
  • 网络non-power influence;non-authority power
  1. 图书馆领导者提高非权力性影响力必备要素浅析

    Analysis of the Quality Requisite to Library Leaders to Strengthen Non-power Influence

  2. 论图书馆新馆长非权力性影响力的形成

    On the formation of non-power influence of newly-appointed curators

  3. 企业总经理非权力性影响力研究

    A Study of Nonpower Influences of General Managers on the Enterprise

  4. 论现代学校管理中校长的非权力性影响力

    On the Inauthoritative Influence of Schoolmasters in Modern Schools ' Administration

  5. 中小学校长非权力性影响力的理论分析和实践探讨

    Elementary and Middle Schools Principal Non-authority Influence Theoretical Analysis and Practice Discussion

  6. 领导者非权力性影响力研究

    A Study of the Influences of Leaders beyond Power

  7. 护理管理人员非权力性影响力的形成及运用

    Application of Non-power Influence in Nursing Management

  8. 论权力性与非权力性影响力

    On Power and Non - power Influence

  9. 然后,集中展开了高校辅导员非权力性影响力的形成机制和应然作用的研究。

    Therefore , the second part analysis the formation of college counselors ' non-power-influence mechanism and right function .

  10. 非权力性影响力更多地依赖非认知心理,高尚的人格、先进的观念、清晰的目标、高明的策略是形成非权力性影响力的基本要素。

    Non-cognitive psychology , personalities , concepts , objectives and tactic strategies are the basic elements in the formation of non-authoritative power .

  11. 科学发展观视野中的思想政治教育领导艺术&德育工作者的非权力性影响力

    Leadership of the Ideological and Political Education in the Perspective of the Scientific Outlook on Development : On Non-power Influence of Instructors

  12. 通过分析得出,长期以来,广大高校辅导员的非权力性影响力得到了有效发挥,并取得了良好的成效。

    Derived by analyzing a long time , the influence of non-power of the majority of College Counselors effectively , and achieved good results .

  13. 非权力性影响力主要是以内驱力形式征服人,激励人,因而对领导者的影响是巨大的,深刻的。

    Non-power influence conquers and encourage people in the form of inner drive force , thus its effect on leaders is great and profound .

  14. 权力性影响力主要是职务权力影响力,非权力性影响力主要包括知识、品格、才能、情感、诚信等职位以外的影响力。

    Non - power influence mainly includes knowledge , character , ability , emotion , trust etc , which are excluding position power factors .

  15. 通过研究得出,高校辅导员非权力性影响力是通过辅导员自身综合素质和能力影响学生思想和行为的一种非强制性影响力。

    Studies , the College Counselors non-power influence the counselor their comprehensive quality and ability to influence student thinking and behavior of a non-compulsory influence .

  16. 但是,部分高校辅导员的非权力性影响力发挥欠佳,影响了大学生思想政治教育的效果。

    However , the non-power influences in the part of the College Counselors play a poor influence the effect of the ideological and political education .

  17. 现代学校管理中,全面理解和充分发挥校长的非权力性影响力,是成功实施领导的基础。

    In modern Schools'administration a successful leadership is based on a thorough understanding of headmasters'inauthoritative influence and the full play of this kind of influence .

  18. 本文共分四个部分:论文的第一部分是对高校辅导员非权力性影响力的概念、特征及构成要素的研究。

    This article is divided into four parts : The first part is the concept of non-power influence College Counselors , characteristics and composition of elements .

  19. 非权力性影响力在高校思想政治工作中具有十分重要的作用,主要表现为示范作用、凝聚作用和感化作用。

    Meanwhile they should raise their own theoretical level . As we all know , the non-power influence plays an important role in college ideological political work .

  20. 每位校长往往都具有一定的非权力性影响力,只是不同的校长其非权力性影响力的强度、覆盖范围不同而已。

    Each principal often all has the certain non - authority influence , only is different principal its non - authority influence intensity , the cover scope is different .

  21. 非权力性影响力的基础包括专长权、感召权,其主要受到的影响因素有品格、才能、知识、情感。

    The non-authority influence foundation includes the specialty power and the impel power and it 's main influence factors are the moral character , the knowledge , the emotion .

  22. 现代领导如何增强领导者的影响力,除正确运用权力性影响力的作用外,努力提高非权力性影响力尤其重要。

    How to strengthen the non-power influence of leaders ? It is particularly important for leaders to improve the non-power influence , including using the influence of power correctly .

  23. 越是具有威信的教师其非权力性影响力越大,越是具有权威性的教师,其教育影响力也越大。

    The more prestige the teacher owns , the more non-power influence he has , and the more authority the teacher owns , the more educational influence he has .

  24. 高职院校班主任非权力性影响力是以个人的品德、才能、知识、感情等因素为基础形成的,其影响力和吸引力巨大。

    Non-power influence of class advisers in vocational colleges is based on personal morality , ability , knowledge , emotion and other factors , and it has great influence and appeal .

  25. 领导者要提高自己的非权力性影响力,就必须以自身的品格、能力、知识、情感等对被领导者实施影响。

    In consequence , the leader should improve the power of non authoritative influence to be consisted of quality , capacity , knowledge and emotion etc , in order to fulfill influence for subordinates .

  26. 认为高校辅导员非权力性影响力的形成机制主要有:素质选拔机制、目标引导机制、培养提高机制和自我修养机制。

    This paper argues that the formation mechanism of College Counselors in the non-power-influence mainly includes the follows : the quality selection mechanism , the goal guide mechanism , training and improving mechanism and self-discipline mechanism .

  27. 非权力性影响力与权力性影响力不同,它是以内驱动力形式征服人、激励人,因而对人的影响是巨大的、长期的、深刻的。

    The influence of the non-power factors is different from power factors , for it is a driving force stimulating and conquering the inside of the leadered , so its influence is huge , lasting and profound .

  28. 同时,高校也要高度重视辅导员工作,加强辅导员队伍建设,为辅导员非权力性影响力的提升创造良好的氛围和制度保障。

    At the same time , universities must also attach great importance to the counselors work to strengthen the construction of counselors , to create a good atmosphere and institutional guarantees for the enhancement of counselor non-power influence .

  29. 本论文通过对领导者非权力性影响力文献、领导者理论、管理理论等进行综合的分析和梳理,坚持马克思主义的唯物辨证法、系统论的方法,以文献探讨为主,案例分析为辅。

    This paper analyzes the literatures about the theories of company leaders , in particular , about the theories of company leaders ' non-power influence , management theories etc , using a Marxist method of materialist dialectics and systematology .

  30. 结果表明:教练员的选拔与任用方法不尽合理,缺乏竞技运动比赛经历;队员对教练员的非权力性影响力、敬业精神、能力的认可程度较低,导致队伍缺乏凝聚力;

    The result of surveys on coaches and team cohesion of CUBA reveals the irrational ways in selecting and appointing coaches , lack of race sports experiences , team members'low recognition of coaches'non-rights influence , working spirit and professional capabilities , thus resulting in the inadequacy of team cohesion .