
  • 网络The Hankyoreh
  1. 据韩民族日报的报道称,近日,在韩国首都首尔的上空出现了一类似于翻过来的锅盖的不明飞行物。

    According to the report of the Hankyoreh , there is an unidentified flying object which looks like a turned-over pot cover in the sky above Seoul , Korea .

  2. 自由派的《韩民族日报》(Hankyoreh)近期的一篇社论谴责了首尔爱乐乐团的“泥坑大战”,而保守派的《朝鲜日报》(ChosunIlbo)则在其社论中提醒,这些争吵会疏远观众。

    An editorial at the liberal Hankyoreh newspaper recently decried the " mud-pit fight " at the orchestra , while the conservative Chosun Ilbo newspaper warned in an editorial that the squabbling would alienate audiences .