
  1. 在此部分,重点阐述了有关非金融机构支付服务的概念及分类、发展历程和市场现状,以及非金融机构支付服务法律监管的概念、内容和立法现状等方面的内容。

    In this section , focuses on the concept , classification , development and the market situation of the non-financial payment .

  2. 我国从2010年9月1日起开始实施了《非金融机构支付服务管理办法》,从而加强了对第三方支付企业的监管。

    On September 1,2010 , non-financial institution payment service management approach began implemented to strengthen the supervision of the third-party payment companies .

  3. 美国和欧盟作为最早出现非金融机构支付服务的国家和地区,已经通过制定法律的方式对非金融机构支付服务加强了监管。

    United States and the European Union , as non-financial institutions payment services first appeared country and region , have adopted legislation on non-financial institutions payment services to strengthen the supervision .

  4. 非金融机构支付服务是伴随着信息技术的发展而出现的一种新兴的支付方式,它在给支付市场带来便携化、效率化的支付替代产品的同时,也带来了新的法律难题。

    Non-financial institution payment service is a new payment method , which emerges within the development of information technology . It brings the alternative payment products , which are portable and efficient , to the payments market , but it also brings new legal challenges .