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miàn zi
  • face;feelings;reputation;outside;surface);outer part;powder;face (outside
面子 [miàn zi]
  • (1) [outer part;face (outside;surface)]∶物体的外表

  • 被面子

  • (2) [reputation]∶体面,一个人的尊严或名声;情面

  • 面子问题

  • (3) [feelings]∶私人间的情分

  • 给面子

  • (4) [powder]∶粉末

  • 煤面子

面子[miàn zi]
  1. 她被解雇了,但她爱面子,逢人便说是她辞职了。

    She was fired , but she saved face by telling everyone she 'd resigned .

  2. 英格兰不想打仗,但也不想丢面子。

    England doesn 't want a war but it doesn 't want to lose face

  3. 她当众受到指责,丢了面子。

    She suffered the humiliation of being criticized in public .

  4. 他们使主队吃了一场很没面子的败仗。

    They inflicted a humiliating defeat on the home team .

  5. 联队以2:5失利,只靠后来两次进球挽回了一点面子。

    United lost 5 – 2 , salvaging a little pride with two late goals .

  6. 我去是给安一个面子,而不是我想去。

    I 'm going as a favour to Ann , not because I want to .

  7. 只有十人到场,他们感到很丢面子。

    They were left with egg on their faces when only ten people showed up .

  8. 父母过于爱面子的做法在他儿时一直困扰着他。

    His parents ' obsession with keeping up appearances haunted his childhood .

  9. 她现在心里倍感内疚:她既让富兰克林丢了面子,又让自己的合伙人损失了钱。

    She now felt doubly guilty ; she had embarrassed Franklin and she had cost her partner money

  10. 她觉得要是让人看到她和他在一起,会非常没面子。

    She felt it would be utterly mortifying to be seen in such company as his by anyone .

  11. 她宣称他们相恋了,但我感到她这么说只是想挽回面子。

    She claimed they 'd been in love , but I sensed she was only saying this to save face .

  12. 她被他拒绝了,感到很没面子。

    She felt mortified at being turned down by him .

  13. 他因爱面子而故意说那些话。

    He purposely made those remarks in order to save face .

  14. 看在咱哥俩多年的情分上,你就赏个面子吧!

    For the sake of our friendship after years , do me this honour !

  15. 不要怕丢面子。

    Don 't be afraid of losing face .

  16. 她一生气索性撕破面子了。

    As she got into a temper , she simply cast aside all considerations of face .

  17. 碍于他的面子我没有泄露秘密。

    Mindful of his reputation , I said nothing .

  18. 他感到羞耻,丢尽了面子。

    He was ashamed and bitterly humiliated .

  19. 顾着她的面子,我没说她这事做得有多糟。

    I tried to spare her feelings by not saying what a poor job she had done .

  20. 不过拿点押头出去给人家看,也是我们的面子。

    But I think we should try and save face a bit by offering her some security .

  21. 有了错误要作自我批评,不要怕丢面子。

    Criticize yourself when you 've made a mistake . don 't be afraid of losing face .

  22. 不是我不买你的面子,实在这事不好办。

    I 'd be happy to defer to your wishes , but there 's really nothing I can do .

  23. 比尔不愿参加比赛,因为他知道自己水平不高而想保全面子。

    Bill would not play the game because he knew he could not do well and he wanted to save his face .

  24. 我知道一些中国人喜欢讲面子,秀他们有钱,一些其他国家的人也是喜欢显摆。

    I understand that Chinese people like to get face by showing off their money * and people in other countries like status tokens too .

  25. LoseFace丢面子字面的意思是“丢脸、耻辱”,发音为tulien。据说这个词汇是在1876引进西方的。

    The literal translation is " humiliation in Chinese . The word is said to have been introduced to English speakers in 1876 .

  26. 从跨文化语用学角度来看,EFL课堂问答过程中往往发生一系列的面子威胁行为。

    From the perspective of cross-cultural pragmatics , the question-answer process in TEF classroom often incurs a series of " face-threatening acts " .

  27. Brown和Levinson的面子理论是用于论述和解释礼貌现象的一种颇具影响力的理论。

    Brown Levinson 's Face Theory , as an influential theory in expounding the phenomenon of politeness , is founded on the basis of Western cultures .

  28. 中国传统意义上的礼貌指的是为了维持中国面子而采取的交际行为;礼貌具有维持儒家思想中规定的具有等级性的关系网,并且被社会所接受的交际功能(Gu,1990)。

    Chinese politeness is the behavior to maintain Chinese face with the functions of keeping the Confucian hierarchy and social acceptance ( Gu , 1990 ) .

  29. 这车在家附近开开还行,他表示。但开着QQ去见客户或参加聚会,会很没面子。

    It was OK to drive around home , he says , but driving a QQ to clients or to a party was a loss of face .

  30. 首次领导这一谈判的单尚华正承受巨大压力。如果不能实现他自去年12月以来承诺的降幅,他将丢面子,北京梅塔科咨询公司(BeijingMetalConsulting)的资深分析师许中波说。

    Mr Shan , who is leading the negotiations for the first time , is under heavy pressure and risks losing face if he cannot deliver the price cut he has promised since December , says Xu Zhongbo , a veteran steel analyst at Beijing Metal Consulting .