
  • 网络shoe design
  1. 从江苏来的女孩在学鞋设计。

    This young lady from Jiangsu is studying shoe design .

  2. “装置型”鞋底结构精巧,形态各异,技术含量高,已经成为运动鞋设计的重点、商业竞争的焦点和市场营销的卖点。

    Device-typed sole has become the focal point of sports shoe design and an important factor of commercial competition and marketing .

  3. 另外公司还坚持一点,ChristianLouboutin是将红底运用到高跟鞋设计中的第一人。

    Moreover , it maintains that Christian Louboutin was the first to use red outsoles .

  4. 对国产运动鞋设计缺乏创新的几点认识

    Several Opinions on Design of Domestic Athletic Shoes Lack of Innovation

  5. 鞋底压力在运动鞋设计中的分析研究

    Research on Pressure of Sole in the Design of Athletic-shoes

  6. 论慢跑鞋设计的解剖学和生物力学依据

    Anatomy and Biomechanics Basis of Jogging Shoes ' Design

  7. 现代运动鞋设计的流变研究

    The Modern Athletic Shoes Design of Change Research

  8. 鞋设计系统中不可展曲面的展平方法

    A Developing Method of Undeveloping Surface To The Shoe Style Design System With Computer

  9. 论靴鞋设计与服装的统一

    On Harmony Between Shoe Designing and Dressing

  10. 我们的鞋设计得耐用。

    Our shoes are built to last .

  11. 尽管如此,如今一家公司声称他们终于找到了高跟鞋设计的最佳方案,穿上它就和穿运动鞋一样舒适。

    Now , though , one entrepreneur claims she has finally found the formula for high heels that are as comfortable as trainers .

  12. 在对运动鞋设计各方面进行了分析和理解后,得出了影响运动鞋设计的社会、文化、科技因素。

    By analysis and understanding the various aspects of the athletic shoes . obtained that the athletic shoes design has affected by the society culture technical factor .

  13. 轮式溜冰鞋设计的专利最终属于法国人佩布雷德,他的设计看起来更像一块木片和三个轮子直接粘在鞋帮上。

    The first inventor to patent a roller skate design was Frenchman M. Petitbled . His creation looked more like wooden sandals with three wheels attached to the sole .

  14. 当前,我国休闲鞋设计理论方面的研究十分匮乏,休闲鞋设计理论应用的研究更是几近空白。然而在消费者行为学领域中,利用计算机建模的方法开展的研究却仍然十分匮乏。

    However , the shortage of the design theory makes the study of it almost empty . However , in the consumer behavior domain , the usage of computer modeling is still deficient .

  15. 足底压力测量是步态分析、临床足疾诊疗和运动鞋设计等领域最重要的应用技术,也是生物力学研究的得力工具。

    Sole pressure measurement ( SPM ) is one of the most important application technique in gait analysis , Clinical foot-pain treatment and footwear design et al fields and has become a powerful tool for biomechanical research .

  16. 他援引瑞典贸易署(SwedishBoardofTrade)一项研究表示,鞋业生产中高达80%的附加值是在欧洲创造的,欧洲是鞋的设计方与销售市场。

    He cited a study by the Swedish board of trade that up to 80 per cent of the value added in production of shoes took place in Europe , where they are designed and marketed .

  17. 由意大利设计师MassimilianoDellaMonaca为高跟鞋爱好者设计的创意浴缸。

    Creative bathtub for shoe lovers designed by Massimiliano Della Monaca from Italy .

  18. 新型增高鞋的设计原理与实用价值分析

    The Design Principles and Practical Value of New Heightened Shoes

  19. 从生物学角度探讨鞋的设计定位

    Design Orientation of Shoes from the Angel of Biology

  20. 现代休闲鞋艺术设计研究

    The Designing Rheology and Study of Leisure Shoes

  21. 基于嵌入式单片机的多功能计步鞋的设计

    Design of Multi-function Shoes Based on Embedded MCU

  22. 本科鞋类设计(艺术类)实践教学模式&以温州大学鞋靴设计专业为例

    Teaching and Exercitation Model of Undergraduate Major ( Fine Arts ): Shoes Design Specialty of Wenzhou University

  23. 材质作为鞋靴设计的物质载体,对材料进行设计与再设计的过程很大程度上决定着鞋靴设计的最终效果。

    The design and secondary design of footwear-materials have a great effect on the final appearance of footwear-design .

  24. 双色鞋的设计简洁,细致的后绊带更添腿部线条韵味。

    The design of concise , double-color shoes after careful strappy more add flavor of leg ministry line .

  25. 我研究鞋所设计的很多适宜和早先篮球的动态测试在过去的成功上建立,如果可适用。

    I researched numerous fit and dynamic tests of previous basketball shoe designs to build on past successes , if applicable .

  26. 哇,这表明了鞋的设计已注意到脚经常要走坚硬不柔软的表面。

    Wow , it shows that the shoe design has noticed that the feet have to mostly walk on hard than soft surfaces .

  27. 该鞋边设计用于不靠充当杠杆来传递稳定,当地形崎岖的时候,迫使脚踝向外延。

    This band is designed to deliver stability without acting as a lever , forcing the ankle to the outside when the trail gets bumpy .

  28. 目的探讨大学生足的非对称性,为鞋的设计提供形态依据,为体质人类学研究积累资料。

    Objective To explore the asymmetry of college students ' feet , to provide a morphological bases for design of shoes , and to provide data for physical anthropology .

  29. 阐述并划分了运动鞋情感设计的功能元素、造型元素以及各元素在运动鞋情感设计中的综合运用。

    Described and divided into a sports shoe design features emotional element modeling elements , as well as emotional elements in the design of sports shoes in the comprehensive use .

  30. 我是个很强调女人味的女权主义者,我的鞋要设计得性感,但这得女人说了算。42岁的她是这样总结她的设计哲学的。

    I 'm a feminine feminist , is how the 42-year-old sums up her philosophy . My shoe is designed to be sexy & but on the woman 's terms .