
  1. 避开;保卫vi.防御;起保护作用这面盾保护他免受敌人打击。

    shield The shield protected him from the blows of his enemy .

  2. 这面盾保护他免受敌人打击。

    The shield protected him from the blows of his enemy .

  3. 这面不可思议的盾,由一个“电气甲”和一个“优质铁盾”组合而成,它不仅能防护物理攻击,还能干扰朝它投射过来的法术!

    This incredible shield , made by combining an Electrical Harness and a Quality Iron Shield , not only protects you from physical attacks , but also interferes with spells thrown at it !

  4. 利用响应面优化法对盾叶薯蓣块茎中薯蓣皂甙元水解原位提取进行研究。

    The process of simultaneous extraction and hydrolysis in situ for the recovery of diosgenin from rhizomes of Dioscorea zingiberensis was optimized by response surface methodology ( RSM ) .