
yīn yuè zá zhì
  • musical magazine
  1. 美国老牌音乐杂志《滚石》(rollingstone)重新登陆中国,发行了新一期中文版杂志,不过相对于今年早些时候令监管机构不满的版本,这一次的刊头要低调得多。

    Rolling stone has bounced back in China with a new local issue of the iconic US music magazine though one with a masthead considerably more modest than the version that upset regulators earlier this year .

  2. 音乐杂志《新音乐快报》(NME)曾称维纳为“trip-hop的祖母”,不过她说她自己“甚至不确定trip-hop是什么”。轻松活泼、出类拔萃的《约翰常说》(JohnSays)是这张专辑中最精彩的歌曲之一。

    the music journal NME once called Winer the " grandmother of trip-hop , " though she says she 's " not even sure what trip-hop is . " The breezily transcendent " John Says , " one of the album 's highlights , appears here .

  3. 本杂志的主要内容来自国内经典的音乐杂志《通俗歌曲》。

    The content are sponsored by the most popular music magazine in China .

  4. 他还在部门杂志&音乐杂志的编辑委员会里工作。

    He also served on the editorial committee of the Departmental magazine Musicus .

  5. 立刻地他找来一份为音乐杂志担任作家及编辑的工作。

    Immediately he took a job as a writer and copy editor for a music magazine .

  6. 音乐杂志报纸有这么多每天介绍这些,而且爵士乐只是一个它的小分数。

    The music press has so much to introduce these days , and jazz is just a small fraction of it .

  7. 我方见到贵公司在音乐杂志上的广告,从而对贵方的各种型号的钢琴颇感兴趣。

    We have seen your advertisement in " The Music " magazine and are interested in your pianos of all types .

  8. 1914年,“你们看一步”为特征的第一高分音乐杂志完全由顾柏林在纽约开幕。

    In1914 ," Watch Your Step ," the first musical revue to feature a score composed entirely by Irving Berlin , opened in New York .

  9. 她与莱耶指挥的蒙彼利埃管弦乐团合作灌录了舒曼的协奏曲及舒曼夫人的协奏曲,该唱片获《音乐杂志》颁发大奖。

    She was awarded a prize by Musica for the disc of Robert Schumann 's Concerto and Clara Schumann 's with the Montpellier Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Friedemann Layer .

  10. 文章认为,音乐杂志的存在与发展并不是孤立的,它受多种因素影响并决定其编辑理念和办刊风格。

    The article believed that , music magazine existence and the development is not isolated , it is affected the many kinds of factors and decided its edition idea and manages the publication style .

  11. 这一发现发表在《流行音乐研究杂志》上。

    The findings appear in the Journal of Popular Music Studies .

  12. 通俗音乐和杂志这种适合青少年的文化。

    The teenage culture of pop music and magazines .

  13. 娱乐的提供,例如:游戏,电影,音乐和杂志。

    Availability of entertainment , e.g : games , films , music and magazines .

  14. 不过到目前为止,这些噱头看起来更像应用程序、音乐、杂志的快捷方式。

    But now , there are yet more shortcuts for items like apps , music , magazines and music .

  15. “莎拉·张演绎的布鲁赫《小提琴协奏曲》辉煌而光彩夺目,堪称是她目前演奏得最完美的作品之一。”&《古典音乐频度杂志》。

    " Gloriously played and refulgent engineered , this ( The Bruch Violin Concerto ) is one of the finest pieces so far Sarah Chang given us . " By Classic FM Magazine .

  16. 论文旨在让学术界更关注音乐类杂志的研究,促进音乐理论教学发展和新的应用型人才培养,更好地指导音乐编辑实践。

    The paper is for the purpose of letting the academic circles pay attention to music class magazine the research , the promotion music theoretical teaching development and the new application talented person raise , instructs music editor practice well .

  17. 想想那些音乐录影带和杂志。

    What with all these music videos and magazines .

  18. 这可是法国心理学家的建议哦,他们的研究成果发表在《音乐心理学》杂志上。

    That 's what French psychologists found . They published their research in the journal Psychology of Music .

  19. 干脆做点别的什么轻松一下,诸如听点舒缓的音乐或者浏览杂志。

    Get up and do something relaxing , like listening to soothing music or flipping through a magazine .

  20. 我认为没有一个世界音乐电台或者杂志,很遗憾,没有,我觉得应该要有。

    I don 't think there 's a world pop station or magazine , unfortunately , there are none , there should be .

  21. 因为他喜欢音乐,她鼓励他阅读音乐杂志和音乐相关的书籍。

    Because he liked music , she encouraged him to read music magazines or books about musicians .

  22. 其一生的音乐贡献,主要是首创《音乐小杂志》、学堂乐歌创作、佛教歌曲创作和启蒙音乐教育。

    His principal contributions for his entire career are initiation of Small Music Magaxine , creation of school songs and Buddhism songs , and illuminative music education .

  23. 曹茗表示,对于合法提供商而言,最好的方法是提供增值服务,比如卡拉OK,或是包括音乐、新闻和视听内容的数字音乐杂志。

    Mr Cao says the best approach for legitimate providers will be to offer value-added features such as karaoke or digital music magazines that combine music , news and audio-visual content .

  24. 我的爱好是听说唱音乐(古典音乐,流行音乐),看杂志,尤其是有关医学方面的,这对我的学习帮助很大。

    My hobbies are listening to rap music ,( classic music , pop music ) and reading magazines , especially those dealing with medicine , which can benefit me a lot in my learning .

  25. 本文整理2001-2003年间《人民音乐》,《音乐研究》、《中国音乐学》等杂志及各大音乐学院学报中有关中国近现代音乐史理论研究文章,介绍了目前中国音乐史理论研究的概况。

    This thesis sorts out many related theoretical research papers on Chinese modern musical history from People 's Music , Music Research , Musicology in China and journals of conservatories between 2001 and 2003 and then gives a survey of theoretical research on music history in modern China .

  26. 新音乐快递(注:NewMusicalExpress,简称NME,英国著名流行音乐杂志)发表了一篇文章,文中列举了这首热门单曲三十个不广为人知的事实细节。

    In a word , yes : NME has published a list of 30 lesser-known tidbits about the mega-single .

  27. 《新音乐快报》(NewMusicalExpress)或许是英国最有影响力的音乐杂志,它给这张专辑的评论是这样开头的:“尼克·凯夫的《从她到永恒》是迄今为止最伟大的摇滚专辑之一。”

    The New Musical Express , probably Britain 's most influential music magazine , began its review with : " Nick Cave 's ' From Her to Eternity " is one of the greatest rock albums ever made . "

  28. 研究李叔同的音乐创作和音乐思想,必须追溯《国学唱歌集》的出版和《音乐小杂志》的创刊。

    In studying Li Shutong 's musical creation and musical thinking , we must trace back to the publication of Collection of Songs from Traditional Chinese Culture and Minor Music Magazine .

  29. 这一数据包括与音乐相关的一切开支,从CD、唱片、音乐下载,到购买音响设备和播放器材,以及音乐杂志、音乐会、演唱会、音乐节和其它活动的开支。

    This figure includes everything from CDs , vinyl , and music downloads , to the equipment it is played on , plus music magazines , gigs , festivals and other events .