付费的。

    In those countries , music producers and online regulation bodies work together to make sure that downloaded songs are paid for .

  21. 他的多才多艺令人惊异,可以与其他传奇音乐制作人比如朴镇荣和金朝翰相提并论。

    His versatility is amazing , and comparable to that of other producer-musician legends such as Park Jin Young and Kim Jo Han .

  22. 同时,他还要求取消目前的执行人&迈克尔-杰克逊的律师约翰-布兰卡,以及音乐制作人兼好友约翰-麦克莱恩的遗产执行权。

    He has therefore requested the removal of the currently-named executors-Michael Jackson 's attorney John Branca and music executive and family friend John McClain .

  23. 音乐制作人帮他做了两张唱片,也就是“冷战实况”还有“来自现实”。

    The producers decided he deserved an album , which led to two , " cold fact " and " coming from reality " .

  24. 如果想当作家,就开始写作,如果想当音乐制作人就开始制作音乐。

    If you want to be a writer , start writing . If you want to be a music producer , start producing music .

  25. 这位音乐制作人表示,他享有超级巨星杰克逊精选辑的版权费和制作费,数额高达数百万美元。

    The music producer says he has owned millions of dollars in royalties and production fees on some of the super star 's greatest hits .

  26. 著名音乐制作人宋柯也承认的确存在这些问题,但他依然相信音乐选秀节目正将整个乐坛推向一个新方向。

    Song Ke , a renowned music producer , acknowledges these problems but also believes that music talent shows are pushing the industry in a new direction .

  27. 2010年10月12日,克里斯蒂娜宣布与音乐制作人兼丈夫乔丹之间近五年的婚姻走到尽头。

    Christina said on October 12 , 2010 , that she and her music executive husband , Jordan Bratman , have separated after nearly five years of marriage .

  28. 现在他又经营酒吧,同时还是一位小型音乐制作人。天气暖和的时候,他每周预约表演者进行三个晚上的免费演出。

    Now he is also a bar proprietor and a small-scale Beijing music impresario , booking performers for free shows three nights a week during the warmer months .

  29. 《美国偶像》确定评委四人席位,他们是歌手基尼·米纳什,乡村歌手凯斯·厄本,歌手玛丽亚·凯莉,音乐制作人兰迪·杰克逊。

    American Idol judge channel is now complete , adding singer Nicki Minaj and country crooner Keith Urban , to singer Mariah Carey , and producer a Randy Jackson .

  30. 这首歌名为《丹青千里》,由台湾词曲作家方文山作词,居于北京的音乐制作人张亚东作曲。

    The lyrics of the song , Magnificent Landscape in Painting , are written by Taiwan songwriter Vincent Fang and the music is composed by Beijing-based songwriter Zhang Yadong .