
diāo huā
  • carving;carve patterns or designs on woodwork
雕花 [diāo huā]
  • [carve patterns or designs on woodwork] 雕刻图案、花纹

  • [carving] 雕刻成的图案、花纹

雕花[diāo huā]
  1. 在深色的外观上,镶以银白的雕花,一种气质也悄悄的被赋于其上。

    In the dark appearance , laced with silvery white carve patterns or designs on woodwork , a kind of temperament and silently assigned on it .

  2. 它比较适合雕花果篮。

    It is suitable for carving a flower and fruit basket .

  3. 维多利亚时代的雕花玻璃器皿或许是古玩玻璃器皿市场上价值被低估得最严重的一个品种。

    Victorian cut glass is perhaps the most underpriced area of the antique glass market .

  4. 这只雕花盒子是件古玩真品。

    This carved chest is a genuine antique .

  5. 在高起来的讲坛上,放着一张很精细的,雕花的淡褐色案桌。

    There was a highly ornamental , dark brown carved bench on a raised platform .

  6. 拿铁艺术(latteart),有时候也叫做卡布奇诺艺术,是一种在卡布奇诺或拿铁等牛奶咖啡饮品的表面用奶泡画出图案或者进行微型雕花的艺术,也就是俗称的咖啡拉花。

    Latte art , also sometimes described as cappuccino art , is a pattern or miniature sculpture produced within the froth that tops off milky coffee drinks such as cappuccino or latte .

  7. 贝尔内特为一些因循守旧的买家推荐了一张CalvinKleinHome的弧形四柱床(ArcFourPost),它有四柱床的框架结构,但免去了那些复杂的雕花装饰。

    For traditionalists , Mr. Bernett suggested the Arc Four Post from Calvin Klein Home , which has the architectural structure of a four-poster without the fussiness .

  8. 盒盖上以雕花装饰。

    The cove of the box was piped with caned designs .

  9. 粗矿的松木雕花表现浓郁的乡村气息。

    Coarse ore carved pine strong performance of the rural atmosphere .

  10. 提高织物激光雕花产品使用性能的方法

    The approach to enhance the functional performance of laser engraved textiles

  11. 果蔬雕花机的开发和应用

    Development and Application of Sculpturing Machine for Fruits and Vegetables

  12. 十二岁开始学习雕花木工。

    At the age of twelve , he began working as a carver .

  13. 我们讲话时,经理漫不经心地摆弄着一把雕花裁纸小刀。

    While we sluice , the manager played with a carved paper knife .

  14. 手握雕花桨的男子停止了划桨。

    The man with the carved paddle stopped .

  15. 他对他母亲照顾得无微不至,就好像她是件易碎的雕花玻璃品似的。

    Taking as heedful care of his mother as if she were cut glass .

  16. 《镂空雕花的窗户》古朴大气的雕饰,显现当年主人所拥有的荣华富贵。

    Carved windows with wooden sole Ancient and simple caring shows the owner 's wealth .

  17. 也有些孩子会站在小小的雕花木船上。

    Or from small carved wooden boats .

  18. 聚氨酯雕花金属保温板应用说明

    Application Specifications of Metal Thermal Insulation Board

  19. 壁柱和瓦檐均雕花刻画,富丽堂皇。

    Both the pilasters and eaves are engraved with flowers , these really are fabulous .

  20. 从廊道游者可以穿过雕花大理石屏风直接看到里屋。

    From this corridor the visitor looks through carved marble screens to a central room .

  21. 为什么要雕花果篮啊?

    A flower and fruit basket ?

  22. 《雕花烟斗》和《啊!》

    The Carved Pipe and Ah !

  23. 泰勒家的住宅在波洛克街上,就是那幢有高大的雕花柱子的白色屋子。

    The Taylor house is that white one with the tall fluted column on Polyock Street .

  24. 的确很适合雕花果篮呢。

    A flower and fruit basket .

  25. 希腊建筑五种古典柱式中最华丽者,其特徵为饰有叶形的雕花

    Of the most highly decorated of the five classical orders of Greek architecture , incorporating carvings of leaves

  26. 寒霜在玻璃窗上形成了美丽的花纹。雕花有机玻璃女折叠伞柄

    The frost made a beautiful filigree on the window pane . carved acrylic handle for lady 's folding umbrella

  27. 他从一个雕花木匠,发展为民间画师,进而成为有文化修养的艺术家。

    He matured from a carpenter to a folk painter and finally to a famous artist of considerable culture .

  28. 主营业厅是二楼的一间大厅,四周陈列满是泰式古董和雕花器皿。

    The main restaurant is a large room on the first floor , full of Thai curios and carvings .

  29. 还有一个小教堂,教堂内的旧染色玻璃窗和雕花的木制长椅显得别有情致。

    And in another , there is a small chapel , with old , stained glass windows and carved wooden pews .

  30. 雕花蜜饯的一幅幅图案是靖州侗族、苗族人民生活的百科书。

    The patterns of carved preserved fruit is an encyclopedia reflecting the people 's life of Dong and Miao minorities in Jingzhou .